Story from the past


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
back at the height of my social apex I let a girl friend zone me, For three months which culminated in her picking me up for a desert party. When I got In the car there was her fat friend and some dude.
We proceeded to drop the fatty off at her place to which she revealed in the process the other guy was in my exact same position. Friend zoned and interested in the girl I wanted. I was on a triangular double date..... this was supposed to be the big night I made my move and sealed the deal.

We went to the party I pretty much ignored her and him just made new friends, scored free beers and such, I did sit with her once. Kino’d Some

Anyway on the way home I just didn’t give a F. I was like alright well drop me off that’s my exit.... she kept driving, dropped him off first and stayed at my place that night.

We dated LT after that. Friend zone sucks though always exspect the unexpected. Not limited to a triangular friends date. I imagine the other guy cried himself to sleep for months. The next time I saw him he had added 30lbs of muscle
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I imagine the other guy cried himself to sleep for months. The next time I saw him he had added 30lbs of muscle
I'm wondering: Do you attribute her spending the night with you to the fact that you ignored her most of the night? Or maybe that you had "seniority" on her orbiter list?

Also, do you think the guy added 30 lbs of muscle because of this girl, or maybe just because he grew up and got bigger? Or just happened to get into building muscle?


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2018
Reaction score
I'm wondering: Do you attribute her spending the night with you to the fact that you ignored her most of the night? Or maybe that you had "seniority" on her orbiter list?

Also, do you think the guy added 30 lbs of muscle because of this girl, or maybe just because he grew up and got bigger? Or just happened to get into building muscle?
I did not in fact have seniority over him, they knew each other way longer. That particular type of party was foreign to me and they both definitely had home field advantage. I made sure he got cut out (mostly) after that.
I always made my intentions known with her, we’d get in lil arguments and I’d get butt hurt every time I was being hard FZ’d. I don’t know how they interacted that night but I held my sobriety better, I was also more alpha by far.

As far as putting on muscle in my experience my best gains come from being absolutely emotionally crushed, so who knows.
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