Strip clubs = PATHETIC

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Just got home. Literally got up and left everyone there after spending two hours after dinner at a restaurant for a friends bachelor party in a strip club. Been to them a while ago and just confirmed one last time what I had thought even before I ever stepped in one: The whole scenario is straight up pathetic. From the dudes to the bad acting from chicks.

The only positive was having drinks with dudes I haven't seen in a while. Other than that. Complete waste of time and money for dweebs thinking they're "macks".


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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I don't know...i haven't been to one in a while...but i used to have a lot of fun just going with my friends and getting sloppy drunk and a few $5 lap dances here and there and make out sessions....also have pulled strippers for free after lap dances...

If you are going just to drink and have fun and enjoyed naked women dancing, i don't see why it is pathetic...however, if you are going because you can't get any other action and u are only going for the women then yeah it is pathetic in that case..

With that being said...i have more fun just getting drunk and playing pool all night...


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
$5 lap dances?? Where are those, Vanuatu?

The only time you should ever go to a strip club is with a chick. Even if you're just "hangin' with the bros" or whatever, you can't just watch naked chicks, you've always got b*tches coming up to you trying to chat you up and up-sell you on other services.

Plus there's always the dweeb or two in any group of guys who acts like a pathetic idiot around semi-hot, semi-naked broads. Then that makes the entire group, including you, look like pathetic fools as well.

The only "cool" way of going to a strip club is with a woman or, preferably, multiple women. Who are bisexual. And whom you take home to bang afterward. :up:


I've never been to a gentleman's club, although my buddies want me to go all the time. Just something about a $120 private lapdance screams desperate as fvck.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Zarky said:
$5 lap dances?? Where are those, Vanuatu?

The only time you should ever go to a strip club is with a chick. Even if you're just "hangin' with the bros" or whatever, you can't just watch naked chicks, you've always got b*tches coming up to you trying to chat you up and up-sell you on other services.

Plus there's always the dweeb or two in any group of guys who acts like a pathetic idiot around semi-hot, semi-naked broads. Then that makes the entire group, including you, look like pathetic fools as well.

The only "cool" way of going to a strip club is with a woman or, preferably, multiple women. Who are bisexual. And whom you take home to bang afterward. :up:

Aaaand that's just what happened! Some Russian chick was working some dude we were with and I started BSing with her. He yelled: She's MINE! I friggin started cracking up! "Yeah dude she "likes" you! Damn that whole scene is on some epic phaggy time.

BeginningDJ said:
I've never been to a gentleman's club, although my buddies want me to go all the time. Just something about a $120 private lapdance screams desperate as fvck.
BDJ you ain't missing nothin. I swear that whole shizz is pathetic. I've been dragged to a few by friends. I'd rather meet chicks out than waste time with complete and utter mentally fvcked up trash.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
damn hardly none of you guys know how just to relax and have fun..always talking about what is or looks cool and what looks like such and such and protecting your ego don't have to pay any extra money at a strip club if you don't want to besides maybe over priced drinks...plenty of professional athletes and entertainers go to strip clubs for fun and they are hardly what you would call pathetic or desperate...sometimes it's just fun...yeah, there are plenty of guys who are really are desperate that go to them..the majority in fact..but that is not always the case...they can be a lot of fun....everything aint about the end goal of laying a chick...

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
damn hardly none of you guys know how just to relax and have fun..always talking about what is or looks cool and what looks like such and such and protecting your ego don't have to pay any extra money at a strip club if you don't want to besides maybe over priced drinks...plenty of professional athletes and entertainers go to strip clubs for fun and they are hardly what you would call pathetic or desperate...sometimes it's just fun...yeah, there are plenty of guys who are really are desperate that go to them..the majority in fact..but that is not always the case...they can be a lot of fun....everything aint about the end goal of laying a chick...

Professional athletes and entertainers who go to strip clubs aren't pathetic? Dude do you know how many of those dudes get ripped off because they're famous? Those types are the biggest types chicks go for and keep logs to hold when something goes down they all come out looking to get a payday. It's not about not relaxing and having fun. I did. With a bunch of friends. But the whole scheme of it is getting as much cash as they can from dudes.

You ever heard of Scores in NYC? The amount of famous people and dudes that get taken and scammed is hilarious.

None of us were worried about getting laid. It's just myself and a few others thought it was pretty sad how dudes are slaves to some chick...and strippers? LMAO


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
last time i was in a strip club was my first and only time. some chick came up to me and asked for a dance. i was like.. " no... butmy friend might." he dropped 70$ on a dance. i was like.. " fook that" thenn some girls started talking to us..

i think they was lesbos. but it was back in my AFC days ( before i knew what " game " was)


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Packers2010 said:
last time i was in a strip club was my first and only time. some chick came up to me and asked for a dance. i was like.. " no... butmy friend might." he dropped 70$ on a dance. i was like.. " fook that" thenn some girls started talking to us..

i think they was lesbos. but it was back in my AFC days ( before i knew what " game " was)

Ninja...most if not all of those athletes and entertainers can pull anywhere easily...they are rich as crap and don't give a sh&t about women or a few hundred or grand thrown away...they just do it as a normal night out...not saying it's smart...but i would probably splurge for fun too if i were a millionaire...

But regarding your experience there...yeah i am sure you did see a lot of desperate people there and yes, it's all about them trying to take your money...thought that was common sense


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I generally only go when I move to a new city. Every state is different. But in general it's a waste of money. Half the girls are only 6's which is the worst part. I lucked out finding a meaningful relationship there but wouldn't try that again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I mean, saying strip clubs are a joke because you are being ripped off for fake companionship is like saying going to the state fair is a joke because you go and pay for overpriced food you can cook at home for 1/3rd of thep rice or you over pay to play rigged games you can't win for ****ty prizes. No **** shurlock lol you aren't going to find companionship you are going to have a woman with a size 2 cup and a coke bottle body to put her titties in your face. no more no less. That's why it's called adult entertainment.

I can just speak for me but I mean, i don't mind paying 20 dollars to have a woman put her titties in my face for 1-2 songs (not now of course, when i was single, happily married and mrs backbreaker will not tolerate anyone' titties in my face but hers lol). If you were on the street and some random broad say hey you can i put my titties in your face topless for 4 minutes for 20 dollars.. and she was pretty hot you'd probably say yeah sure why not lol. '

You go to the state fair, doesnt' matter how good of a shooter you are you rent' going to hit that free throw but keep paying 5 dollars a shot to try. no you didn't just not hit it hard enough it' rigged it won't fall down lol. but keep paying to try. Yes a freaking candy apple which i can make 10 of at home for about 6 dollars (my son likes them) are 3 dollars a pop out there without the nuts. but it's not supposed to be a prudent investment it's upposed to be entertainment.;

the rub lies when guys think that strip clubs are anything more than a woman putting her titties in your face. yes i know she's trying to get in my wallet that's her job.

My advice, stop taking everything so seriously. not anyone in particular just in general. everything is not the end all be all of men / women. learn to enjoy titties in your face


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Sneevox said:
Stippers pretending to have a relationship with you to improve business...
That's some funny ****.
Well if she was only pretending to have sex with me for 18 months I wish more girls would pretend. Some of us actually date hot women. I've dated about 20 women who at some point worked in a strip bar (meeting the vast majority outside the club), and about 40 who didn't. I can't tell the difference. Hot women are all crazy. What is sad is how some men here are so bad with women they assume no stripper would ever like anyone, ever. No man who ever dated a stripper would say that. If people want credibility they need to accurately forecast the truth, not just be a pessimist.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Next time you're at one, look at the guys in the front row and notice the look on their faces and their body language. It's the exact opposite of attractive in every way. Every guy looks creepy when he's ogling a stripper.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
I but i used to have a lot of fun just going with my friends and getting sloppy drunk and a few $5 lap dances here and there and make out sessions....
i wouldn't recommend making out with a stripper. or any random female.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
If strip clubs were bang clubs where you just walk in and everyone is outright fücking everywhere, getting blown, total Roman orgy style, where your most insane sexual desires become reality, then yeah, it's worth dropping X amount of loot. But for what you get, just some eye candy, it's a total rip. That's just my take on it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
Agree with NN. Never been my thing at all. Personally, I would rather eat and drink my entertainment dollar with the chance of meeting real women. No surprise, I'm not into gambling, either.

Plus, I'm picky. Just like with porn, I like looking at pvssy and for the women to be young and hot. And its nice to be able to actully consume alcohol at the same time. Depending on where you are that can be a bit of a challenge to find, if at all. If all of the above can be hsd and other guys want to go, I'm down once every few years or so.

But usually I'd rather just pass and go look for real women. I know there are ways to hit on strippers, but why? Hot bartenders are bad enough to deal with. I find that whole "on the make" mentality of strippers, hot bartenders, and prostitutes completely insulting and irritating and I find watching other dudes fall for it particularly pathetic. No wonder women treat us like retarded dogs who can be led around by their ****s.

All of that said, the one notable exception to all of the above is going to a strip club with a girlfriend or women you are sleeping with can be awesome fun.

BTW, I got dragged to Scores a few times when I lived in NYC. It was overratred and way too expensive. Topless only and the women aren't as hot as they would like to market. Personally, I've never consistently seen more hot all nude women in one place than the Atanta clubs back when the Gold Club was still open and all the others were trying to compete. Southern women are hotter per capita anyway so it lended to that, I guess. In fact, I remember talking to some of the scores "girls" at the time....I was around 30 and they were older....Said they moved north from Atlanta because they were getting older and didn't want to have to be all nude anymore. I read that as not being able to compete down south but were still considered hot enough for Scores. I'm sure they probably make tons more money there though so it's a win win for them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2012
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
The whole scenario is straight up pathetic. From the dudes to the bad acting from chicks.
I've always held this opinion of strip clubs


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
My buddy put down $2 for this thick chick to dance one night.

Dancer: WTF? Two dollars? I can't even buy a double cheeseburger with that.

Mike: <Whispers to buddy> Dude, she doesn't need a double cheeseburger :crackup:

I'm with NN. Strip clubs are lame. Maybe once a year is enough for me.