The Five Don'ts.......

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I would like to give you all a preview of what will be in my upcoming book, "The Art Of Dating". In the book there is a set of 5 things that you should never do....

1. Do Not Be A Jerk
This is important to remember. Because most men who are unsuccessful with women will eventually pick up influence that you have to be a jerk to be succcessful with women.....WRONG! It's just the opposite. Women don't like men who are mean to them and treat them like crap. Insulting a woman and teasing her are not the same things, so do not get them confused! If you're going to go with the ****y and funny routine, Make sure you do it without being a jerk.

2. Do Not Be Insecure/Selfish
Insecurity is very unattractive, and very annoying. You want to be somebody who's independent, not somebody who has to fight for his own security. A man who is secure with himself doesn't show weakness over what others think about him, or care if other people like him. Constant complaining is a sign of insecurity, because it clearly shows that you are just trying to make others feel sorry for you. Constant arguing, just HAVING to prove something, etc. is also insecurity. Jealousy is also a sign of insecurity, so is getting pissy when a girl doesn't give you exactly what you want. Insecurity is also getting pissy when a girl turns you down. Insecurity is basically allowing how others act or act toward you personally affect you more than it should.

3. Do Not Act Needy, Submissive, or ever Seek A Woman's Approval
Out of all of the principles you must follow, this one is one of the hardest not to follow. It is very, very, easy to become smitten with a woman, and then want to spend every waking moment with her, and actually end up trying to do it. This is a hormonal reaction. When a man meets a woman who pushes the right buttons for him to feel romantic interest for her (most of the time, inadvertantly), a hormonal reaction will cause the man to think about her all the time, as well as look at all of her actions and characteristics as much more than they really are (this is why men are so caught up on every detail of how a woman they are attracted to treats them). This hormonal reaction will eventually change, but only after a relationship with her has started, and the relationship has been going for quite some time.

But here's the cool part....God dealt us a great hand because this hormonal reaction works the exact same way in women!

However, usually you meet this "wonderful woman", and you treat her like you think that a great guy should treat her, and you court her just like you're mother told you, and you pay for all the dates, frequently call her, and put all of your energy into her, but you almost always end up heart-broken in the end.......viscious circle, huh? Tell me about it.....we've all been there.

What I'm about to say to you now won't make much sense, but once you think about it, it eventually will....

When I say being needy, what I mean is something along the lines of telling her you like her romantically too early on, constantly calling her, and constantly telling her you want to go out with her, complimenting her too much, buying her anything she wants when she asks for it, and basically kissing her ass. In a nutshell, treating her as if she deserves more than you do.

When we act this way, we think that if she pulls away, we're "scaring her off", but that's not necessarily the case...

Most women aren't afraid of commitment. The reason why women get "scared off" by all of this, is because you have made yourself so valueless to them, they do not want to dig themselves too deep by getting involved with you. I know that sounded ugly, but it's so true...

Let me ask you a question...

Why are diamonds worth so much more than cubic zirconiums? They look almost identical, they shine with a beautiful luster just alike. So what makes a diamond so much more valuable? Why is a diamond forever, but not CZ?

The reason is because diamonds are much harder to have access to. You have to go out of your way to get a diamond, you have to work for it!

Why are European cars seen as being more valuable than American cars or Japanese cars? The reason is because they are harder to obtain. Plus, you don't see them on the road as often.

Something else...

Do not ever act submissive toward a woman you are interested in. Basically, this means to never put the power in her hands. This includes asking her what she would like to do on the date, this includes asking her if she's having a good time. This includes asking her what she thinks of you, asking her if she thinks that you two could ever date, or asking her what kind of guy she likes. Yeah, you know what I mean....

Now before you close this book and say "What!?", I'm going to tell you why you shouldn't do these things...

When you are submissive to a woman, what you are really telling her is - "I'm not secure with myself, so I have to seek you for re-assurance, because I can't hold my own self up."

This is not some chauvanistic thing that I'm just putting in this, no, no! This is to make yourself more educated by making it look to her that you are independent and you don't need re-assurance from anyone.

Seeking a woman's approval is a big-time no-no.

The reason why you should not try to impress a woman or seek her approval, is because she will feel as if she is almost looking down on you. After all, you're the one who's trying to get her to like you. Naturally, she will feel as if she is of higher status than you because you are purposely putting yourself under her. Women never want to date men that are of lower status than themselves. Ever.

4. Do Not Be Predictable
Predictability is something that can rip the fire out of a flame pretty quick. You will find, however, that not being predictable is pretty tough, and actually requires some planning on your part. Where this no-no can eat us alive is also with the initial approach - that's right, when you see a girl at the bar and you really want to talk to her, but we will get into that later. The main reason that women are turned off by predictability is because it takes out the excitment that she could potentially feel for you.

You ever notice why movies aren't always as exciting as when you see them the first time? Well, it's pretty much the same concept with women.

5. Do Not Abuse
This includes hitting her, grabbing her violently, forcing her to do things that she doesn't want to do. Blackmail, coercion, extortion, any kind of rape, any kind of sexual harrasment, or anything else that you would even think for a second as abusive. Now do I even have to go into why you shouldn't do these things? I didn't think so. Dishonesty, to me, is also a form of abuse.

Any violation of any of these things can kill you in the dating world, so make sure you understand these well. And remember, these don'ts are a lot easier to break than you may think they are. A lot of times we do not even know that we are breaking them. Study these don'ts and you will not violate them nearly as much or as badly.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Good stuff, I totally agree with everything there. However, the line about impressing a girl to me, might be misconstrued by some. I've impressed girls before, and in fact, that has often been the thing that has them talking. The key to doing this though is to make sure it's nonchalant. Don't make it seem like you're trying to impress them in order to gain their approval. Do it as though it's something you just do normally.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Good post christopher Reeves,

but whats in your book that sets it apart from the other 100000 books out there?

heh I actually read a book by a bartender..who surveyed 1000's of women who came to his bar..

I found his book interesting because it was supported by scientific fact (surveys) versus a bunch of hypothetical ideas

your ideas arent new (well not to me ), so you should consider supporting your theories with facts and science..I havent seen a book YET who has done this


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Moved to Tips. When does the book come out, btw?

crazykid: A dream maker and stealer of Von Neuen sayings!


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
3. Do Not Act Needy, Submissive, or ever Seek A Woman's Approval
Out of all of the principles you must follow, this one is one of the hardest not to follow. It is very, very, easy to become smitten with a woman, and then want to spend every waking moment with her, and actually end up trying to do it. This is a hormonal reaction. When a man meets a woman who pushes the right buttons for him to feel romantic interest for her (most of the time, inadvertantly), a hormonal reaction will cause the man to think about her all the time, as well as look at all of her actions and characteristics as much more than they really are (this is why men are so caught up on every detail of how a woman they are attracted to treats them). This hormonal reaction will eventually change, but only after a relationship with her has started, and the relationship has been going for quite some time.
Out of personal curiosity, and not doubt, do you have any further information regarding the hormonal reaction? I'd be interested in reading about this a little more in detail.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Starman
Good post christopher Reeves,

but whats in your book that sets it apart from the other 100000 books out there?

heh I actually read a book by a bartender..who surveyed 1000's of women who came to his bar..

I found his book interesting because it was supported by scientific fact (surveys) versus a bunch of hypothetical ideas

your ideas arent new (well not to me ), so you should consider supporting your theories with facts and science..I havent seen a book YET who has done this
so you can read huh...You read John Eagan' How to pick up Beautiful Women.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA

Good post christopher Reeves
My gosh, that's just plain eerie! My twin brother's name is Christopher Reeves! Do you know me or something!?

Anyway, that's just a small part of the book. I don't know when the book will be released, btw, but I will keep you guys posted.

your ideas arent new (well not to me ), so you should consider supporting your theories with facts and science..I havent seen a book YET who has done this
Well this book is kind of for beginners. So I didn't think there was any need to go into great detail about the scientific side of the arts of women and dating. Plus the that that there really isn't a great deal of information that I can find on the scientific side of interacting with women. There's kino, but I don't like kino. There's also something about the pupils dialating or something like that, I don't know, lol.

The rest of the stuff I have found basically revolves around the theory of evolution, which I don't believe in anyway. But I'll try to add some of that stuff in my book, thanks.

What will set my book apart from almost all the other books is that it will teach you everything that you need to know about romantic interest, communication with women, meeting women, dating them, and beyond - as well as give you a detailed STEP-BY-STEP book of exercises to do each day that will gently guide you into actually USING what you have learned in the book in the real world.

You see, too many books just tell you what works and what doesn't work - but they fail to tell you how to actually break your old habits and start doing them in the real world. Too many books forget that somebody can read all the books in the world and still never date a single woman because he fails to actually USE what he has learned - my program will guide you each day into doing just that.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Shoot, I beat the brakes off of my woman, she knows the deal, and when she does good, I beat her some just joking, nothing more I hate more than a wife beater, good post, make sure it goes into the bible.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Craig Reeves said,

What will set my book apart from almost all the other books is that it will teach you everything that you need to know about romantic interest, communication with women, meeting women, dating them, and beyond - as well as give you a detailed STEP-BY-STEP book of exercises to do each day that will gently guide you into actually USING what you have learned in the book in the real world.
Good tips in your original post, but. . .

I mean no offense or anything(because I'm 20), but if I bought a dating book, I would never buy it from someone who is still a teenager. I just don't believe a teenager can know enough about women from experience to be able to write a good book about it. If I bought a book, it would be from someone who has been successful for women for years(not that you aren't).

Here's a question: What are you going to say in your introduction to your book? "Hello future womanizers, I just graduated high school a year and a half ago, now I'm a sophmore in college, and I can get any college girl I want, and it doesn't matter if you are short, fat, or ugly because with my guide you will be able to pick any woman you want too."

Are you going to mention you age in your book?

You see, too many books just tell you what works and what doesn't work - but they fail to tell you how to actually break your old habits and start doing them in the real world. Too many books forget that somebody can read all the books in the world and still never date a single woman because he fails to actually USE what he has learned - my program will guide you each day into doing just that.
What about Double your Dating, How to be Succeed With Women, Doc Love, etc? They give you tips and techniques, and how to apply it in the field from the reviews and opinions I read about on this forum. How can your book be any different than these books who already have a huge market share? Who is your target audience? I'm asking because I'm just curious.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Oh you forgot 6: Don't ever post here again. Everything you've said has been said by hundreds of peopl e on this site.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA

mean no offense or anything(because I'm 20), but if I bought a dating book, I would never buy it from someone who is still a teenager. I just don't believe a teenager can know enough about women from experience to be able to write a good book about it. If I bought a book, it would be from someone who has been successful for women for years(not that you aren't).
Good point. I'm really not that old, but remember, this book is simply for beginners. It's not necessarily for somebody who is already extremely successful with women - although I have talked to some people who are quite exeptional and they do tell me that my book gives a lot of bang for the buck.

Here's a question: What are you going to say in your introduction to your book? "Hello future womanizers, I just graduated high school a year and a half ago, now I'm a sophmore in college, and I can get any college girl I want, and it doesn't matter if you are short, fat, or ugly because with my guide you will be able to pick any woman you want too."
Good question. I know that I'm pretty young, so that alone is going to take my credibility down a few notches - but at any rate, I might mention my age in the book. I just hope that it doesn't take my credibility down TOO low, though.

What about Double your Dating, How to be Succeed With Women, Doc Love, etc? They give you tips and techniques, and how to apply it in the field from the reviews and opinions I read about on this forum. How can your book be any different than these books who already have a huge market share? Who is your target audience? I'm asking because I'm just curious.
Well, Double Your Dating is a CD series, not a book - well...I know that there IS a book called "Double Your Dating" but unlike my book, it does not include a seperate book that guides you through honing your skills. Sure the CD series will offer more than my book will, but The DYD CD series costs a lot more than my book does, so it should. Don't get me wrong, Double Your Dating is a very good solution, but mine will be too.

The system is not necessarily a book - it's a CD series as well. I was talking about books, not really expensive CD collections, but you brought up a good point though.

"The Art Of Dating" actually comes with 2 books - one is "The Art Of Dating", the other one is "The Art Of Dating Exercise Guide". The exercise guide has over 60 exercises that increase in difficulty that you are to do everyday in sequence to help you gradually hone your skills.

For instance, the first exercise in the guide is to say "hi", or "hey", or "hello" or etc. to at least 5 women - While the very last exercise is to arrange at least 4 dates with at least 4 different women in one week. And absolute beginners are in luck because on each exercise, there are tips on actually doing the exercises. Attracting women is a skill, and takes practice - so my book guides you through practicing effectively.