the"i am pregnant" test


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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what should u do when a girl pulls this one on you? i think my gf has pulled it on me, first she says she late, when i said we'll just get an abortion she agreed,but she says she may just be late(not pregnant), i said ok dont worry about it everything is going to b ok.
I am 18 and shes 16, her period is usually on wednsday, but on fri she told me shes late, then on mon she thinks she is preg. I said everything is ok and she is being paranoid, by tuesday i spoke to her again, she said its for definite that she is preg since its been 6 days late, then on next wednsday, i checked out the law and i sort of became worried.u need 2 docs consent to get abortion legally in england, so i was thinking, how the fk is she going to get 2 docs consent?
then she said she'll get preg test on fri, i insisted we got one that day, then we went bak to mine. Just before we were going to do it, she went to the toilet and guess what?? she said "guess what, i just came on". On that day i was like yes, but then next day i was thinking :"hold up, just 3 minutes before we were going to do the test, what kind of sht was she trying to pull??"
anyways that was 3 weeks ago, i think she was trying to test me for commitment, i told her i will be there for her everystep of the way but i am not ready for a kid and she said she wasnt keeping it even if she was pregnant. So i think i passed the test and it was a test indeed. Just a test for commitment and whether i was just using her for sex or am i for real,whether i am ready for a long term relationship. I told her before this that i wanted a long term with her but she didnt say anything then, but after that she told me she's ready for long term.
But how do you guys think i have done? should i have done anything differently?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
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im sorry but if that was a test, i'd move on asap... nobody "tests" like that.. in all my time sleeping with women, i've never had that pulled on me as a test...

but what do you expect from a 16 year old... drama drama drama..

i'd run for the hills


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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sav said:
im sorry but if that was a test, i'd move on asap... nobody "tests" like that.. in all my time sleeping with women, i've never had that pulled on me as a test...

but what do you expect from a 16 year old... drama drama drama..

i'd run for the hills
She is a child. He is an adult. He should know better.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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Id slapp the ***** personaly **** like that should be taken seriously and not used to **** up my emotions


Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
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A land near you
I don't know how many times I've been in this situation. I've reacted the same to every single one of them.

Her: I have something I wanna tell you
Me: *straight faced* Ok.. wussup?
Her: Don't be mad.. but I think I'm pregnant
Me: Mad? Are you serious!?? That's great! I'm gonna be a dad?!
Her: *shocked face*
Me: Wait... before you get my hopes up.. are you sure? I mean really sure?
Her: I'm not sure, but I haven't had my period
Me: Ok, cool. Let's stop by the store and get a test and we'll see what happens
Her: You don't care if I'm pregnant
Me: Of course I care. I'm could possibly be a daddy to a little girl or boy. *kisses her stomach*

Of course this is all a lie. Hell no I don't wanna be a daddy. if she really is pregnant then I'm screwed, but at no point do I let her know this. It's a sh** test. She's doing it to get a reaction out of me. If it's a bad reaction, then we're gonna have an arguement. Never under any circumstances do I bring up the word abortion. If she brings it up, continue to be happy about the fact that she's possibly pregnant, because it's too early to be talking about abortion when she's not even sure if she's pregnant. Worry about that type of thing when you're positive.

DJ's are suppose to be smooth. Calm and collected at all times. We're not suppose to stress over things. When your STD test comes back positive for anything, then stress. Other things are just a bump in the road. Run over them and keep rolling.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
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Her: I have something I wanna tell you
Me: *straight faced* Ok.. wussup?
Her: Don't be mad.. but I think I'm pregnant
Me: Mad? Are you serious!?? That's great! I'm gonna be a dad?!
Her: *shocked face*
Me: Wait... before you get my hopes up.. are you sure? I mean really sure?
Her: I'm not sure, but I haven't had my period
Me: Ok, cool. Let's stop by the store and get a test and we'll see what happens
Her: You don't care if I'm pregnant
Me: Of course I care. I'm could possibly be a daddy to a little girl or boy. *kisses her stomach*
I almost just spit out the water I was drinking from laughing so hard. Pwned!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Latinoman said:
She is a child. He is an adult. He should know better.
He is only 2 years older than her (he is 18, she is 16). :rolleyes:

Hell, girls are still little kids at age 20. They really don't mature till above 24 from my experiences (in general of course there are always exceptions).


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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TillTheEndOfTime said:
He is only 2 years older than her (he is 18, she is 16). :rolleyes:

Hell, girls are still little kids at age 20. They really don't mature till above 24 from my experiences (in general of course there are always exceptions).
Do you realized how stupid your post is. Especially to a man that is 38 years old and have lived and re-lived life to the fullest?

She still a teenager. A child that cannot go to bars and probably is clueless about her body.

In Europe, at 18 you can go to ADULT hangouts (unlike the U.S.). This guy, is instead hanging out with kids.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Latinoman said:
Do you realized how stupid your post is. Especially to a man that is 38 years old and have lived and re-lived life to the fullest?

She still a teenager. A child that cannot go to bars and probably is clueless about her body.

In Europe, at 18 you can go to ADULT hangouts (unlike the U.S.). This guy, is instead hanging out with kids.
Wow! Because Europe considers you and "ADULT" at 18, it MUST BE true! So a person who is 17 years and 10 months old is not not an "Adult" for 2 more months. Damn you're ignorant.

By the way, 18 is still a teenager where I'm from. Stop being elitist and ignorant. Not everything in the world works the same way you're used to.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
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First of all you need to break-up with this girl because she's no good, but hang on in there for a while before you dump it on her..

You ought to tell her in a few months that you have found out you have HIV and the chance she is infected is high, and the doctor wants her to come in to be tested for the virus too.

Test her back just for the sake of putting her through mental hell, which is what telling a guy you're maybe pregnant is doing.

If you can get her to go to the doctors with you, just before you're about to go through the doors, tell her "Actually, I don't have HIV.. I just thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine when you pretended you might be pregnant that time. How does it feel? Now get the hell out of my life, you're no good. You ruined it. You've lost me. F^ck off."

In the meantime, get her to do anal, **** her like you don't care about her. It's all about YOU and YOUR pleasure and start acting like a complete nob-head - then you can justify this behaivour by telling her you found out you were HIV and you're taking it hard because you feel guilty that she may be infected.

Get it? Have your fun with her and dump her @ss, but not before putting her through complete mental hell.

The Muscly Jerk