SW15's Sniper Approach


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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In another thread @DEEZEDBRAH mentioned @SW15's Sniper Approach. Tomassi talks about sniper mentality in RM1, seems to be online here:

In Tomassi's discussion it's about AFCs patiently waiting out their targets, and Tomassi suggests plate theory instead.

What is @SW15's sniper approach? Some is discussed here:

To only approach hot girls/specific targets? I would call it a bit senior, it requires to be capable to approach, while someone who's not that comfortable needs the quantity for practice. I'd say I practice that to some degree, but with the lack of "promising opportunities" I talk generally, just for learning and well, there is so often our well known companion uncertainty.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The Sniper Mentality that @Rollo Tomassi mentions in that blog post from 2011 is not the same thing as sniper style approaching.

Approaching strangers can fall anywhere on a quantity basis from spam approaching to sniper approaching. Most men fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between spam approaching and sniper approaching when they approach strangers.

Spam approaching is approaching everyone in your proximity. In the early to mid 2010s, one of my friends was a spam approacher. He would pre-drink in his apartment, go to a bar or multiple bars in an evening, and then approach every woman in the bar(s) until he found a taker. He often found a taker because he is 6'4" and was a formerly NCAA athlete in a country club sport. As a tall white male with medium features, he looked the part of every yuppie, milquetoast white woman's fantasy. He would not have been able to get same results with spam approaching if he were under 6'0" or had a non milquetoast white guy look. Overall, his game was less refined than mine and some other men I've known over time but he put up a lot of notches.

My sniper approaching is a little bit different. I have preferred to look for IOIs before doing approaches. Over the years, in both bars and non-bar settings, I have tried to minimize the number of bad approaches that I have. As an introvert, I only have the energy to do a set number of approaches so I want to make them count before I feel worn out by the interaction. Getting IOIs help but I have done some approaches without IOIs. I also choose my venues wisely. I chose grocery stores in singles dense neighborhoods when doing grocery store approaches. If doing outdoor approaches, I choose areas where single people are more likely to be. I'll do gym or fitness class approaching where I think there will be the most amount of single, childless women in my age bracket.

It is a more refined, targeted marketing approach. Are there unproductive approaches in my style of approaching? Yes, they can happen. Do I waste energy? Not as much as a lot of the spam approachers out there.

You can't have ONEitis when doing my style of approaching. You have to have some level of quantity but you don't want to be undisciplined and unselective in who you approach.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2021
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Yeah, I like the comments in @Suave1's journal about that the life style of a seducer is draining. I've been crappy at noticing when I'm tired but have now started realising, also being an (somewhat) introvert, I can handle only a certain amount of approaches per day, after that I need to consolidate mentally. The approach anxiety costs a lot, rejection typically too.

Another problem with gaming is that one ****s up socially in the system one is a member of, a school or so. I have done that mistake at least twice. In a huge city that's not so much of a problem, but the more strategic sniper approach in a more sensitive environment will be more smooth and one won't come off as a dork, but instead either unnoticed or leaving an impression of being, well, suave.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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In another thread @DEEZEDBRAH mentioned @SW15's Sniper Approach. Tomassi talks about sniper mentality in RM1, seems to be online here:

In Tomassi's discussion it's about AFCs patiently waiting out their targets, and Tomassi suggests plate theory instead.

What is @SW15's sniper approach? Some is discussed here:

To only approach hot girls/specific targets? I would call it a bit senior, it requires to be capable to approach, while someone who's not that comfortable needs the quantity for practice. I'd say I practice that to some degree, but with the lack of "promising opportunities" I talk generally, just for learning and well, there is so often our well known companion uncertainty.
Keep in mind everyone has a theory. Few are actually living the life yet shilling rubbish online.

The point wasn't about waiting for that one girl. It's from actually slinging D and approaching regularly for Years. Not blogging. Not giving a theory. Not playing house or secretly married. A significant amount are beating their chest about game. I can think of one actually approaching IRL and got the receipts.

Tomassi has fascinating ideas but even mld called him out on being dated and OLD as well as a presence is huge today. On that side of the fence, outside of Troy, I don't know anybody actually living it. Ironically enough, many others have 10x the subs, and no actual evidence of living it. There's a lot of coaches and gurus. Very few who actually execute.

I think the culture is cucked and Rollo accurately nails it with the mandates and hysteria. I find the call outs of fellas with infield and actual receipts interesting.

Real talk, lads would do much better going out and approaching vs mental masturbation theory. The game has changed since the 90s. It's changed since tinder. @SW15 pointed out is changed numerous times. The following is evident by those who actually go out and get girls.

Gen Z gets a lot of **** (and with reason) but they got game on hard mode. No sign if it changing now or ever. 99% of guys don't approach. Can't pull. After AA, sniper approaching is key.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
The Sniper Mentality that @Rollo Tomassi mentions in that blog post from 2011 is not the same thing as sniper style approaching.

Approaching strangers can fall anywhere on a quantity basis from spam approaching to sniper approaching. Most men fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between spam approaching and sniper approaching when they approach strangers.

Spam approaching is approaching everyone in your proximity. In the early to mid 2010s, one of my friends was a spam approacher. He would pre-drink in his apartment, go to a bar or multiple bars in an evening, and then approach every woman in the bar(s) until he found a taker. He often found a taker because he is 6'4" and was a formerly NCAA athlete in a country club sport. As a tall white male with medium features, he looked the part of every yuppie, milquetoast white woman's fantasy. He would not have been able to get same results with spam approaching if he were under 6'0" or had a non milquetoast white guy look. Overall, his game was less refined than mine and some other men I've known over time but he put up a lot of notches.

My sniper approaching is a little bit different. I have preferred to look for IOIs before doing approaches. Over the years, in both bars and non-bar settings, I have tried to minimize the number of bad approaches that I have. As an introvert, I only have the energy to do a set number of approaches so I want to make them count before I feel worn out by the interaction. Getting IOIs help but I have done some approaches without IOIs. I also choose my venues wisely. I chose grocery stores in singles dense neighborhoods when doing grocery store approaches. If doing outdoor approaches, I choose areas where single people are more likely to be. I'll do gym or fitness class approaching where I think there will be the most amount of single, childless women in my age bracket.

It is a more refined, targeted marketing approach. Are there unproductive approaches in my style of approaching? Yes, they can happen. Do I waste energy? Not as much as a lot of the spam approachers out there.

You can't have ONEitis when doing my style of approaching. You have to have some level of quantity but you don't want to be undisciplined and unselective in who you approach.
I've done spam approaching. Burned it to the ****ing ground. Had nights where just a few approaches and I pull. Other nights where I can't catch tumbleweed lulz! It's the game.

After 20s, chasing girls is retarded. A fella should have something better to follow then just chase girls. Then again, a lot of fellas who can't get girls will excuse age or bay number of things because of AA among other things.

@darksprezzatura nailed it With leveling up. Some countries are cucked to the max. A number of them have gone full ****ing retard. In said predicament, the pursuit of individual sovereignty and exodus should be priority #1 above all. Then again, the D won't suck itself. Lulz!


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah, I like the comments in @Suave1's journal about that the life style of a seducer is draining. I've been crappy at noticing when I'm tired but have now started realising, also being an (somewhat) introvert, I can handle only a certain amount of approaches per day, after that I need to consolidate mentally. The approach anxiety costs a lot, rejection typically too.
Anon mate, when young, you can go on a bender 7 nights a week. You can go in under slept. Long term it won't end well. 8hours is HUGE. sleep keeps looking young. I've chain gunned pickup. I've had those stupid late nights out. Left no done unturned. Now, it's more a special occasion. The cost is too high. The ROI is rubbish. When young you rank adventure above everything. Over time it's old hat. Another day at the office.

Another problem with gaming is that one ****s up socially in the system one is a member of, a school or so. I have done that mistake at least twice. In a huge city that's not so much of a problem, but the more strategic sniper approach in a more sensitive environment will be more smooth and one won't come off as a dork, but instead either unnoticed or leaving an impression of being, well, suave.
Sniper approach is 100% strategic BUT more about conserving energy and ROI BUT only after getting past AA.

The option is to either go for it. **** it. Own it and whatever fallout occurs or be more strategic about it. Most ***** out.

I opt for going for it assuming i really want it. A old pickup mindset "unapologetic. " sorry not sorry. Work, school, your temple, wherever etc. Work is lazy. If I'm a college kid, I font care. If it's your career, it's not smart and high risk on your career.

I always wanted to go to the city center when it's first started learning once upon a long time can go. The only remedy is time and taking drastic action.