Strippers on muscles vs skinny


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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SamMalone said:
Just pointing out that "skinny" to a lot of girls is someone like Ryan Reynolds, who is cut as hell and pretty muscular but not like a wrestler. Girls generally dont understand how hard it is to be that big so that's still skinny to them.

And yeah, huge difference in amount and quality of women I get between my 130lb self and my 175 lb self.
I think this is a very good point. The definition of skinny to guys is far different than the definition of skinny to girls. Girls do not think skinny in the way we see it. I guarantee you that the "skinny" guys the majority of them are talking about play a sport, do some sort of labor for their job, or hit the gym regularly.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
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L777 said:
I have a theory (and its just a theory).

As attraction is something that has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years, the type of body that would be most useful/most likely to survive back days when we lacked self consciousness or intellect (i.e the caveman days) would be the most attractive to women, even today.

I believe this body would be a compromise between speed and strength, hence "bodybuilder" types and "skinny" types are not seen as attractive. I think the most attractive body would look something like this:

Obviously these guys both have very good genetics, and not all of us have that. SO, bodybuilding can give one a body comparable in strength and speed to these guys. The genetics may not be quite as good, but the body is still as good:

Anyone who says it doesn't help is kidding themselves.
Anyone who thinks its the deciding factor is kidding themselves.

On the 1-10 scale, I'd say bodybuilding can move you up 1-2 points maximum, so I think any aspiring DJ should do it, unless you have awesome genetics like the guys in the first pic and don't really need to, or are ridiculously good looking. One things for sure, it certainly won't hurt your game!
I completely agree with almost everything you said.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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New York City
I think the problem is that the same personality traits that drive a man to spend five days a week in the gym can also be traits that turn women off. If u look around ur average gym.........most of the big guys dont have much of a personality. They are really just about "look at me, look at me" and thats a major turn off for women. I cant remember the last time I met a funny guy that was in great shape.

I remember one time I was in a club and talking to this chick. I had been hitting the gym hard at the time and my arms were huge. For some reason I decided to talk about my workout and was like "hey check out my arms". I couldnt believe what a look I got......... like "please......who cares". She seemed really turned off at that point and at the time I couldn't understand why.

The thing I've come to realize is women cannot stand a man with a big ego. But how can you spend five days a week in the gym for six months and not have an ego. So some how knowing you look and showing people you look good can actually counteract the attractive part of having a nice body. A woman would rather just deal with a less attractive guy with no ego. Someone who is more into her than his own muscles.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
DoctorLW said:
I completely agree with almost everything you said.
My initials are LW as we're two of a kind :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Drum&Bass said:
maybe you should hit the gym and get in shape, you'll be surprised at how good it feels to look aesthetic and become stronger REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT ITS IMPORTANT TO WOMEN !!
That bears repeating. :D


The one gal said something to the effect of: "I like muscles, but my man is skinny..."

A better question would be: "What do the guys you've been going out with look like?"


Apr 19, 2005
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Bonhomme said:
That bears repeating. :D


The one gal said something to the effect of: "I like muscles, but my man is skinny..."

A better question would be: "What do the guys you've been going out with look like?"
Precisely. Women could care less about physique. Sure, they dont want a slob or an anorexic man (In most cases, not the weirdo chicks that love Femboys) but in all reality, if you go walking through the mall, or better yet, wait for a summer concert, and check out the couples. All the hotties arent with Ronnie Colemans and Jay Cutlers. They are with average looking males. I'll give a quick rundown of some women I know locally.

1. Sarah....She is the MySpace Hottie. She is in love with a weak looking Marine, about 5'6 and 140 pounds of not too much muscle.

2. Isadora....A 27 year old Real Estate agent, madly in lust with her BabyDaddy. He is a 5'11 weirdly built thug. Beer gut, but overall, skinny. Ugly as sin, missing teeth from hittin' the glass pipe, and undeducated, and obnoxiuous, looks like a convict on furlough.

3. Belinda....26 year old legal aide, in love with a guy her age, hard to describe. About 5'7, overweight, Type 2 Diabetic, blind in one eye, and numerous other medical ailments, has the inner body of an 82 year old. This guy, is a "pimp" of sorts, gets girls to pose nude online for money. She was one of his gals, and ended up living with her. That one, I challenge any and all DJs to figure out.

These are three very typical women from my hometown. Neither of these three males would be comfortable in the gym with me, while I was doing my routine, and most likely would be embarrassed trying to keep up with me either on the treadmill, or the free weights. And all three of these women are at least HB8s. and all three of these women think the sun rises and sets on their men.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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When you say "muscular" many women think Fabio or Arnold, and many are turned off by that. But you're DELUSIONAL if you think most girls don't prefer a somewhat muscular/toned body. It may be a bit of fad for some of the younger girls to go after guys with no shoulders and a visible spine, but they're a minority, and you should be old and wise enough to know that many people go for the latest trend despite how they'd feel about it if it weren't "in".


Apr 19, 2005
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Master Bates said:
When you say "muscular" many women think Fabio or Arnold, and many are turned off by that. But you're DELUSIONAL if you think most girls don't prefer a somewhat muscular/toned body. It may be a bit of fad for some of the younger girls to go after guys with no shoulders and a visible spine, but they're a minority, and you should be old and wise enough to know that many people go for the latest trend despite how they'd feel about it if it weren't "in".
Precisely. Women are disgusted by males with a great physique. Old ass 58 year old divorced housewives love the Chippendales men, but the hottie 22-29 year olds? They either love thugs, who spend more time getting stoned in front of a TV set, or skinny, faggy looking "men" who are built like Paris Hilton.

Still, that doesnt deter me. Tomarrow, I will be at the gym, hitting the stadium stairs, the treadmill, and the weights. I will get a body as close as I can to my idol Scotty Steiner, or a circa 1977 Superstar Billy Graham. One thing I love is when their boyfriends look at my arms with envy.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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You like when guys look at your arms?

I've been with my share of girls and they have all said they like my muscles/abs/"sex lines". I have a wrestler physique but am really cut. I'm sure my muscular neck or thick legs turn a few girls off but those aren't the ones I hook up with. I am not huge by any means though, I am 5'11 and weigh between 170-185 depending on how much I am lifting. Proportion is key. Being in shape is beneficial in lots of ways and most women are attracted to a guy with muscles, but not roid freak muscles. This conversation is pretty redundant also.


Apr 19, 2005
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The Inside Man said:
You like when guys look at your arms?

I've been with my share of girls and they have all said they like my muscles/abs/"sex lines". I have a wrestler physique but am really cut. I'm sure my muscular neck or thick legs turn a few girls off but those aren't the ones I hook up with. I am not huge by any means though, I am 5'11 and weigh between 170-185 depending on how much I am lifting. Proportion is key. Being in shape is beneficial in lots of ways and most women are attracted to a guy with muscles, but not roid freak muscles. This conversation is pretty redundant also.
I like when the competition's eyes open really wide.

Women seem to be attracted to males with piss poor physiques, but the guys here on SoSuave have heartburn with that.

But you are correct about ab muscles. And abs can always, always use a lot more work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Master Bates said:
When you say "muscular" many women think Fabio or Arnold, and many are turned off by that. But you're DELUSIONAL if you think most girls don't prefer a somewhat muscular/toned body. It may be a bit of fad for some of the younger girls to go after guys with no shoulders and a visible spine, but they're a minority, and you should be old and wise enough to know that many people go for the latest trend despite how they'd feel about it if it weren't "in".
Somewhat muscular/toned agreed appeals broadly. I''ve always tried to stress the difference between skinny but defined, and scrawny 10 year olds body which I'm not promoting here (though I know guys like this with hot gfs).

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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One thing that every poster in damn near every "looks" thread ignores is that women's perceived physical preferences (or what they're willing to relate) are pretty much consistent across the board. Muscular with some definition to thin or skinny remains the most common response. However we almost never see the variance or the "fetish" dynamic that guys have. I'm still waiting for someone to show me an online dating service that caters to hot, fit women who have a fetish for Big Beautiful Men. You know why? Because there are no Chubby Chaser women! Even fat women still have preference for muscular with some definition to thin or skinny. Women have a higher physical standard for male beauty than men.

It's men who have fetishes, not women. And the reason guy's do is a response to what type of woman they've been previously successful with. It's the path of least resistance - when MILFs are consistently sexual with a guy, that's his 'fetish'. When fat women put out (as they often do) that becomes his fetish.

The problem for guys is that women's physical standards don't vary that much. So when 66% of the population is overweight, and a full third is morbidly obese, these are the "average guys", not the guy who's muscular with some definition or the thin guy. With numbers like that, men's rationale is going to always be "well women don't care that much about looks" because it it serves an ego preservation function. Women of course only reinforce this because it puts them into a better position for covert sexual selection. Rarely does a woman find a guy who's her physical ideal as well as her provisioning ideal. So she will compromise certain criteria as her ability to attract her ideal merits. In other words, looks may not be as important to the single mother at 35 looking for a man to help with her parental investment as the 25 y.o. childless woman enjoying her party years.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Also, I actually admire a muscley physique. I was raised on Marvel comics and Schwartznegger movies and wouldn't mind a body more like, say Hugh Jackman as Wolverines, if I could be bothered to work out and eat more. But when I say this to girls a lot go 'urgh he's too bulgey I like em skinny.'


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Nighthawk said:
One of the strippers posted this pic as an example of the right sort of skinny. This is similar to mine.

Though as Jack says, lots of women are happy with a complete wreck of a body so long as the guy ticks the bad-boy boxes they prioritise.
Lol - apparently those strippers don't care if 'he' actually has male genitals.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2004
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I think that muscles do matter to some degree. If you're in the 170-225 range and have muscles you can probably take your pick of many women. Now if you're ripped out of your mind, Mr. Olympia ripped then girls may get turned off, but I don't think that is what the original poster was getting at. Only a handful of guys get to that point.


Apr 19, 2005
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bigjohnson said:
Lol - apparently those strippers don't care if 'he' actually has male genitals.
This is all true. I personally wish it was not so, I wish women loved built men, but unfortunatley, they CLAIM to and then land up with men that I could make cry inside the weight room.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
JackPrescott said:
I think physique has little to do with anything. Want proof? Go to a club or bar this weekend, and check out the hotties with boyfriends. The boyfriends/hubbys are closer to average guys than Ronnie Coleman.
Women casually F the guys they think are hot and get into marriages and LTs with the "average/AFC guys" .... WHY? cause they can actually control the "average/AFC guys"


Apr 19, 2005
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DonGorgon said:
Women casually F the guys they think are hot and get into marriages and LTs with the "average/AFC guys" .... WHY? cause they can actually control the "average/AFC guys"
This is very true. I am single, partially because I wont take any shiit from women when I am in a relationship with them. I can be a kind, loving, giving partner, but for a lot of things on MY agenda, there is no compromise, it's my way or theres the fukking door.