Test your will


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Im in too, except im going to edit the list a little bit. Ill do:
-No jacking off for a whole month, and no looking at porn either. (toughest in the list)
- No junk food. (thats easy)
-Im not going to excercise hardcore everyday of the week. But ill probably play basketball everyday except sunday, ill do my regular boxing training on tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays and lift weight only on mondays and wensdays. (i was planning on starting this this week anyways)
-6 hours of sleep is going to be hard, i have to get at least 7 and ill try to not sleep until noon on sundays.
-Im going to have to take the no late hw assignments goal off the list. I honestly dont give a **** about school that much, and get by with like 4 or 3 As and 3 or 4 Bs and im happy with that. However i will set a goal to read productive books for at least 1 hour everyday.
-And the last goal wouldnt happen everyday, bc i think adrenaline only starts pumping when youre in a dangeous, stressful or extremly happy situation, and i dont think im going to have one of those experiences everyday in one month.

Thanks for the idea, this will be productive and i cant wait to see the results.
Start- 2-12-04 End-If im successful in doing all of this in one month, it would probably form into habits and hopefully i can just improve on my goals, beyond a month or 2 or several years.