The hardened heart gets a little harder


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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kingy said:
once again if you had the skills to go out and date hot women easily you wouldnt be bothering. no one with abundance would. ;)
What are you talking about? I'm confused as to what your point is?

Are you implying that i don't get women? That i don't know how to pickup? Or are you merely just trolling me for no reason?

If what you're saying is "i don't believe that you're as good as you say you are" then just say it. And quit being a little b!tch about it and be a man.

If that's not what you're saying - then you're obviously still confused as to what i do.

I DO NOT do normal pickup. I do slow methodical pickup. Pay no attention to the "method" and methodical. I use no method.

I was horrible with women from 0-19. Accidently getting laid twice over that period from very ugly women. Then i found sites like this and others. And began hanging out with guys who could get women (although they were of the thug variety and had different game than i've ever seen taught) I get into the whole ONS thing. I live in a college town; where the girls were once rated some of the sluttiest girls in the country (im not bragging about that; simply an easy way to say they were "easy"). My boys and me did this for a good two years before i got burnt out from it (and luckily did not end up burnt lol). I have only done 2 ONS since; and one of them was with a good female friend and we were both drunk out of our mind.

After that i decided i wanted a girlfriend to settle down with. I went through 3 of them over a 4-5 years period. Each time, the same thing happened. Complacency, routineness, boredom, the end. BUT in this time, i learned how much better sex is when you are doing it regularly with the same person. Some people may disagree with that - but i got A LOT more out of sex when there was feelings involved.

I had been reading about MLTRs; which to me seemed to be advised by the wiser, older, more mature crowd of the Pick-up community. Franco, Joseph W South, Johnny Soporno, etc. I began reading their work. And then... tried to put it into practice...

But, after some time - it just wasn't working for me... girls were bulking at the idea of getting romantically involved with me; with feelings; while knowing at the same time that i would the next day be seeing a different girl. This problem occured because most of the time women that just want sex don't care who else you're fvcking because they don't want a relationship. And women that want relationships don't want you fvcking anyone else. So either the women just wanted to fvck without the relationship. Or they just wanted the relationship without me seeing other women.

So, i reread tons and tons of stuff from the MLTRs guys, and noticed that in the FR they often got in those types of relationships with two types of people: 1) Very busy women. Work, school, children, whatever... something makes these women unable to believe they could maintain a real relationship with a man because their schedule does not allow it. Or they were 2) Married/In a relationship, or in some cases being held back by their family.

There was my answer. That is what i needed to screen for.

And that is what i do. On top of that, my taste in women has changed do to sexual experience with a certain type of girl... In return: i only like a certain body type. Thick Ass and Tits and skinny waste.

I screen for all these things...

Right now - i have two MLTRs going. Both of them meet the standards i need (1's in a relationship, 1 is a nurse who's getting a second degree in nuclear med - both have the body i like; and both are ok with me being with other women in a loving, affectionate way.)

Now if you think there's an abundance of people out there who are down for this - then ok... believe what you want.... but from my experience... it'll take me 2-3 MONTHS to find another girl to fit in (3 is my max and what i like to have). On top of that since i seem to have lost my #1 (the girl in this story) - i will be looking for a #1. This is the girl i do all the family functions with, all the trips; the one who can stay the night, like a real girlfriend, etc....

So no sir, it's not as simple as you want it to be. Because i am not looking for something as simple as the normal guy on here (love or sex). I like to have both... with more than one woman... and i like for them to accept that...

PS: I never implied for s second that what i do is easy. What i do is hard. Never claimed to be mister unbelievably skilled at pick up. Only... experienced...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
If you frame the relationship right and or you value is high a girl will stick around after sex and have open relationship rather than losing you.

dont need to get angry and write some long ass post which im not gonna read

p.s. your attitude will only work on LSE girls, please feel free to invest more time in justifying yourself x

Stud No1

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
its very clear shes made a decision to have him over you

not sure what you're missing here? you were never considering potential boyfriend or "you're out of sight out of mind".

leave the chick alone. you might get a text here and there, esp when she's on bad terms with the bf but chances are that'll just be to fulfill her needs not yours

anyway, shes in a relationship so maybe you should steer clear anyway i dont approve of cheating


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
kingy said:
If you frame the relationship right and or you value is high a girl will stick around after sex and have open relationship rather than losing you.
If you think just anyone will accept that frame over a period of time without getting fed up with it eventually - then you're an idiot. (and open relationships are not the same as MLTRs)

dont need to get angry and write some long ass post which im not gonna read
But you had to read it to know i was "angry" troll.

p.s. your attitude will only work on LSE girls, please feel free to invest more time in justifying yourself x
what attitude are you talking about? you can judge the attitude i display to women based on what i write on a message board? please don't answer that, your answer will have the scent of a self-help gurus penis. im sure of it.

and for your info - my woman of choice for fvcking is LSE and HD. The "hardcore freak" combination as JWS refers to it. so while, it's true that that is what im attracted to because i know they like to get their face smacked, hair yanked, arms ripped behind them while i call them a "b!tch" and ride them into the sun set - that does not mean everyone i fvck or go for is that combination. But i've been with a HSE and LD a few times, and well.... i've never been so bored... so, i'll leave them for the gamers....

so please.... shoot yourself in the foot while it's in your mouth...

Stud No1 said:
its very clear shes made a decision to have him over you

not sure what you're missing here? you were never considering potential boyfriend or "you're out of sight out of mind".

leave the chick alone. you might get a text here and there, esp when she's on bad terms with the bf but chances are that'll just be to fulfill her needs not yours

anyway, shes in a relationship so maybe you should steer clear anyway i dont approve of cheating
I agree. She absolutely chose him over me. But the choice wasn't really a choice; as i've never offered her commitment. But, as i said - i wouldn't date her exclusively anyway. It wouldn't work. She's wayyy too into material things (how much they cost,) expensive cars, where she's been in the world, famous people she's hung out with, etc.... He can offer her that stuff, i cannot.

I disagree that he addresses her emotional needs. He addresses her security and provider needs. He's the man who can make sure her DNA survives the longest (biologically speaking). He's also very very easy for her to control (safe). And forgives her every mistake (safe).

I agree that my best avenue here is to leave her alone. And i have done just that - responding only to one of her text messages with an "ok"... As mean and nasty as some want to paint me to be - i do believe the saying "leave them better than you found them" is a very good code to follow. As well as ending things on a positive note. And right now, i have nothing positive to say to her, so im not saying anything to any of the texts she sends. I fully expect her to show up at my house... Not sure what i'll do then. But we will see...

It's ok that you disapprove of cheating... I'd never tell you to cheat or be with a person cheating...

Myself? I draw the line at marriage and will not be with a married woman. But have no problem being with women who are just dating.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Da **** is a LSE?
and Kingy when you gonna post a field report?
Trust me BUk is legit, more then legit then most of these KBJ's here

Put up or shut up

Sorry bro. LSE = Low Self-Esteem. HSE = High Self Esteem. HD = High (sex) drive. LD = Low (sex) drive.

It's commonly accepted that the biggest freaks and best fvcks are "almost" all LSE and HD. Something about that combination makes them more animalistic in bed.... But it also makes them much harder to be in REL with... The guy in my sig (franco) is mostly responsible for first bringing up that combination for discussion. But guess what? He ended up marrying a LD/HSE woman when he turned 50, because in the end - he knew he would rather not have to deal with the drama any other combination would bring.

And it's cool man... i get it in every post. im used to it (remember the one where i talked about fvcking the girl while she talked to her bf on the phone? 1 guy trolling me, doesn't compare to what i got in that thread!)
i also think it's because of my posting style. i think it's because a lot of people see me as lacking morales, which makes them dislike me. And last, it's because i'll engage them, which makes me an easy target.

But whatever, that's why i only stop in once every 3-4 months to do my few posts and jet. So enjoy me while you can... kiddies =)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
by jingle it turns me on when you get all alpha bois

no need to get angry, I'm not attacking you, go and find a girl to cuddle - all this aggression can't be good.

I think people dont like your posts cos you dont show many likeable qualities. You need more time on the tit young man x


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
kingy said:
by jingle it turns me on when you get all alpha bois

no need to get angry, I'm not attacking you, go and find a girl to cuddle - all this aggression can't be good.

I think people dont like your posts cos you dont show many likeable qualities. You need more time on the tit young man x
"by jingle"??? "on the tit?"???

i don't like monty python; mainly because i don't get British humor. which is probably why i don't get your jokes.

the aggression is great.... in bed... which is the proper time to get out aggression...

[i wrote some other stuff here but decided i don't feel like doing the back and fourth thing because it looks childish... so i deleted it and im done... peace]


New Member
Nov 3, 2009
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I have some bad news for you

You said that you guys were very much into each other for the first year and a half? Then recently, as she's gotten closer to him again - she's suddenly gone distant? Well, as some have said - she chose him; and now she's just trying to find it within herself to end what she has going with you. The less she gives you - the better she feels about the situation. It has turned into a purely sexual relationship; and believe it or not - if she's been doing this for so long - she won't feel so bad about just that. She most likely will feel more bad about holding your hand and going for a walk in the park than she will by getting a few orgasms from you.

Now she's going through the final steps of phasing you out. She WANTS you to do what you're doing to her now. She cannot do it herself (obviously), so she wants you to do it for the both of you. Flaking and not giving you a reason until 12 hours later; and generally being a stranger to you - is her design to push you away.

I've got good news for you

You have thus far handled it well. I doubt she was expecting you to be so hard on her; and to get so tough. Ideally, she wanted you to act like a puppy dog, so she could run you over and end with the power. She can't do that with you barking at her like you are.

Keep your distance and let it sink in that you are out of her life.

I'd bet good money that within a few months she is wanting to hook up again. Without you saying it - is it safe to assume that her BF is pretty bad in bed? If im right about that - you'd be amazed what the power of great sex can do to a woman when she stops getting it.

I'd bet that she says "i really need to see you" very very soon. And, at that point - it is your option to allow her back into your life... or not.

So stay on the path you're on with her... And she'll be back.

Non Juan

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
So what happened in the end then man, did you move on and forget her or is she still in ye life?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
The world is currently having a morality crisis.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
SamTheHobit said:
The world is currently having a morality crisis.
Whats that meant to mean son ??

Btw this is a 2 year old thread and most likely the op has moved on with a few other girls.

BTW as for the morality thing ............... bottom line no rules in love and war :)


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
I seriously would wait this out. She's clearly going back 'n forth in her mind. Remove yourself, she'll be back. I guarantee it. Push her, and she'll be gone.

Right now, she thinks she can have both of you. Let her see that's not true and she'll freak out, thinking she made the wrong decision.

It's a game. But you said you mostly just want only the sex anyway.

Wait it out. Let her come back to you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Women just get to an age where they have to sacrifice the hot sex they love with bad boy lotharios in order to convince a rich AFC to marry them and start a family.

Just a fact of aging in our modern society.