Strange Situation


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
Couple months ago I was at a pub with my buddies. Our waitress was extremely attractive, and had an awesome personality. In the past I've always had good success getting numbers/dates from waitresses, so I decided I'd go in for the kill. She wasn't having any of it.

She basically told me she was really busy for the rest of the summer traveling with her cheer leading squad around the country. Needless to say she didn't give me her number, and suggested I give her my number instead saying she might call me when she's not so busy. I told her I don't give my number out.

For some reason I really like this girl, and went total AFC when we left by leaving my business card with the bill.

Skip ahead 2 months; last night she added me on facebook. She is just as attractive as I remember. I haven't encountered a situation like this before. I'm planning to send her a quick message, hoping to keep it light/funny and a little bit ****y. For whatever reason I'm stuggling with what I should say to break the ice. Apparently I made an impression on her 2 months ago if she kept my card that long, and then took the initiative to add me on facebook. At this point I feel the ball is in my court, and I should fire off a quick message.

Any thoughts/suggestions as to what I should say would be appreciated. Thanks guys!


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Don't over-complicate a simple situation.

To me its pretty clear she was likely dating someone at the time when you first met her and used the cheerleading bs as an escape route.

Your right in thinking the fact that she added you after two months def is a sign that she remembers you and you made an impression on her, if anything it might be strictly physical on her part too.

I'm sure girls like to AW on FB and that is likely what most of the replies will say, but the fact that she searched for and added you is a positive sign in my opinion.

Keep the message simple, hit her up and then based on how quickly and or flirty her reply is then start gaming her.

The point is what you say isn't really all that important as long as its not super chumpy; just use FB as a means to set up a date and get her out 1 on 1.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
Thanks for the reply Pimp, I initially had the same reaction. After looking at her facebook profile, she was indeed traveling the past two months doing cheer competitions; there are pictures and movies all over the wall from it. I also noticed she had a bunch of older pics with her - I'm assuming former - boyfriend, the most recent of which was in November last year. So one could also draw the conclusion that she either JUST ended that relationship, or she wasn't ready to start dating when I asked for her number.

BUT, point remains she sought me out heh.

First thought was to say something along the lines of: "Summer finally slowed down enough to look me up hey? So when are we going to grab that coffee?"

OR I could do a couple messages back and forth to build a little raport, ask how her summer was...blah blah, THEN go for the coffee date I had originally proposed 2 months ago.

Not building may not be necessary considering she is the one that initiated the contact, although I don't want to scare her away right off the bat.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
See, sometimes nexting a girl is not the best approach. Start all over on Facebook with talking to her and try and set up a date/outting. Start off with a light, funny starter and see where it goes. Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
Reaction score
i wouldnt go for the date right away. something like "hey there you are ..." and a bit convo about how she has been. then i would think of an event or something where i want to go anyways and invite her to that. maybe even with friends.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
flashpoint said:
i wouldnt go for the date right away. something like "hey there you are ..." and a bit convo about how she has been. then i would think of an event or something where i want to go anyways and invite her to that. maybe even with friends.

Totally agree.

If your first message is "hey blah blah blah... coffee soon?" Or something to that effect, your showing your hand too quick.

Instead, open with something semi-witty that shows her your a fun guy who doesn't take things too seriously (I liked your opener about "finally had enough time to look me up ehh? haha)

But hold back on asking her out until you can tell how receptive she is towards your conversation.

With all that said, don't get caught up in a long FB conversation with her, maybe 5 mins max and then you should have a good idea of whether or not she is open to meeting up. If she is great, set it up, also get her cell # and be gone.

If she isn't then be confidently patient and persistent and she will likely come around.

BTW even though she put up all those cheer pics and was gone as she said she was, her real reason for not accepting your advances was the bf at the time. Girls no matter how busy will make time for the guy they like ALWAYS.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada.
Thanks for the replies fellas. I do agree with you Pimp as my gut tells me she wasn't available at the time, likely because of her ex, or because of another guy. Kind of a boost to the ego that she held the card this long and went out to look me up :)

I just sent the message saying:

"Hey! I was wondering when you were going to look me up ;)

How've you been? How was the rest of your summer?"

We'll see what she has to say lol.