Taurine Mistake

Hockey Playa

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Just bought my first bottle of taurine powder today, thought id give it a try. The guy at the store, said he drinks it with protein drinks. So in my pre workout protein shake today i decided to throw some taurine in. The problem was, i couldnt find the scoop for it, it was buried in the bottom of the bottle. So i said f*ck it, and used my protein scoop, and plopped a wad of taurine in. No problem at first just a little weird taste. When i finally get working out, i notice im extremely thirsty the whole time. I didnt think it was that big of a deal. Than half way through my workout i get a huge Sh*t cramp. I go take a diarrhea, and resume my workout. Than after the workout i take 2 more diarrheas. Than i come home i have to take another one, and its just liquid now.

so 4 ****s in 40 mins im a little worried. Could consuming too much taurine be the cause of this, and should i be worried? Im gonna drink a ton of water tonight, to avoid dehydration.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
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lol its the protein when i took protein is hsit alot to and get ready cuse your gonna fart like 10 times more


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
Too much of anything new can cause diarrhea. Just lay off the taurine for a day or two then work up slowly over a week to your desired dosage. Don't take your daily dosage all at once. If you still get diarrhea then stop using the taurine.

Is it a pure powder?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
simon said:
Too much of anything new can cause diarrhea. Just lay off the taurine for a day or two then work up slowly over a week to your desired dosage. Don't take your daily dosage all at once. If you still get diarrhea then stop using the taurine.
^ as above.

also, next time research something before you try it. some supplements are harmless if you overdose, others, like in this case, are not.

Hockey Playa

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Day 2 update: Had an awesome sleep, after breakfast had to sh!t again, and only liquid came out again :s. This getting to be a pain in the a$$( no pun intended). Getting a little worried still...

WBA: were you implying over dose taurine IS, or IS NOT harmless?
Simon: yes it is pure powder 100 % L-Taurine or whatever

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hockey Playa said:
WBA: were you implying over dose taurine IS, or IS NOT harmless?
um, your experience with your 'overdose' should give you the answer. (for your peace of mind I can tell you it's NOT going to permanently damage you, but your current sufferance should teach you to be more careful in future)

I still don't know why the hell people go out and buy stuff without knowing what it does or how to use it.

Hockey Playa

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thanks WBA, that is peace of mind. I totally agree with you, i learned my lesson, always read label carefully at the suggest usage, and always dig down and find that damn scoop.

I was not totally clueless about taurine, ive been told many things about it
It makes muscles harder?
it improves concentration?
it helps uptake everything quicker, so it enhances other supplements
its and amino acid, that we are short of sometimes after strenuous workouts.

But ya my Chaffed assh0le will be a good reminder to read carefully.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Hockey Playa said:
Thanks WBA, that is peace of mind. I totally agree with you, i learned my lesson, always read label carefully at the suggest usage, and always dig down and find that damn scoop.

I was not totally clueless about taurine, ive been told many things about it
It makes muscles harder?
it improves concentration?
it helps uptake everything quicker, so it enhances other supplements
its and amino acid, that we are short of sometimes after strenuous workouts.

But ya my Chaffed assh0le will be a good reminder to read carefully.
Taurine is an amino acid with cell volumising qualities (draws water into the muscles - hence your thirst/dehydration) much like creatine, can improve alertness and concentration yes, uptake of other stuff not that I know of, after a workout we're short of ALL amino acids, not just taurine.. it also has relaxing qualities so it can help pre-bed.

I combine it with a few other ingredients for a homemade NO stack which works awesomely well (but even at 240lbs, I still only use AT MOST 10g taurine!)

It's also cheap and apparently anti-ageing.

it is a good supplement with many benefits all told, but far from essential.

since you've bought it, I would take a teaspoon pre workout and one post workout, possibly one during workout too if it's convenient. that's still only 4-5g of the stuff each time.

you can also take 1-2 teaspoons on offdays, one prebed (but I never noticed its relaxing qualities personally) and one in the morning or at another time of day.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
DONT EVER think every supplement is fine, and dont EVER take your protein scoop and just do that. Dumbest thing in the world, and I am going to :kick: but you learned your lesson.

I suggest you read ALL labels. One day someone like you will do that with the wrong item and be dead on the ground.

Caffeine is an example. If you took 1/4tsp that's 600mg, and if you took a few tsp cause you thought... Well, should be like creatine, YOU'D BE DEAD, or close to it. Your Lethal dose can even be close to 3g for some people. This is an example of a supplement (well drug) that can be over-dosed VERY easily. I'll cap and sell some to people, but I never give them the pure powder cause people like to take more than what they are supposed too, and caffeine will rack up very quick as I mentioned.

Supplements have scoops and directions for a reason. Not all powders weigh the same and not all scoops are the same CC, and cant be treated the same.

JUST cause it is a dietary supplement doesn't mean you shouldn't treat them like they are drugs. Just cause they are NOT regulated by the FDA doesn't mean they still cant kill you, or give you problems at mega-doses

Consider yourself lucky this time.

Marie Grenier

New Member
Jan 18, 2016
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Just bought my first bottle of taurine powder today, thought id give it a try. The guy at the store, said he drinks it with protein drinks. So in my pre workout protein shake today i decided to throw some taurine in. The problem was, i couldnt find the scoop for it, it was buried in the bottom of the bottle. So i said f*ck it, and used my protein scoop, and plopped a wad of taurine in. No problem at first just a little weird taste. When i finally get working out, i notice im extremely thirsty the whole time. I didnt think it was that big of a deal. Than half way through my workout i get a huge Sh*t cramp. I go take a diarrhea, and resume my workout. Than after the workout i take 2 more diarrheas. Than i come home i have to take another one, and its just liquid now.

so 4 ****s in 40 mins im a little worried. Could consuming too much taurine be the cause of this, and should i be worried? Im gonna drink a ton of water tonight, to avoid dehydration.

You made me laugh .... I just experienced the very same thing this afternoon... 4 ou maybe 6***s after taking 2gr or Taurine! I will bring it down to 500mg and I should be fine. Reading your comment confirmed what I thought... too much taurine gives diarrhea!