Take your manhood back!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
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Just beyond reach
Just happened across this little gem video. What a lot of you younger guys coming up arent doing is building your foundation from the bottom up. What's the saying, a house of cards..... Or the little pig that made his house out of straw.

You guys want to aim straight for the pvssy, but you dont have your foundations set, and the mighty v@gina is ging to run you through the gauntlet, as we read post after post.

You have a responsibility to yourselves and society to take your manhood back. By focusing on this first, the pvssy will come, in droves. And you will be prepared. You are a soldier going into a hostile battle ground. We are behind enemy lines. As a soldier you need to have all of your skills and tools honed before you just run out guns blazing. Watch this video. Read Men>Greater than women. Youtube Sean Connery, Christopher Hitches, and all other real me who are trying to help you, and do it right, or dont do it at all.



Don Juan
Jul 8, 2011
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Good video. I like this guy's attitude. I'm a total AFC, so tonight I've got a lot of videos to watch and notes to take. Honestly, f*** women. I agree that men are superior to women. I am physically stronger than the vast majority of women and smarter than them too. My whole life, I was brainwashed into thinking that men were "bad", and, as a result, I am extremely sexually-repressed and have coped in unhealthy ways.

It's about time I took my manhood back. Good post, OP.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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I think ALL women should wear a visible pricetag displaying how much we should invest in case of interest of their vagina. Prostitution should be legal and taxed in ALL counties. They do not need any education except cooking, nursing and Kegel exercises.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
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Probably about to open a fat can of worms on myself for this, but the replies I'm seeing in this thread are sad. The original video carries a good intent, though the speaker mentions a few things not quite factually correct. (For example, the brunt of feminism has absolutely zero to due with sexual intercourse.)

[Quote user="MrJibbles"]
I'm a total AFC, so tonight I've got a lot of videos to watch and notes to take. Honestly, f*** women. I agree that men are superior to women. I am physically stronger than the vast majority of women and smarter than them too. My whole life, I was brainwashed into thinking that men were "bad", and, as a result, I am extremely sexually-repressed and have coped in unhealthy ways.

F for frustrated...and you are continuing to sound nothing but frustrated. It is apparent via hate mongering. If you feel superior, why do you feel the need to put an entire demographic down? A demographic who you obviously have an interest in how you are received by, or else you would not be here... To truly be superior, stand out on your own, with a positive focus on you, not a negative one on everyone around you. So you're stronger? Yes. But are human rights doled out based on physical strength? I think not. But yes, strength is desirable. By all means seek it. I am, I am working out regularly.

[Quote user="Burroughs"]

They do not need any education except cooking, nursing and Kegel exercises.


No one NEEDS any education. Pursuit of it is a right. If you want a 50's style house wife type woman, go find one. Some guys like the educated ones who actually have the capability of bearing insight and an interesting personality.

Other thoughts: I feel the key to the concept of manhood boils down almost entirely to confidence and being in control of your situation. Deep down it's not about gender roles, trying hard to be "macho", or anything like that. In fact, I have witnessed overtly metrosexual men succeed with women. Why? They were confident and outgoing. I personally am no metro, but one of my talents includes cooking, yes, better than most women my age. Going to flame me for that?

Yes, I do agree with the "the game is unfair" statement, but hate mongering seems pathetically insecure, IMO.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Just beyond reach
It's not about hate mongering. The guy in the video does not sound angry. He is an educator. Not all his info will be correct, naturally, but he is tapping into some truth.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
I'm talking about the responses in this thread. But I do agree with you about the video 100%, "Not all his info will be correct, naturally, but he is tapping into some truth."


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Man.... I gave a look at this video expecting some new **** but its pretty lame. It only scratches the surface about the topic of women when they turn gold diggers. There are ways of getting around this.

There's another website/forum that I go to and people there expounds on this topic and tells you from experience how and what to do.

Here are some facts/topics you should think about:

1. You don't have to marry to have a successful loving family (kids and sh*t).
2. If you do marry, you should get a prenup so she doesn't take your hard earned $.

Women will be women... many have found a way to work to system. Plenty of men out there are living example this, having married get kids; wife divorces and takes the kid along with his $ + alimony/support. Now the guy is ****ed with paying for 18 years without seeing his kid. Now ain't that some ****.

Just be smart out there gents.

Once again... Women will be women.. know their nature.

It's not misogyny, it's being smart.