The biggest obstacle in sarging


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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First lets get something out of the way. How can you get girls? by practicing with as many girls as possible. This most efficiently done in a social environment. This means you must go out to clubs and bars at least 2x a week for a few months. This is who this post is for. People who are actually going out and practicing. Not for those that "practice" only with the girls that come to their life by chance.

Now for the real stuff. Who is your number one enemy while out sarging?
The ****block friend? Wrong.
The boyfriend? Wrong
Other alpha guys? Wrong.
These are not even enemies, they are only challenges. Your number one enemy, or should I say, your ONLY enemy is your own mind (NOT YOURSELF). Your mind is working against your success with women. How can I be so sure that your mind is working against you? Because you're here. If your mind were cooperating then getting girls would be a non-issue. When it comes to difficulties in attaining what is a human instinct such as the need for relationships, the mind is the only culprit. When you lack something that is needed, thinking gets in the way and is no longer your friend. This is why those who do not care, get the girl. Because not caring comes from not thinking. You don't care about things when there's no need to think about them. This is the reason for the phrase "You don't know how much you care about something until you lose it". You dont think about something until you NEED IT.

You can learn hundreds of material hours, but the truth is, this alone will not get you laid. When your mind is working against you, nothing and noone can help you succeed. So you must manage this.

** Its your responsability to manage your thoughts.**

NOBODY can make you control your thoughts, except yourself. And yes its possible to have complete control of your thoughts. It is even possible, and dare I say, easy, to control your thoughts even in what would be considered a fearful situation. Because thoughts are the source of fear, keeping your thoughts in check can allow you to dissipate the fear and turn the fearful situation into a neutral one. This is how keeping your thoughts in check can help you be your true confident self while making an a approach and while in set.
Hopefully, I have convinced you of how important it is to stop the internal voice while sarging. Now your responsabilty is to keep this voice tucked in somewhere so that it doesnt interfere with you getting laid.

So here are a few things that will keep you out of your head while sarging.

- Before you go out, practice some story telling and improv. It can be by yourself but preferably it should be done with a wing. For example, you or your wing get a word and you must make a story out of that word. Theres no time to think, you improvise as you go along.

- If you can do warm up approaches on your way to the venue. Get yourself in a talking mood with strangers. Ask directions, etc

- Approach the first person you see upon entering the venue. This should be done automatically, you want the very first approach to be done out of reflex, not out of thought. The opener can be anything including asking for the bathroom, etc. It doesnt have to be anything interesting. JUST OPEN!

- Tap a few sets while having nothing to open with. When they turn around you better believe your mouth will verbalize something.

Hint: Anything that gets your adrenaline pumping, e.g saying/ doing ballsy stuff will immediatly get you out of your head.

So now that you're not thinking in the field will you forget every rule and routine you've learned? Not at all, because now your thoughts will be controlled. So you will think what you want to think only. Thoughts that are controlled can never work against you. Its impossible! Its like falling off a bike on purpose.

I stongly encourage you guys to get your hands on Tyler Durden's Blueprint Decoded, and/ or research the teachings of Eckhart Tolle (which are the foundation of the Buleprint).


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
r0cky said:
I stongly encourage you guys to get your hands on Tyler Durden's Blueprint Decoded, and/ or research the teachings of Eckhart Tolle (which are the foundation of the Blueprint).
Skimmed thru the post and read that.
Went up and re-read the whole post.

Good stuff.

I'd also recommend "Awaken the giant within" by Anthony Robbins, which Im currently reading.