The body language of social media: ways women behave to categorize men using social apps


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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There is little to none literature or science study about how Women behave In modern society to find a partner, but women have found a new way to categorize men using social media apps like Facebook and Instagram. They can now indulge in fantasies about other men on a daily basis, rather than relying on occasional real-life encounters. I wonder if we could call this the "Body language of social media"

Why do women engage in this behavior? The smartphone is often seen as a negative influence in a woman's life, as it can lead to dissatisfaction with their current partner. Infact, a women smartphone it's always full of messages from other guys, and this makes her with plenty alternative for exciting activities and low happiness about his current situation. Women may seek constant validation that they are with the best possible partner at all times. Social media acts as a platform where women can explore different "archetypes" of men, similar to shopping for products on Amazon. This phenomenon can be likened to a woman going to a grocery store and choosing between buying a carrot or a tomato. Similarly, women use social media to explore different types of men based on their online personas.

Women exhibit various behaviors on social media:

A) Just a follow: This indicates that the woman finds the man unattractive but follows him due to a real-life connection.

B) Follow and Watch Stories: The woman finds the man unattractive but follows him because of shared interests like poetry, art, or music. She watches his stories but does not engage with his posts.

C) Follow, Watch stories, and subtle interactions: The woman finds the man attractive and wants to keep an eye on him as a potential backup option. She engages with his stories subtly, showing interest in aspects like family or hobbies. In this case, She could also make stories based on what this guy post. (Like a subtle reply)

D) Follow, Watch stories, interact/comment, and DM's: The woman finds the man attractive and considers him a potential "Plan B" if her current relationship fails. She engages with him more directly, initiating conversations and keeping the connection open for a possible future relationship.

Some women may have feelings for certain men but are hesitant to express them due to fear or life circumstances. This happen for category B, unlike categories C and D where she show direct interest.

Exploring this theory further could shed light on the complexities of modern dating and social interactions. It would awesome if someone could add his take on this!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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As an example, my instagram social media profile, gets very high concentration on the "B" category from women "friends" I do have.