The essence of the Don Juan...

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
I think we all agree that confidence is the biggest turn on for women right??

There is a reason for this, confidence is one of the most important things you can posess in all of life. But the confidence I speak of is true confidence, and it requires a two things, drive and self-awareness/acceptance.

Its been written before that you shoudn't think you are the catch, you should know you are the catch. To truely know you are the catch you must know yourself, and accept who you are and never be afraid to be you. You have to be comfortable being you, to explain it any further than this would only complicate things, for it is as simple as that. This is true confidence, and if it is acheived your life will be bliss.

It takes time and drive to get to this point, but the time it takes for you to get to the point where you are truely confident being yourself is the best investment in the world, it will be the best time you ever spent.

Acheiveing this will not only get you TON'S of women, but it will immensely improve the rest of your life.

Getting this confidence takes time to think about whats good about you, and focus on that. Just try and improve yourself, however you like, reading, medatating (spelling?), therapy, having fun, and gaining experience in everything and learning from each experience.

Along with this confidence comes embracing your sexuallity, but this has already been covered well, very recently I might add.

For all of those seeking SS as a way to go, do as you wish, but it will only take the fun out of the game and is not nessesary.

If you know yourself, and are confident, there is no need to use hypnosis to get women, this is something I promise you.

What makes a Don Juan a Don Juan is the fact that he knows himself and isn't afraid to embrace it.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Thanks for the correction in spelling, I would have hoped you could give a little more feedback than that though...

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
I agree with the post about confidence but about SS I do not. I have fun with life I make every situation work for me and I make the best of the wrost things. I like to keep things new and fresh so with one girl I will use SS. With another I will try to be real with her. Another I will be ****y and funny, Another I will play the victim. I think Mr Mystery your at a good stage in the "game".

-Roman W
Eveygirl wants to be with him, Every guy wants to be like him.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Originally posted by Ashlee Angel:
I agree with the post about confidence but about SS I do not. I have fun with life I make every situation work for me and I make the best of the wrost things. I like to keep things new and fresh so with one girl I will use SS. With another I will try to be real with her. Another I will be ****y and funny, Another I will play the victim. I think Mr Mystery your at a good stage in the "game".

Ashlee Angel:
Thank you for the complement, I am still learning and always will be.

As far as my distaste for SS, please don't you, or anyone take it as me having a distaste for you or your "game", Like I said, SS is a tool that can be used to probably increase your amount of women, but its not for me, thats all.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Wanted to further this a little...

Something that I have noticed lately, alot of the guy I know that pull alot of ladies seem to be a little feminine, myself included.

We know the importance of accepting your testosterone and maleness. But what about the feminine side?

I think this goes along with my original post as part of accepting yourself. We all have a feminine side, you know the saying "It takes a real man to cry" well thats sorta what I'm getting at here.

Don't misinterpet what I'm saying, I am not saying that you should be the sensative AFC that cares too much about pleasing others. You should look out for yourself, but don't be afraid to do what you feel is right regardless of what others think.

Don't be afraid of doing someone a favor because you'll look weak. Be confident enough to where you can do nice things for others.

Insecure guys if asked to do someone a favor will decline because they are insecure and think it will make them look weak for being nice.

A secure confident man won't have a problem, he knows he's a man and would like to help, he isn't afraid of what others think of him because he is happy with himself.

This nicness and positivity can make some men wonder if your gay, a man confident enough to the point where he embraces the nice/feminine side is rare and insecure men don't understand how someone would want to do nice things and be so positive because it makes you look weak to others.

This is the secret to charm. Insecure people fear it, and can't recognize it, or they are jealous of it.

This is just a part of being confident, the main key is to not care what others think of you, because you are happy with yourself.

Mr. Mystery

"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around" - Vanilla Sky

The unexamined life is not worth living – Socrates

"Whats your favorite position? That's cool with me, it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you" - Tenacious D - Fvck her gentley

"I'd rather hear no, than never know" - Mr. Mystery himself!

Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it - D.H. Lawrence

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive" - Van Wilder

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Mystery:
Wanted to further this a little...

Something that I have noticed lately, alot of the guy I know that pull alot of ladies seem to be a little feminine, myself included.

We know the importance of accepting your testosterone and maleness. But what about the feminine side?

I think this goes along with my original post as part of accepting yourself. We all have a feminine side, you know the saying "It takes a real man to cry" well thats sorta what I'm getting at here.

Don't misinterpet what I'm saying, I am not saying that you should be the sensative AFC that cares too much about pleasing others. You should look out for yourself, but don't be afraid to do what you feel is right regardless of what others think.

Don't be afraid of doing someone a favor because you'll look weak. Be confident enough to where you can do nice things for others.

Insecure guys if asked to do someone a favor will decline because they are insecure and think it will make them look weak for being nice.

A secure confident man won't have a problem, he knows he's a man and would like to help, he isn't afraid of what others think of him because he is happy with himself.

This nicness and positivity can make some men wonder if your gay, a man confident enough to the point where he embraces the nice/feminine side is rare and insecure men don't understand how someone would want to do nice things and be so positive because it makes you look weak to others.

This is the secret to charm. Insecure people fear it, and can't recognize it, or they are jealous of it.

This is just a part of being confident, the main key is to not care what others think of you, because you are happy with yourself.

Mr. Mystery

I agree with what your saying. I hear that stuff everyday women saying I'm a pretty boy. Because I dress well and look good and have two earings in both of my ears. People who don't know me wonder if I'm gay because I am rarely seen out with girls. The reason for that is I am always trying to bed diffrent women so just to keep that out of the gossip section I aviod it by staying at home with women.

-Roman W
Eveygirl wants to be with him, Every guy wants to be like him.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!

Could I have a little more feedback, thanks!

Mr. Mystery


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
One of my college aquaintances seems to have the pick of the good looking girls, he embraces his masculinity fantastically and he never ever loses the power. Hmmm. He also, however, seems to get upset quite often, go off in moods and write poetry. Yet he is really tall, basically a jerk who people are scared of.

I'd say this kind of 'side' to him that you see now and again probably intrigues women like nothing else.

oooh, he is good actually... damn natural djs.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Okay, my thoughts about SS. I have only skimmed some of the information about SS and I belive that the alure of SS is quite simply put, POWER.

About thinking of what would happen if I chose to master SS, the main benifit that I would see is the power to make any woman become submissive to your will. Thus, an SS virtuoso would be able to "control" half of the population (and in many cases, the SSers former "masters" since they did the bidding of all women...)

This misuse of power conflicts with the true DJ mindset because it is IMMORAL. Just as it is immoral to use ones position in government (power) to get away with crimes, it is immoral to use ones knowledge of the mind to get women to do what they wish. No immoral MAN has ANY right to be respected for what he does. Since women are (if you are a real man) submissive by nature, the question of morality falls into the lap of the man. Demoting a human being into a living, breathing sex toy (or relationship toy) is immoral because it degrades the god given nature of humanity.

Power should not be desired for its own end, there should be an altruistic goal in mind. One that benifits humanity. Just look at most politicians; addicted to power for its own sake, and accomplishing nothing.

Our goal as aspiring "DJs" or whatever label we choose to call it, is to be a man and control our environment to benifit ourselves and others. Without man standing up for himself, we fall out of paradise. Women are submissive and are controled by the environment whilst we stand OUTSIDE of it and attempt to control it. Women should NOT be looked at as part of the environment that we need to control, they are just humans in a different state--we should be moral enough not to take advantage.

Indeed, if we are living our role as men, we are NATURALLY the catch, because we are the masters of the environment that women need to controll it for them. But the will for power for its own sake will turn women off to some extent. There will still be an attraction, for women will take a man who has power (even though he misuses it) over a sissy girly-man with no power. But the moral DJ who has power but uses it in a responsible manner will win every time.

Being slightly feminine would not hurt, provided you are still more dominant then the woman. A chick is afraid of someone FAR more dominant then her. (They are not particularly attracted to scary looking guys or bossy pissed off *******s) It is good to show that you can portray some feminine traits (being charming is a mix of both sides and we all know that charm will attract people) provided you are always more dominant (masculine) then her.

Being nice just to be nice is mere self-subjugation (usually it belies some major insecurity issues), whereas being nice to further a GOAL or a PURPOSE is what being a man is all about. I agree, dont be afraid to help those that need it when the situation calls for it.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
You seem to have a very healthy view on dating, and relationships in general, especially for a newbie here.

But the will for power for its own sake will turn women off to some extent. There will still be an attraction, for women will take a man who has power (even though he misuses it) over a sissy girly-man with no power. But the moral DJ who has power but uses it in a responsible manner will win every time.
As far as the immoral man always getting the girl... I beleive alot of that depends on the women, her self-esteem, age, and background.

Mr. Mystery

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!
Hate to bump my own post's, especially older ones, but I can't think of much else to add to the form besides this...

I would like a little more feedback though...


Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Well, alot of the CHICKS (s1uts) that pull in alot of guys (not talking attraction, but ACTION) have a strong masculine attitude. That is, they initiate sexual activity often, get into fights, and have a very dominant attitude IN GENERAL. However, the reason they still are appealing, is they dont let that masculine attitude TAKE OVER, they are still feminine at heart.

You ever been with a slutty girl, they talk alot of **** and act in control, but during important times (sex, big descisions) they WILL SUBMIT to you (if you aint a balless wuss bag) and that does turn them on a bit--they are still feminine enough.

Same thing with a DJ that is a tad feminine. (NOTICE I say a TAD, you must still be the man when all is said and done) The feminine side helps chicks to relate to you and this establishes good connections.

Being extremely masculine or feminine does not get you sex. You get sex by crossing the gap between man and woman to establish a connection. People who "pull in" lots of chicks are just skilled at bridging that gap--it is not that hard, calling it a "gap" is almost an overstatement.

What being extremely masculine does is make the feminine chicks ATTRACTED to you. If you are extremely masculine, yet take NO sexual action, you will not get lots of sex--you will get respect and admiration, but chicks will be too coy (afraid?) to just jump on your schlong. The extremely masculine man does not need to "pull chicks" like the "players" because he has other things to do, and the chicks that he attracts are feminine enough to keep around for a while.

Now, this point of view is moot when it comes to "pretty boys". (They are out there...) These are guys who pull chicks by just being super good looking. They might pull alot of chicks regardless of how they act, but the TYPE of girl and HOW LONG she stays shows the true attitude of these guys.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
I guess I've always known this, but the thoughts and words were just a jumbled up mess in my head that I couldn't de-tangle to put down on paper or verbalize.

I guess I do have a discernible feminine side. After all I was a bit of an AFC. I am emotionally sensitive, and I have learned to better protect my heart by participating in the DJ forum. I wasn't s doormat (except maybe just once) in the past, but I had AFC elements that I needed to nip at the bud before they engulfed me.

Great stuff everyone. I'm speechless! I can't believe some of the posts I've been reading this past week - I've discovered a lot about myself just by reading these great posts. Who the hell needs a shrink now? :)


Originally posted by icepick
Well, alot of the CHICKS (s1uts) that pull in alot of guys (not talking attraction, but ACTION) have a strong masculine attitude. That is, they initiate sexual activity often, get into fights, and have a very dominant attitude IN GENERAL. However, the reason they still are appealing, is they dont let that masculine attitude TAKE OVER, they are still feminine at heart.

You ever been with a slutty girl, they talk alot of **** and act in control, but during important times (sex, big descisions) they WILL SUBMIT to you (if you aint a balless wuss bag) and that does turn them on a bit--they are still feminine enough.

Same thing with a DJ that is a tad feminine. (NOTICE I say a TAD, you must still be the man when all is said and done) The feminine side helps chicks to relate to you and this establishes good connections.

Being extremely masculine or feminine does not get you sex. You get sex by crossing the gap between man and woman to establish a connection. People who "pull in" lots of chicks are just skilled at bridging that gap--it is not that hard, calling it a "gap" is almost an overstatement.

What being extremely masculine does is make the feminine chicks ATTRACTED to you. If you are extremely masculine, yet take NO sexual action, you will not get lots of sex--you will get respect and admiration, but chicks will be too coy (afraid?) to just jump on your schlong. The extremely masculine man does not need to "pull chicks" like the "players" because he has other things to do, and the chicks that he attracts are feminine enough to keep around for a while.

Now, this point of view is moot when it comes to "pretty boys". (They are out there...) These are guys who pull chicks by just being super good looking. They might pull alot of chicks regardless of how they act, but the TYPE of girl and HOW LONG she stays shows the true attitude of these guys.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!

So basically your saying that opposites attract when you mention that being extremely masculine will attract the extremely feminine women. Well that is true but being extremely masculine will also attract plenty of women, feminine or not, I think, I'm not to clear on the rules of attraction. Thats not what this post was originally meant to be about.

But youv'e caught my curiousity. Why do you say that the extremely masculine man doesn't go after sex? I don't see why a man that is extremely masculine wouldn't chase women? Please explain.

Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Being extremely masculine will attract ALL females, AS LONG AS YOU LOOK GOOD. The "manly" chicks will ignore you if you are an ugly fokker, since they act like men and screen for looks first; you don't provide them with any value by acting masculine since they have balls of thier own and are looking for a pretty boy.

True, you can always break this act down (by always standing your ground), but I would bet that it takes time and effort and i really don't think that it is worth it, cause once she gets used to you she would probably start acting like a byatch again.

The feminine (more submissive) chicks are just looking for a guy with big balls who aint afraid to take the initiative in matters sexual. They are more likely to not deny thier feelings of attraction to an ugly but masculine guy.

Oh, and I said "if" the masculine man does not go for sex he will not get any. Since the essence of masculinity is to dominate and control one's environment, if one chooses not to go after something, one will not get it. The alpha male who does not go after sex by choice will not get it by choice, since he is in control and what he says, goes.

Also, if one is truly masculine, chicks are really not THAT important that one needs to spend all ones time trying to "pull chicks." That is what I meant by having other things to do. What would you rather do, try to screw your third girl for the week or go jetsking all day. I dunno about you but I would rather have fun and worry about chicks later. Chasing women has its place, but it is not a priority for the masculine male.