The Art of Kino


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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From the second we come into this world, all of us crave human touch. Just the thought of someone touching us can send chills up and down our spines or, under worse circumstances, make us very uncomfortable. Yet kino, touching, is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal for attracting members of the opposite sex. Kino can break barriers and stimulate attraction. Kino can signal confidence and act as an invitation. Kino is the magic little wand that can bring you great happiness. Yet - It - is something too many people are afraid to use.

So, What Is Kino?

Kino, shorthand for kinesthetics, is the art of touching someone. This does not mean sexual, although its uses in that realm are infinite. Instead, kino is touching someone in a social situation, hereby breaking the ice and paving the way for something different from your ordinary "Hi." Think about it, how often do you meet someone and say a simple Hi, maybe shake hands, and then forget all about that person? During the time you met that person, you just went through your usual "Hi, my name is" repertoire and the other person obliged and stayed to the "tried and true." Resultingly, nothing about the whole encounter was exciting enough to leave an imprint in either of your memories. Sadly, sometimes you wanted to leave an imprint in the other's memory. But you didn't know how... didn't know what... and ended up being as boring and predictable as a campaign speech at a fundraiser. If there is anything you should have learned by now its that: Boring and Predictable will NEVER help you make attract anyone, and I state that unequivocally. To attract that girl you've set your sights on you need to STAND OUT FROM THE MOLD. You need to be different, show that you're attractive, confident, and NOT like everyone else. Thats where kino comes in. By kinoing someone, you're doing something no one else in this day and age is doing, you're initiating contact. When you kino someone, you signal to them that its okay to touch, and the other person is at ease. Think about it, how often do you kino your close friends? With my friends, kino is constant. We high-five each other, we have the manly hug. When we joke, we punch eachother in jest, we touch eachother on the upperarm to get their attention, we wrestle, mess up the others hair a little, the list is boundless. Now rewind to the time when you were sitting down, you were at a party, at a friend's place, in class before the teacher arrived, and your -( TARGET )- was on your left, right, front, back, soon to be on top, wherever! While you were talking, you could have made a humorous jab and then give the "we're just playing" look, hitting her on the shoulder. You could've noted an earring she was wearing, touching her gently on the ear with one finger before retracting it while making a comment. You see, kino is like sweet magic, if you learn to master it, you can break the ice and get amazing results with them. So lets break Kino down into three categories:

Casual Kino

Casual Kino is just that, casual. Casual kino does not draw intention to itself, it does not make the other wonder why you touched them, it does not register itself consciously in the other's mind; yet, despite all that, it heightens the attraction between you and that other person. So, "how" you ask? By breaking barriers.

Scenario One:

You met this Kathryn at a party and talked to her a for a couple minutes, its the day after and she's walking your way, on her way to class/work/the store/etc. You say "oh... eehh... Hi!" She obliges with a courtly smile, looking about as genuine as Pamela Anderson's breasts. She stays on course, walking towards her destination, away from you.

Lets REWIND...

Kathryn is walking, you make eyecontact with her and you flaunt a friendly, wide smile. You wait untill she is within talking distance and say Hi, once again your smile opens up and you give her a friendly hug

Now... what have you done?

  1. You showed her you're a friendly guy. (NB: Friendly =/= nice)
  2. You showed her you're confident (not all guys have the balls to hug someone.)
  3. You've broken the ice and can now have a quick convo.

The magic three. All that with a hug... now, plenty of people hug... but, and a big but, most people are afraid to hug until x amount of conversations have gone by. You, on the other hand, consider name recognition enough to allow for a hug. Now, there is nothing magical about a hug, but I bring it up to illustrate a point: body contact breaks barriers, shows confidence, and is friendly. Unfortuntately, too many people don't hug enough. (Note: Hugging girls also signals a bit of popularity. When I go to clubs, I'm always sure to collect hugs from the girls I already know, they then introduce me to their friends, I say hi, then continue my rounds, and in the mean while all the cute chicks notice me and that I'm a huggable, popular guy... consequently their interest in me doubles. This applies at school and parties too.) Moving on.

Scenario Two:

You're at the mall/store/campus and your friend Judy introduces you to the callipygian Gloria. Judy then has something to do and you have a few minutes to talk. Now, without focusing too much on the conversation dynamics, kino is important when speaking. Imagine you're making a point or have something serious to say, as you're doing this, place your hand on her upperarm for a second without looking at your hand, or making any facial expressions that signal anything has changed. Your face should be just as cool and confident as if you were standing still, you must draw ZERO attention to your hand. Now, your hand should have touched her for a half-second before falling away. If you do this right, she pays greater attention to what you said, but you also accomplished the Magic 3 (break barriers, show confidence, be friendly). Now, if you do it wrong or she's an icequeen, she might act a little queasy because of the touch, in that case don't kino her for a while (but DO NOT BE FAZED, if you act scared or taken aback things get awkwards, once again, if she does act queasy, you don't notice, nothing changed). However, 98% of the time women respond favorably to kino. She might look a tad happier, her pupils might dilate (signalling interest... or too much sunlight), or she might not give any noticeable clue at all, your most likely response. Odds are, however, she might kino you in return (after all, its okay now). After doing that kino, I usually stay off the kino for about a half-minute or so, then I kino again, maybe I hold her hand loosely and softly as I'm making a point, maybe I place my hand above her thighs; there's so many places, use your imagination. After that, I don't kino, and as I leave I give her a hug. All in all, I kinoed her 3 times and she is now much warmer to me in the future.

Playful Kino

This one is more fun. When girls are attracted to you give you a variety of opportunities for touching them. The other day this one girl was trying to prove to me that she was strong so she jokingly wanted to arm-wrestle me while we were both standing. I pretended to oblige but after a second of arm-wrestling I used my favorite wrestling move (minus the forcefulness & grip) and pulled her around and into me, with my right arm across her stomach and my left hand on her thigh. I then let go after a couple seconds but, as I was doing this, I let my hand linger on her body as it was turning around again. The linger is key, its sensual, it sends chills up and down their spines, and it makes them want more. The girl laughed and joked back at me and kinoed me by playfully punching me. Throughout the rest of our convo she found some 20 excuses to touch me and I found aplenty to return the favor. Playful kino is great in building sexual tension.

Flirty Kino

I hope you've noticed by now that all kino is flirty kino. But this category is different in that you can't do this as easily as casual kino or playful kino, this kino requires a little more acquaintance with the target because if the other is not receptive it can make them a little uncomfortable. But thats no problem because you don't care and you can always try it again later or with someone else. I do flirty kino with girls who I've already kinoed before and who I know are attracted to me. I might be talking to her and we could both be flirting a little and I might place my hand on her thighs, she might have a sexy shirt thats showing a little midriff and I can use that to stimulate the skin's nervous cells as I kino her. I'll let it linger there for a while and then take my hand away, not instantaneously, but making friction as my fingers glide off her tingling skin. Flirty kino is damn sensuous if done right. Another great flirty kino strategy is caressing her hair. I always find some excuse to touch their hair. Sometimes we're at a party and she's sitting next to me, we're on a bed "doing homework," or maybe just standing someplace out in public, and I'll comment on her hair and touch it. I'll then do it again, slowly... sensually. And I can see the girl just teeming with desire. Another kino strategy is parting her hair if its covering a part of her face, and then moving your index and middle fingers over her face, slowly. I might take a detour and leave my finger on her lips for a second while making eye contact and then kiss her. Of course, there are countless other kino techniques I use, but I won't give them all away.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
There you have it, the three basic categories of that magic thing called Kino. Are there more types? Yes. Am I going to reveal them? No.

Well... I'll add this last one as an afterthought and a present to you, what can I say, I'm in a giving mood.


Oooh I just love this. I love teasing girls. Tease them on a date, at a party, in bed, I can just see the sexual tension escalate and sometimes just watch it explode inside them. As if they just lost control to their desires. If you learn how to tease women, a world of pleasure awaits you like nothing you've ever seen. The Tease is advanced stuff, advanced, not just because it requires a deep understanding of kino and flirting, but advanced because even if you do it perfect, if you've not mastered being attractive it won't tease her at all. Thats the point of tease, make her want (more) what she can't have. If she doesn't want you, then you need to start at the top of this post, not the bottom. Too many nice guys just don't know how much a girl can desire a man, it might be sexually, but she might just as well crave his touch, want to kiss him, but she sure as hell won't be obvious about it. Unlike guys who signpost their every thought, women have learned to master their body language. Thats why teasing requires an understanding of women.

One of my favorites is Phase Shifting.

This goes by so many names that you can never list them all. When I'm with a girl, usually when dancing, I like to talk to her, slowly, sensually, and have my face, or, more specifically, my lips, very close to her while standing face-to-face. I won't act like I'm going to kiss her, matter of fact, I won't signal in any way other than having my face close to her. The girl is now in a position of where she wants to kiss me but is afraid of me rejecting her if she moves in for the kiss, this myriad of emotions heightens the sexual tension dramatically. Almost always she'll make a miniscule movement forward, pause, as if asking for my approval, and slowly and timidly move forward towards my lips again. Another way is slowly breathing on to her (very softly, if you do this hard you are being repulsive and are interfering with her fresh air intake), especially on her lips. She is now being stimulated, she wants it, but she's not getting it. She now has to work for it. The key to these techniques is being in the GRAY AREA. She has to subconsciously know that you are flirting, but she can't know for sure, if she does it ruins the mystique of the tease.

I do teases like this all the time. Sometimes I know she just wants a kiss and I move in only to give her a hug and say bye. Boy does that drive them nuts.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
This is brilliant stuff. Bravo!

I'v elevated my kino game tremendously over the last year. After establishing some type of rapport or connection, it becomes so easy. Make it into an art form. I've kinoed girls on airplanes, in class, in seminars, and in a restaurant.

When you are radiating confidence and fun and playfulness, your kino is effortless. There is no strain. There is no awkwardness. I've never had a girl take offense or anything like that.

Even on dates, I'm amazed at what girls would let me do.

For me, the "tipping point" comes when you touch a girl below the waist casually. It's the point of no return. After warming her up with touches on her arm or shoulder, when you touch her on her thigh or knee, it's a new game. If you've got your hand on her thigh on more than one occasion, you've got a virtually guaranteed kiss close and possibly a f*ck close.

Long live kino!!!


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
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Would this be considered kino (enough to let a girl know I'm interested)? I saw her at a club and I walked up to her. She didn't seem to really notice me when I said hi so, I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder and rubbed her arm very slowly all the way down to her wrist while looking her in the eyes. Would she know I was flirting when I did this or would she think I was just trying to be friendly. I also hug this girl every time I see her. She's very friendly with me but...I'm not sure if she's interested.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
How's about this:
This chick and I (who I dig) have this game, where she pushes me lightly on the arm then I push her back, lightly. Like two little kids. She usually initiates it. What we be a DJ move when she pushes me?


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
And never forget the power of the spank!

(do it in the right context guys! wrong time will get u in trouble)

if you've had some playful kino, and hugging and flirted a bit, a spank can naturally turn up that tension