The Best Advice You Will Ever Recieve About Women!!!! Must Read for black men only

Sonny Knight

Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
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**MUST READ**The Best Advice You Will Ever Recieve About Women!!!! ***MUST READ***

Dont fucck a woman you dont want to see for the next 18 years

However long it took you to hit it, it probably took the last nigga half the time.


If you meet a woman, and she claims she can't find Mr. Right, it's because her azz is lokkin' for Mr. Wrong

Never fucck with a woman that thinks she deserves sh!t she can't afford to get for herslef. B!tch will bring nothing but grief to your life.

Women like to **** as much as men and they like that freak sh!t even more than most men: If your woman ain't fucckin' you, she probably fuccking somebody else. Same goes for freak sh!t, if she won't get freaky with you, don't be suprised if she put it on the last man, the other man or the next man.

If your woman was sexin' you lovely when y'all were dating and just stops that sh!t cold as soon as you sound like you want to commit to her azz, yo azz just got trapped. Bounce and don't look back.

Never marry a female if you:
1. Never fuccked her
2. Don't know if you can live with her

And one from my pops:

Maintain your MAN. Never let a female beat you into punkin' yourself. The minute you do, her azz will bounce to a REAL MAN and let you know exactly why. Or as my pops put it:


Women come out the womb strapped with game- Max Julien

Whenver u sex a woman make sure ur the best she ever had and the pu$$y will always and emphasis on ALWAYS be yours.

Never trust a girl who is to emotional and whose eyes are quick to shed tears- My uncle

It doesn't mean **** if a woman likes u, its cool if she loves u but Always makes sure she respects u.(witnessed myself)

I got this advice from a bonifide pimp in the hood.. He told me if you ever wanted to break up with a woman and remain friends all you have to do is keep asking her to do **** for you constantly. Eventually shell get tired of catering to your a$$ and just fade away. I've tried this on numerous occasions and best belives it works like a charm.
Whenever i want out of the relationship for any reason but i still wanna hit it from time to time, The advice that i got from him never fails..............

"If your woman wears the pants in yall's relationship, just go ahead and lie down cuz you bout to get fucced"

"Never treat a b!tch like a Queen unless she realizes you the gottdamn King

Get a woman's respect and you will get everything else in time.
Lose a woman's respect and you will lose everything else in time.
Even IF I get dissed, as long as I have her respect, I will always have a chance. If you prove to be selfish, weak, or bend even for HER, she will always have something to hold over you.

My momma taught me that.

One that always works on the job:

The easiest way to get a fine ass sista on your d!ck is to ignore her.

Never turn a ho into a housewife.
...I've seen this cripple one too many of my boys because they took this lightly...or thought that she had changed/matured or figured nah it can't happen to me...please please please fellas do not have ho's living up in your crib...they cool as hell to hang with but don't try to play house with them...I'm very serious...

your housewife better have some hoe in her or your days are gonna be long as fucck. Got to be able to discern between a hoe and a freak. A freak is down for whatever with you, a hoe is just down for whatever.

Just like a hoe ain't gonna change her spots late in the game, a prude as$ed ***** will do the same.

I'd hate to see y'all bros 20 years up into a relationship and still having to go out and pay hoes to do sh!t as simple as get your **** sucked or hit it from the back because wifey is on some old Puritan **** and will only let you hit it every other Wednesday in the missionary position for 20 minutes.

Don't assume that just because a female sexed you, she's a hoe.

First of all, that is some low self esteem exposing type **** "She fuccked me, must be something wrong with her azz.".

Second, most females ain't hanging on to their virginity these days, so if they like you, they will sex you pretty early in the game.

When you got problems is when her ass just flatly refuses to sex you no matter how much finesse and quality time you think you throwin' at her, that could mean:
1. She ain't feeling you (possibly because your sh!t is weak, but could be 100 other reasons as well)
2. She ain't fucckin' (which is cool at 18, but kinda disfunctional at 28 and just straight up creepy at 38)
3. Or she feelin' the next man just a little bit more than she's feelin' you.

Also, if you find a female that you vibe with, keep her a$$ around. Don't fucck up a good thing because you think that the other 5 milion sistahs you haven't hit yet won't be available anymore. Most of they a$ses didn't want you anyway.

Women are natural caregivers and if you get them to start doing stuff for you then you have a good chance of obtaining that woman---women don't do **** for people they don't like!

Secondly: Never tell a woman exactly how many women you've slept with.

If it is an excessive number (and I've seen this way too many times on the dating shows and from personal experience) the man WILL NOT GET ANY PUS$Y!!! STAY AMBIGUOUS OR LIE, LIE, LIE ABOUT THE NUMBER (women do it all the time). Say you are experienced but do not give the actual number unless it's a small number.

Finally: Never let a woman know how much you look at porn---it is none of their fuccking business!!! It basically turns most women off; they can't handle the fact that men desire more than one woman 99.9% of the time. It's just the way we are.


Don't mess with gold diggers

To make sure I never did drugs, my father told me when I was 11 years old: "Son, if it's better than *****, you don't want it." That **** blew my mind! That was like 20 years ago, and I remember it like it was yesterday...

Never Trust A Big Butt And A Smile! - Bell, Biv, Devoe.

Give a woman something once she apreciates

Give it to her twice she'll hope for it

Give it to her three times she'll expect it

Give it to her four times she'll demand it

Give it to her five times it's her God given right to have it"

When you come across a group of girls always hit on the ugliest one. This will make the other girls envious and try harder to pick you up. If that doesn't work at least you'll have an ugly girl to go home with.

LOT of my boys are experiencing this sh!t this very moment.

You will never really know if your wifey or woman is real about hers until you and her go through some sh!t. Get laid off, get sick, get in the hole financially, then look at her and see if she's seeing you the same way she did when sh!t was good.

A lot of females talk this "as long a he takes care of me" sh!t, and unfortunately, a lot of brothas fall for that sh!t, but most hoes that drop that line just mean financially and materially. If that's the case, then you ain't got sh!t but a bill with a pu$sy.

Want to know why so many marriages that seem tight end in divorce, it's because at the first sign of adversity, sh!t falls apart and NOBODY goes through life without going through some sh!t.

If you sense that she's the type that would crumble under a little pressure while you are dating, you can hit that sh!t, but walk the fucck away.

If you go through some **** and and she rides right at your side through it, keep that female forever and make sure you treat her like a queen, she's probably the only hoe you ever ****ed with that deserved it.

Treat a b!tch like dirt and she'll stick to you like mud...."

**** with your d!ck, not your heart. Think outside the box, not within your emotions. Love with time, not with premenition and you will never become a slave to it

If my girl cheats with you try to *** on her face for me.
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Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
ha, I almost slept on this thread, but this is very good.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
I expected a troll post but this actually applies to me and I am a white man. Seriously good read. Thanks for the post brotha.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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When you come across a group of girls always hit on the ugliest one. This will make the other girls envious and try harder to pick you up. If that doesn't work at least you'll have an ugly girl to go home with.

Yep, i always talk to the ugliest one first and watch the good looking ones squirm and get flirtatious acting...lot's of truth here...


New Member
May 8, 2013
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Thanks, I needed this

Thanks man, was about to post some stupid s**t about not feeling my girl no more,who always has my back, supports me ,hot, and never says no to sex from me, but I see I was just tripping, I recently met a Bad girl and I obviously f***ed her with my heart now I am all confused. Reading yo post helps, just wish I could get that feeling back though. I shouldn't have f**ed around in the first place.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Woah , this so applies for my school...

I guess we are albino blacks...


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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no offense, but only pussies and AFCs f%ck with their hearts...good thing is you can always depussify yourself

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Good post. However, any white man caught reading this will be placed on a 60 day ban.


Espi said:
OK to title a post "for black men only" but God forbid if the title of this post was "For white men only"...OMG it would be soooo racist!
I was going to post this and I'm not even white.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'd have to agree that the OP was a decent read. Sadly the title of the thread is so lame that it will be passed over by most.

Sonny Knight

Don Juan
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Espi said:
LOL...great minds know no color...

I personally think Sonny's post is really good...I just re-read it and got a lot of out it the second time. But reverse racism is rampant now in America...the only person whom you can make fun of/criticize anymore is the white male. We have really become the punching bag for society, especially for TV marketers. When I watch TV commercials, it's ALWAYS a white guy who's robbing the woman's house in those ADT home alarm commercials. LOL. You know those suburban white families fear the black man breaking in more than anybody. We've always feared black people.

White guys are also portrayed stupidly in today's commercials...Progressive Insurance is one in particular that comes to mind...their campaign almost ALWAYS portrays the white male as homosexuals, manipulators, or lazy, subservient automatons.

It's all about political correctness I guess. You gotta throw somebody under the bus. Companies haven't the balls to portray a Middle Eastern convenience store owner.

But even if Sonny Knight is not actually black, or if just stole the lines via Google...I really don't care (I personally think his thread title might be rhetorical). His post is a great read and it's good to know that white and black guys go through the same shiat when it be about 'dem biatches.

48 laws of power law 37 Court Attention at all Cost

Create Compelling Spectacles Striking imagery and grand symbolic gestures create the aura of power – everyone responds to them. Stage spectacles for those around you, then full of arresting visuals and radiant symbols that heighten your presence. Dazzled by appearances, no one will notice what you are really doing.

Everything is judged by its appearance; what is unseen counts for nothing. Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out. Be conspicuous, at all cost. Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious, than the bland and timid masses


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Very long thread, but worth the read! Repped and kept in my courtroom files.

BTW, I'm Black, and this doesn't apply to just Black folk.