the AFC agenda


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
Every single day, everywhere I go, I am in some way subjected to what I call "the AFC agenda." It's my all-purpose, collective term that sums up the mindset of the flock - that we should strive to be the best chump we can be. If it's not my family that is sharing their agenda-driven ways with me, it's loser friends from long ago who get mad at me because "you've changed a lot." It could be from business associates, or perhaps some of my customers. You never know.

If there's one thing I've learned over the last year, it's how to deal with the AFC agenda. Just acknowledge it, don't argue with it, ignore it, but most importantly don't ever be apologetic for disagreeing with it.

Everyone always has an agenda in whatever actions they take or words they say. Some people are very aware of what their agenda is, some people are not. Whenever I'm interacting with people, I'm always trying to detect exactly what their agenda is, and listen to see how their words and actions are filtered through that agenda. I've noticed though that most folks live their life on auto-pilot, adopting the AFC agenda because it is the societal blueprint for life, and it is much easier to follow this agenda than lead with your own.

Things I've noticed about the ubiquitous agenda:

The AFC agenda assumes your lack of a wedding band means you are actively looking for a wife and this is the primary purpose of dating. It expects that you want to be married by your mid-twenties.

The AFC agenda pushes you to reproduce as soon as possible, regardless of your desires, regardless of how prepared you would be as a parent.

The AFC agenda resents you having control over your world. It resents your success with women, with business, and personal finances. It resents your freedom.

The AFC agenda ends every phone conversation with "love you."

The AFC agenda will engage you in a two-hour conversation about American Idol, but not so much as a two-minute conversation about world events or new ideas.

The AFC agenda seeks your advice, but then gets mad because they don't want to hear it.

The AFC agenda loves giving you advice, but refuses to discuss the advice. Confronting how the advice comes from a feminized, supplicating mindset is terribly painful.

The AFC agenda thinks that it's normal and healthy to not get your sexual needs met.

The AFC agenda embraces mediocrity and fears change.

The AFC agenda thinks your high protein, low processed food dietary habits are strange. The agenda sees obesity as normal and healthy.

The AFC agenda is addicted to television, prescription medication, and to the media in general.

The AFC agenda means well and wants to see you succeed in life, but fears you'll never be happy because you don't worship women.


What experiences do you guys have dealing with the AFC agenda in your own lives? Can you think of anything to add to this?


( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
RedPill said:
What experiences do you guys have dealing with the AFC agenda in your own lives? Can you think of anything to add to this?


How long have you got? But yeah I feel like Roddy Piper in "They Live". *Consume*, *Supplicate* , *Monogamy* .

Good post btw.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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Somehow I don't think that the AFC mentality is founded on a deliberate desire to be a chump. Instead, I think it's based on resignation - the idea that there is nothing one can do do avoid being a chump.

I would chalk the AFC mentality up to either a failure of nerve at the sight of what it takes to succeed, or to the destruction of the belief that it is possible to succeed.

Men see the standard that society holds them to - gorgeous, filthy rich, athletically gifted, and well-endowed jackasses who own everyone around them, fvck a different HB10 every night, and have everyone love them for all of it - and when they realize that they can't live up to it, they despair.

How else would you expect a man to act when he doesn't believe he can have a better life than he does?


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
Visceral said:
Somehow I don't think that the AFC mentality is founded on a deliberate desire to be a chump. Instead, I think it's based on resignation - the idea that there is nothing one can do do avoid being a chump.
I just hate how the agenda is everywhere. It's in your face all the time. Its like subconciously other people want you to share in their lame existence. They act like getting married, having your wife grow fat & nasty and stop wanting sex, growing a gut, and having four wonderful kids you can't afford is some rite of passage.

It's the little things that are the most irritating. For instance, hearing a 40 year old supplier for my business who was helping me load up my car the other day say "man, no car seats? we've gotta help get you some kids back there." Who the fvck is we, and why the fvck exactly do I 'need' help with this? Clearly meant as a joke, but completely run through the filter of the AFC agenda. I shot the guy a mean look as if to say "buddy you're a hair away from losing my business." Of course he didn't get why I'd find that offensive, but whatever. That's just one of a million examples of dealing with the agenda on a daily basis.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
i almost fell to the afc agenda just a couple of months ago. it all started the day my girlfriend got on her knees and asked me to marry her. everybody thought that the man should be the one to be on his knee. she was worthy of my company so i said yes....and while your down there...haha

anyways fast forward to 2 years later. my marriage rocks, but its the surrounding people that try to destroy it. something must be wrong with a married couple if their happy still.

i find most of the focus is on me, questions like where's he working, how much is he making, why are you moving there, you guys won't like that, why don't you finish what ya's started, etc.

i live on the analogy of "i work to live,not live to work"! trust me don't ever say that to your family in law. when they ask about saving answer- yeah i'm saving up for a kick a$$ trip or something like a big screen t.v or whatever. and their answer- how come your not saving up for a house, are you going to start a family soon, aren't you guys getting sick of moving from city to city. my answer- i'm not sick of living and going out on on whime. i like waking up everyday and wondering where next. it's fun.

i'm considered imature by most people and i can deal with that. but at least i'm fun and have a sense of adventure. sure people can save money all they want till their old and have nothing to show or say. me i'm filled with stories and some people want to come with me on my journeys.

but i hit a wrong note one day!!! the bills started coming on strong and i was unemployed, just taking it easy. i'm sure that made everyone smile that we were struggling. so i looked on the job bank and the money was far away and with my wife in school, i couldn't bring her along.

we stupped low and asked for money. it was the husbands fault. so to turn the mob to smiles, i said i was heading out west. everybody on my side of the family was like why are you going. my answer- because i'm married and i have to make more money now!!!!!!!!!see that answer, i was following the afc agenda. sure we were struggling, but we always found a way out. but i left anyway.

halfway across canada i slapped myself in the face and said what the hell are you doing. that wasn't me. since when did i ever care about making money. it was her family that put that garbage in my head. we could make it till she finishes school. i turned around and headed for home.

next time we visited their house, and they asked what was the point of wasting kms and money. i said i just felt like going for a big cruise and it ruled. they don't understand my methods but i'm glad they don't.
i don't follow anybodies rules but my own and to this day the money is coming in and were doing fine.

her family is going to sh*t when they find out my true objectives though.
america is our next destination. i already conquered canada.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
This is what Shark and BadBoy refer to as "The Matrix"


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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The AFC agenda resents you having control over your world. It resents your success with women, with business, and personal finances. It resents your freedom.

my old group of 'friends' are such AFCs, especialy when it comes to chicks;they take eachother girls, have no choice in woman and try to put eachother down in front of other chicks just to look cool,what losers..they are soo lame and they always try to hate on me and my success and my drive and determination that they obviously lack...I control soo much more then i thought i could ever have.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
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This is a fascinating topic-- never gets old to me.

You guys have ideas on where this "AFC Agenda" originated?

Is it a thought "meme" ? Why is it so prevalent? Why do people willingly work their asses off to please others and try to give the appearance of being "selfless" and a "good citizen" even though it is psychologically unhealthy and unrewarding in the long run since you're dependent on others for validation? Why?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I can just see someone from here going on national TV, like a Talk show, and start spouting out acronyms like "all these damn AFC's out here" and "to be a real DJ you have to..", and PUA, LTR, HB8, etc, and the crowd/host be like


I caught myself saying AFC to this girl one day, she was like "what's that?" I made up some crap and laughed it off


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
Duke said:
This is a fascinating topic-- never gets old to me.

You guys have ideas on where this "AFC Agenda" originated?
Feminism and political correctness. That's what I think. Political correctness (people trying to pander to everybody, while offending nobody) let the feminist movement get way too deep into society's collective unconscious mind. This could be an entirely different discussion in itself, and one that's not fit for this board.


As it serves our purposes though, I'm more interested in helping every single man here (and woman, if she needs to hear it) understand the Agenda, the Matrix - whatever you want to call it - so that they can be freed from the mental shackles that made us all AFC at one time. There's a lot of threads on this board that dance around the theory behind the Agenda. How can we be more pragmatic about it though? That's why I started this thread, looking for instances, outside my own observation, when the hidden pressures to confirm to the Agenda present themselves in our everyday lives.

Duke, to answer your question of why people submit to the Agenda, it's getting hidden, or in extreme cases direct social pressure from others who are blindly subscribed to the Agenda to conform.

Let's be honest. We live in a chump society. That's unlikely to change in our lifetimes. At least though, if we can inform as many newbies and recovering chumps that are fortunate enough to enter our online cave here about what they're up against, we've done our job. It's a 'help a man catch a fish vs. teaching him how to fish for life' type of thing.

Maybe I'm alone in saying this, but I can't tell you guys how many years (if not decades) of frustration this place has saved me, both with women and many other aspects of life. I started lurking here, like many of you, to cure a oneitis situation, and stumbled upon a one-of-a-kind self-improvement community for males that just doesn't exist elsewhere. So if we can help more guys here see how the Agenda drives their behaviors, instead of trying to fix their oneitis problems over and over and over again, then we've taught more guys how to hunt. Anyway...that's how I want to give back.


Backbreaker, one day my radio alarm clock went off and the local radio station was doing a phone interview live with Neil Strauss. Not entirely awake yet, it freaked me out due to the subject matter they were discussing. It took me a few seconds to realize it was part of the book promotion, and that this was an interview with him. Funny though... I can see what you're saying happening.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
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i was the most defiant ,rebelious,aggressive little fvcker growing up. people have tried to condition me to be 'nicer' ,more sensitive and caring.I suppose they mistaken my attitude as somehow selfish and cold.Since when has being a taker ,doing for yourself and what needs to be done such a crime?
i tried fitting into the whole scene everywhere, at work,with family with friends..but it seems like no one wants to hear or see the truth,they'd rather have their feelings spared and not have their beliefs challenged.i simply refuse to be like everyone else, being nice for the sake of it, giving without limits, helping everyone unconditionaly all the time..okay,okay.if you are a disaster relief worker..god bless you, your doing a good job, if you do charity work..awesome, but i am not gonna be one of those people that do everything for everyone! and this is NOT a case of 'projection' either! LOL! the AFC agenda is totally seems like alot of people really are chumps especially when it comes to may take someone as brash,as ****y and as confident in himself just to get the best there is out there-
so be it..i'd rather be resented then accepted by a bunch of losers fitting in comfortably ammoungst them!


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2003
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Would Alcoholicism / Dysfunctional families count as an example of of the AFC Agenda? That how I ended up seeing The Matrix in the first place, through having to watch alcoholism destroy my family and knowing that was nothing I could do to stop it!

Anyways, even since I was a child, while may have looked liked a hyper - active child, I knew I was a little different because I saw things from a different prospective than most. Unfortately, I feel victim to the AFC ideal of ' I need to woman to be complete! ' and oneitis. Heck, the fact I simply didn't have a clue about how to get a girlfriend is what brought me here in the first place, through a google search.

I can tell you, from bitter personal, trying to conform to what was expected from me when I was 12 - 16 was dumbest thing I've ever done, and nearly cost me my life in the process.

I'd say I'm a little lost at the moment, I'm aware of the AFC agenda but my life seems to lack any real direction at the moment, just because I refuse to conform that doesn't mean I can go around insulting people! ( or maybe its because i don't think before I speck )

I know all about being selfless, putting othe peoples needs before my own, especailly that of authority, even where the most extreme that could happen is proverbial slap on the wrist. Lets just say because of that I didn't have half the adventure everyone else had when I was a youth helper in Lourdes in 2004, its painful to think about what I missed out on because I didn't rebel, even though my heart wanted to, my mind kept me from doing so!

Crap, why is it that my posts end up turning personal?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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This is a fascinating discussion, because it contradicts everything I always thought about people and society.
organizedconfusion said:
i was the most defiant ,rebelious,aggressive little fvcker growing up. people have tried to condition me to be 'nicer' ,more sensitive and caring.I suppose they mistaken my attitude as somehow selfish and cold.Since when has being a taker ,doing for yourself and what needs to be done such a crime?
I had always thought that this is what society expected men to be like, and that sensitive, caring "Nice Guys" were viewed as abnormal, even if they were the majority ... I know that I've always felt "deviant" for being the sedentary, quiet, and well-behaved loner.

I don't dispute what you guys are saying about the AFC Agenda - it makes sense and I believe that it's true - but I can't help but get some very different messages from the world around me. When I turn on the television, I see a society that loves ambition, selfishness, and rubbing your superiority in other people's faces after you've screwed them to get where you are.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
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The "AFC Agenda" is the agenda of the poor, the ugly, the boring, the third world countries, the losers of society.

Basically, humans have a strong sense of envy that makes them look at their rich neighbours and ask, "Why are they rich, and I'm not?" The same goes for countries (why do you think terrorists always come from poor, third world countries?)

Since 95% of humans are lazy, scared, and stupid, they end up staying poor/AFC/stupid.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
Visceral said:
When I turn on the television, I see a society that loves ambition, selfishness, and rubbing your superiority in other people's faces after you've screwed them to get where you are.
You see that on television because the masses whose actions are driven by the Agenda mindset wish that was them. That's why they are addicted to TV. It provides them the fantasy of a non-AFC life that they think can't and shouldn't really exist in their own lives.

Not only that, but the fantasy is tailored to the intellectually lazy ways of those folks. For instance, most people who have built their own world are NOT about screwing people and rubbing superiorty into other people's faces. The "Millionaire Next Door" model is far more representative of how wealth and success acts than what's portrayed on television.

I love rocking the boat by asking people (especially people who really need to take the red pill), "I wonder if [insert famous person] is sitting around their living room talking about you right now?" The reactions you get are priceless. :D It never gets old.

diplomatic_lies said:
The "AFC Agenda" is the agenda of the poor, the ugly, the boring, the third world countries, the losers of society.

Basically, humans have a strong sense of envy that makes them look at their rich neighbours and ask, "Why are they rich, and I'm not?" The same goes for countries (why do you think terrorists always come from poor, third world countries?)

Since 95% of humans are lazy, scared, and stupid, they end up staying poor/AFC/stupid.
The sad part is, most people are surrounded by the Agenda, therefore embracing change is extremely difficult as it seems like you have no way out. Think about it - if you are born into a family, a community, an education system that completely programs you 24/7 to be AFC, it's very mentally taxing to take everything you've accepted culturally as the what's right in life and throw it out the window. That's the hardest thing to teach others who want better, because as soon as they're out of the discussion (better yet, off their computers), they dive right back into the pool of other people's AFC expectations.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Good post!

What I've noticed about AFCs is they don't expect you to change. In fact, they want you to remain the same person throughout your life. When an individual decides to make changes to his personality and lifestyle, the AFCs begin to criticize him for turning into a person that they're not used to, and they try to bring him back down to their level.

I've noticed this with my friends and even my parents. They expect me to remain the doormat that they're used to. They want to continue to take advantage of me. When I put my foot down with them, they get upset, start calling me names, and tell me how worthless I am. They cannot change their perception of me.

This is when you know it's time to leave them behind while you travel the road to becoming a better and more confident person.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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RedPill said:
I love rocking the boat by asking people (especially people who really need to take the red pill), "I wonder if [insert famous person] is sitting around their living room talking about you right now?" The reactions you get are priceless. :D It never gets old.
Absolutely. [insert famous person] is talking about [insert famous person] ... the rich, powerful, and famous don't think enough about ordinary people to laugh at them. But then most people are looking over their shoulders at their friends, family, coworkers, and complete strangers they pass on the street, and trying to either impress them or fly under their radars - only the celebrity-obsessed worry about what [insert famous person] would think of them.

I think people are afraid that they're going to be punished for not "keeping their place" - something out of Machiavelli or "Oliver Twist" where the powers that be regard ambition as a threat to their own positions. People expect to be either used and discarded or simply struck down for their arrogance by the superior they're trying to emulate. And this is in addition to the fact that their peers will hate them for thinking themselves better, regardless of whether or not they succeed.
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