Thanks 2 Everyone


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to everyone who has posted questions and replies.

Just two months ago I had no ambition to do anything. I just took life day by day and rolled with the punches. I was tired from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I got tired of being tired. I looked like crap and felt like crap everyday. The weekends were just an excuse for me to drink myself and my problems away. I knew I was going nowhere so I decided to change.

One month ago I went ahead and forced myself to make a change. It wasnt easy it took a lot of dedication. The changes at first were simple. I traded soft drinks for water. I traded super sized burgers and fries with fruits, salads, and lean meats. Thats all I did.

After going through sugar and caffiene withdraws and headaches everyday for about a week I noticed a small change. I had more energy, I slept better, and I was generally in a better mood throughout the day.

Just as recent as two weeks ago I found this message board looking for ways to improve myself. I know this is generally designed for helping men become better with the ladies but I have found way more hidden in the text. I have found ways to make myself become proud of who I am. I have found ways to have more cofidence in social situations, not just with women but with all people. I have found ways that have helped me feel better physically and become more confident in myself. Basically, I have finally found how to become the person I have always wanted to be. I'm not there yet, but I have noticed many changes in my attitude, and this is only after two weeks.

Since visiting this board I started running daily as a way to burn of this excess energy I have found recently. At first I couldn't run a quarter mile without almost dying, but I forced myself to continue day after day. Even though it hurt and I wanted to go back to my lazy ways of watching tv until I went to sleep, I made my self keep going. Telling myself this will help in confidence building. It has. Now i'm up to two miles a day non stop. This is a huge improvement for me and I feel better than I ever have before.

Thanks to changing the ways I eat, drink, and excercise, there has also been a huge physical change. I didn't notice it until recently and only after I got a compliment from a co-worker. She told me that I look better and seem to be happier. She couldn't figure out why but she has just noticed a change. Now thats a huge confidence booster because I have never told anyone about the changes I have made, she just noticed them by herself.

So I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone here. Visiting this board everyday and reading the posts and articles gives me the encouragement I need to continue. I don't plan to stop doing what I'm doing because I still have a long way to go. Only now I know that there is hope.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2002
Reaction score
Good for you hypoxia, keep it up. I have also made some change in my way of eating and living. I went from 230lbs to 210lbs in just a few months. The key is to drink lots of water, eat alot of fruit and vegies(green vegies are the best) and walking or running at least 4 times a week, 45 minutes is all you need to see a big difference, my gold is 200lbs, I am 6'0 and wide at the shoulders and chest, I was at 200lbs a couple of years ago and its my perfect weight for me, I don't like looking like a tooth pick. My next thing to do and its going to be the hardest is to quit smoking, I am not a big smoker but I smoke enough, smoking also slows down weight loss.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2002
Reaction score
Keep up the good work, Hypoxia

This is testament to all those who need that push to take charge of their personal development, not just concerning women. It helps build confidence, and that then radiates from your posture and general attitude.