The Benefits of Canned Material


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hey, this is my first post under my new name, my old name was asdfghjkl for anyone who knew me.

Anyway, recently i read "The Game" by Neil Strauss and got intrigued by the Mystery Method, so i went to his site and memorized a few things which i found to be the best. I really liked the best friend test and a certain neg. (If she interrupts you, you say to her friends, "Wow, is she always like that? How do you deal with her?”)

So I've been out testing these all week, and I've come up with nothing but positive reactions, especially to the best friends test, girls can't seem to get enough of it. Now that could have to do with the age group I'm in (highschool) but it really does seem like solid stuff.

I went from being totally against canned material to now going out and trying to find the best of it, so that if there's a stall in the conversation or if it just feels right, i'll break it out.

What does everyone else think about canned material?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
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Jay Jay said:
Don't need it. Dont want it.

That's exactly how i felt too, because i never used it and got along fine. But I'm definitely learning to like it for what it is, and i got good reactions from it too.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
I know what you mean, thing is about Canned though you get so caught up with it that you can't bring the real you out.

The best way to get past this is when you're doing your canned material don't be expecting to get the reaction that you get. This will help you not come off as a button pusher. But yes Canned works because its basically stuff that will pump buying temeperature.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
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These discussions come up here.. canned material vs improv. The common conclusion is that canned material is "training wheels". It gets you to approach women, try some stuff out, get over your anxieties. In the long run, you can learn the art of conversation.

Think about it.. to practice conversation, you need to manage your anxiety well enough to go approach a woman. But, you just have nothing to say. So, you throw the canned material, and get used to just approaching. As your anxiety goes down, you feel easier to just try stuff, thoughts that come to mind.

Personally, I find C&F, joking, etc comes natural ONCE I manage to be calm approaching.
May 23, 2006
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I've only tried canned material on the first date - from the "How to Succeed with Women" book, and the result were varied.

On one date, I came across as a robotic stiff with this stuff and it collapsed as the woman thought I was ingenuine.

On another date, a girl felt like a celibrity and was enjoying them and actually had a great time. However, it likely kept me back because it structured things to 30 minutes, despite the girl may have wanted to go out for an extended time near a lake (leading to a romantic mood or something perhaps). I found out later that another guy fvcked her and she was crying the blues about it and I got so frustrated about the whole thing, i put an ad on adultfriendfinder and said the heck with this bs, and went hardcore looking for sex with a random stranger on the internet (but aborted at last minute). In other words, I dont think you can get into a girl's pants on a canned line routine. That can only get the foot in the door, but if you dont know what you are doing you are still toast.

On other dates there are varied reactions - but one thing is with more practise, you get more comfortable with them, and it takes the anxiety out of the ineraction.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Canned material is crutches in my opinion. As the other people said, learn the art of conversation and you'll be much better off. Sh1t, do you think caveman (picture the Geico one) had tarot cards, magic tricks, and best friend tests. Fvck no he didn't. I'm LOL right now at the imagery.

But on a positive note rock solid, the fact that you're pulling these off successfully probably means that you've got good inner game going and hey if you enjoy giving the high school girls the best friend test, have fun with it.