The goal is to get to the point where pu$$y works for you


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
The top ten percent do not approach and probably don't know how to. They were lucky enough to where they didn't have to in Middle school and it worked out from there. They get hooked up with girls through friends or people tell them the girls that want him already.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Dhoulmagus said:
The top ten percent do not approach and probably don't know how to. They were lucky enough to where they didn't have to in Middle school and it worked out from there. They get hooked up with girls through friends or people tell them the girls that want him already.
What's the point of this post or most of your posts in general? Ok life gave you lemons and your at a disadvantage compared to other guys who had girls handed to them. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue to make threads like these crying like a little Bi%ch and complaining all the time or are you going to go do something about it like working on yourself to give yourself a better chance with women?

I'm in a similar position as you, never had a gf before, never even kissed a girl my whole life. I grew up under ultra hyper critical and super conservative parents who socially conditioned me into a big time passive pu$$y. I have had people tell me how useless and stupid I am pretty much since I was a little boy including my parents. My school environment ****ed me over in terms of meeting girls. I'm a shy introvert. Most of my friends are guys. I hung around the wrong crowd which mainly comprised of beta faggots who only liked to play video games, anime, manga, and watching BS tv shows. I have ****ed up again and again with women until recently when I lost a girl who I really liked who ended up hooking up with another classmate which really stung. I flunked all of my courses and and had to live in one of the most dangerous and ghetto neighbourhoods in my city. I went through major depression and even thought about killing myself. I decided from that point onwards that I had enough and wanted to do something about my situation. I read up on all the pickup/seduction/dating books that I could find, visited sosuave several times a day, watched a $hit tonne of videos on pickup, spent weeks looking for wingman, and finally started going out every single day.

I took up several new and interesting hobbies that I knew would help increase my skillset, give me an opportunity to network and meet people, and make me more confident. I went to almost every single party or event I was invited to, travelled around the country both on my own and with family, tried to do $hit that forced me to be uncomfortable with myself. Lost 20 lbs and now look much more fit and slim. Completely overhauled my wardrobe and now get complimented by both sexes on a consistent basis on how well dressed I am. In fact I made the gay guy in my class who was very well dressed look like a chump with my new style. Now more than half of my social circle is comprised of girls. My social network has exploded and continues to get bigger and bigger each week. I also joined a intramural team from my school even though I hate sports. I also have been going out consistently nearly every single day to learn game. I spend anywhere from 2-8 hrs each time I go out to learn game. My feet hurt really badly from all the calluses that have formed from me walking around for hours everyday. I walk home most days feeling like complete $Hit because I didn't accomplish my daily goals of approaching a certain number of chicks, or making very little progress in improvements. I'm in the process of looking for a parttime job so that I can save up some money to take a pick up bootcamp. I do this because I made a vow to myself that I would never make the same ****ing mistakes again with women and lose a girl that I really liked. I will continue to do this every single ****ing day because I can't return to my previous lifestyle of getting no where with women.

Let me ask you this, what the **** have you done to improve your odds with women lately besides ***** about it on this website?


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
It's good when women approach you. It happens when you are successful and recognized, and if we'll build and pretty that. Women approach when they see something in you.

There was a good post here recently about that you should always ask what you want for your self. I bet you are like me, want success, excitement, and stability. The latter part is a woman that is beautiful, never messes with your mind, and is only yours. That is the ideal of your mother. We want to be babied! That's the reason we don't approach and take risks.

The goal is to have a mammie again.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
thunder_god said:
What's the point of this post or most of your posts in general? Ok life gave you lemons and your at a disadvantage compared to other guys who had girls handed to them. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue to make threads like these crying like a little Bi%ch and complaining all the time or are you going to go do something about it like working on yourself to give yourself a better chance with women?

I'm in a similar position as you, never had a gf before, never even kissed a girl my whole life. I grew up under ultra hyper critical and super conservative parents who socially conditioned me into a big time passive pu$$y. I have had people tell me how useless and stupid I am pretty much since I was a little boy including my parents. My school environment ****ed me over in terms of meeting girls. I'm a shy introvert. Most of my friends are guys. I hung around the wrong crowd which mainly comprised of beta faggots who only liked to play video games, anime, manga, and watching BS tv shows. I have ****ed up again and again with women until recently when I lost a girl who I really liked who ended up hooking up with another classmate which really stung. I flunked all of my courses and and had to live in one of the most dangerous and ghetto neighbourhoods in my city. I went through major depression and even thought about killing myself. I decided from that point onwards that I had enough and wanted to do something about my situation. I read up on all the pickup/seduction/dating books that I could find, visited sosuave several times a day, watched a $hit tonne of videos on pickup, spent weeks looking for wingman, and finally started going out every single day.

I took up several new and interesting hobbies that I knew would help increase my skillset, give me an opportunity to network and meet people, and make me more confident. I went to almost every single party or event I was invited to, travelled around the country both on my own and with family, tried to do $hit that forced me to be uncomfortable with myself. Lost 20 lbs and now look much more fit and slim. Completely overhauled my wardrobe and now get complimented by both sexes on a consistent basis on how well dressed I am. In fact I made the gay guy in my class who was very well dressed look like a chump with my new style. Now more than half of my social circle is comprised of girls. My social network has exploded and continues to get bigger and bigger each week. I also joined a intramural team from my school even though I hate sports. I also have been going out consistently nearly every single day to learn game. I spend anywhere from 2-8 hrs each time I go out to learn game. My feet hurt really badly from all the calluses that have formed from me walking around for hours everyday. I walk home most days feeling like complete $Hit because I didn't accomplish my daily goals of approaching a certain number of chicks, or making very little progress in improvements. I'm in the process of looking for a parttime job so that I can save up some money to take a pick up bootcamp. I do this because I made a vow to myself that I would never make the same ****ing mistakes again with women and lose a girl that I really liked. I will continue to do this every single ****ing day because I can't return to my previous lifestyle of getting no where with women.

Let me ask you this, what the **** have you done to improve your odds with women lately besides ***** about it on this website?
Owned and repped. Now this is inspiring. Keep it up man, that's awesome.