Spin the ****ing bottle?!


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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Alright... Long story short. I went to school today. It sucked ass. It was boring. I watched the clock all day. We only have 2 and half more days of school due to exams and i'm pretty psyched.
School came and went, and after the bell rang i chilled after school for ten minutes talking to some of my friends. My main group. I walk over there and the chicks are like, "Omg, we HAVE to play spin the bottle this weekend!" and I was like, "What?" and they were like. yeah, this weekend. All of us are playing spin the bottle. It was sort of awkward to be honest, and I don't even know if i want to play spin the bottle. So i go home.... and I get a text. It's from a girl i've been interested in for about a month and it says, "Spin the bottle? aha :)" and I replied with "Maybe lol." then she went on to say, "haha!" and I said, "That really made me laugh. Made my day. Thanks." Then she said, "Your welcome :)"

I ended it with that. I've never played, i've never even gotten my first kiss, and i always imagined it going differently. I know y'all are going to berate me for this, but I'm in hs, and everything is just new to me. What would y'all do? I'm really not sure if i even wanna play


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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with each subsequent step you take as far as "doing stuff," you see that it's just not that big of a deal. people have an awful tendency to build things up in their minds until the events are just these scary, intimidating things that are destined for failure. not true.

you say you've never had a first kiss, so i'm willing to bet that the thought of one makes your knees weak. when your kisses start happening, they become extremely insignificant. you get used to it. you start worrying about taking a girl's top off. (at least that was my next fear) you do it, you enjoy it, it becomes less of a big deal. repeat with bl0wjobs, fingering, sex, anal, threesomes, and whatever else stuff you end up trying in your sexual career.

the point of this long drawn out post is that in my opinion, yes, you do want to play. you're telling yourself you don't want to so that it makes it easier to b1tch out later. you've had your eye on a girl for a month? thats long enough to start kissing! just go, don't be tense, and it'll most likely be a fun experience. if it sucks as$, then it sucks as$. but everything in life is about the experiences. you learn from them and move on and get better as you go.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
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Jokerlsk said:
Alright... Long story short. I went to school today. It sucked ass. It was boring. I watched the clock all day. We only have 2 and half more days of school due to exams and i'm pretty psyched.
School came and went, and after the bell rang i chilled after school for ten minutes talking to some of my friends. My main group. I walk over there and the chicks are like, "Omg, we HAVE to play spin the bottle this weekend!" and I was like, "What?" and they were like. yeah, this weekend. All of us are playing spin the bottle. It was sort of awkward to be honest, and I don't even know if i want to play spin the bottle. So i go home.... and I get a text. It's from a girl i've been interested in for about a month and it says, "Spin the bottle? aha :)" and I replied with "Maybe lol." then she went on to say, "haha!" and I said, "That really made me laugh. Made my day. Thanks." Then she said, "Your welcome :)"

I ended it with that. I've never played, i've never even gotten my first kiss, and i always imagined it going differently. I know y'all are going to berate me for this, but I'm in hs, and everything is just new to me. What would y'all do? I'm really not sure if i even wanna play
Seems to me like this chick definitely wants to hook up with you. Go for it man, you havent even had your first kiss yet, and it really doesnt get any easier than this. And I completely agree with what JJ said here: "you're telling yourself you don't want to so that it makes it easier to b1tch out later"

Grow a pair, have fun, and go for it! Dont let this one slip through your hands. Seize the moment!

The Grey Fox

Don Juan
Jan 8, 2008
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Spin the Bottles just a game man, it might do you some good and if there's drink involved then you might be treated to a little lesbian action and I bet you'll enjoy that ;)

p.s don't be surprised if the girls are trying to set someone up with you or one of your friends, they are fine schemers are females.

p.p.s Fantastic post (JJ)


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Yall are right... I'm just overanalyzing.. Me and this girl are gonna study tomorrow for some exams.... BUT my **** head friend decided he was gonna **** block me.... So he's going with us.. lmao

I'm sort of hesitant with her because she got dumped a week and a half ago by her bf of over a year, and I don't really know what to think of the situation. But w.e


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Hey ya JJ is completely right. the "first kiss" thing really isn't that big of a deal. when it happens, ur kinda gonna be like "that was it?" afterward. trust me. i just had my first kiss this past month with a girl i didn't even like that much. we ended up kissing like 3 times over the course of a week and a half and then we kinda stopped talking. this girl wants you, don't worry about the whole bf thing, just go for it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
You're right... It's just I don't want to risk having to kiss one of her less attractive friends. I'm going to go study with her tonight, but........ My ******* **** blocking friend begged both of us if he could come along, so 3 hours after we made plans we had to accomodate for him as well. What bs.

I'm meeting her in an hour. Any tips?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Jokerisk said:
You're right... It's just I don't want to risk having to kiss one of her less attractive friends. I'm going to go study with her tonight, but........ My ******* **** blocking friend begged both of us if he could come along, so 3 hours after we made plans we had to accomodate for him as well. What bs.

I'm meeting her in an hour. Any tips?
Call your friend and lay it out for him. Tell him you're into this girl and want to spend some time alone with her. If he's a true friend he'll totally understand. If he doesn't do it then ditch him and stop being friends with him because unacceptable. Friends don't **** block friends.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
^exactly. Tell him your situation and that you wanna get some ass, and that he should be able to take any hints from you should you wanna try to isolate the girl.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
It gets sorta complicated tho.... He's like BEST friends with her, and he used to have the biggest crush on her. She still tells him what to do, and he obeys like her dog. I don't think i can trust him with something like this. If it was anyone else, sure, but not her. He might intentionally **** things up.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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it doesnt really sound like you've got an easy way out with that girl then. not if you're hoping to keep a friendship with that guy anyway... and considering how important social circles are in high school, you're in a bit of a tough situation.

considering you don't really have anything invested in the girl, i'd advise you to not pursue her any more. i'm a strong bros before hoes kinda guy, especially considering the number of girls there really are on this planet.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
okay, the deal is, is that i actually like this girl. I'm not the type of guy that just goes after any girl willing to give him the time of day. I don't know what i'm looking for. I don't really even know who i am as a person, and that's my problem. I'm so discontent with who i am that I go off on a tangent searching for something i'm not. Inner game is my biggest weakness.

Today we all hung out for lunch and I screwed up really bad. My sister ticked me off earlier, and she told my dad, and my dad really just get me even more mad. I lost my composure, and i made a fool of myself. It was just a bad day, and I didn't capitalize. I didn't do anything right.

I'm sort of just lost. You know? Those days where you think, "Wow i ****ed up, what am i supposed to do?" I'm having one of those. So i don't really know. I don't know how i'm going to continue on with anything honestly. It's one of those days...


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
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In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Jokerlsk said:
okay, the deal is, is that i actually like this girl. I'm not the type of guy that just goes after any girl willing to give him the time of day. I don't know what i'm looking for. I don't really even know who i am as a person, and that's my problem. I'm so discontent with who i am that I go off on a tangent searching for something i'm not. Inner game is my biggest weakness.

Today we all hung out for lunch and I screwed up really bad. My sister ticked me off earlier, and she told my dad, and my dad really just get me even more mad. I lost my composure, and i made a fool of myself. It was just a bad day, and I didn't capitalize. I didn't do anything right.

I'm sort of just lost. You know? Those days where you think, "Wow i ****ed up, what am i supposed to do?" I'm having one of those. So i don't really know. I don't know how i'm going to continue on with anything honestly. It's one of those days...
CHILL the f out....you have much to learn and you should be grateful you have some damn knowledgeable people here helping you out. Most of us would kill to be at your age with all we know now. Always look at things in the 3rd person. Also say to yourself what would the older wiser me 5-10 years from now think about the current situation(s).

You can pout all you want about struggles and it won't do jack or just say fuk it, tackle it head on and progress forward.

There's got be stuff you're passionate about in life....that brings out confidence when you think about it. Focus on that, when you feel you're "lost" or have no inner game. (train with weights seriously, eat good)

as for spin the bottle thing...who cares show up like you have played it a 1000 times and it's no biggie to you. Act cool and collected. #1 thing on your mind should be I'm out to have fun and no one has any right to disrupt this. Neither me nor anyone else. (kind of like the harmless thing of faking it until you make it)


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Dude, you're in highschool. I know everyone says this to highschoolers because I got told a lot when I was your age but you have jack f*cking **** to worry about. You have absolutely zero financial problems except for like gas and spending money, you spend the majority of your time doing something that doesn't really matter (high school transcripts are completely meaningless once you get into college) and you're in a place filled with hundreds of people your age daily. Any problems that you have aren't serious at all (except for the drugs/teen pregnancy thing but if you're smart that shouldn't be a problem at all).

If your friend likes this girl, and is her "best friend" then he is not going to get anything from this girl. She views him as a friend at best and as someone she can order around and take advantage of at worst. She is not going to do anything with him.

Your friend is a complete AFC. You can try waking him up to the fact that it's not going to happen, but it sounds like he's too far gone and will just get hostile to that. If he's that far gone then I would just go for the girl anyways, because your friend is the one who has the problem and not you, and your friend is the one c*ckblocking you (the guy who still has a chance), and that is not cool. I'm all for bros before hos but when your "bros" start stepping on your **** and c*ckblocking you they're not your bro anymore.

With that being said, you'd have to accept the fact that you could lose your friend over this. My opinion, as I said before, is that I would go for it because I wouldn't want to be friends with someone that does that. Worst case scenario he'll stop being your friend, best case scenario he doesn't give a ****, but what will probably happen is that he'll get pissed off and then get over it eventually.

But like I said, you have to be prepared to take that risk. That's your decision. I say go for it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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I'll give y'all a run down of what happened yesterday.
She took the laptop from me and started writing crazy facebook statuses on my profile, so I locked arms with her and held her hand. I said, "I'm not letting go until you give me the computer back." and she said, "Nah, i think it's more like you just want to hold my hand." and then I said, "me, want to hold a GIRLS hand? Never!"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
jlay is exactly right, we just have differing opinions.

my best friends from high school are my best friends today in college.

got a little story for ya joker.

when i was a sophomore in hs, i hadnt had a gf since 7th grade, if you could even call it that. i was fairly popular, played basketball and baseball, and had just stumbled onto the game.

i was at a buddy of mine's house for a party. he invited this hb8 from his church/our school, but it was a girl i had never met. i began flirting with her a lot, by the end of the night we were making out.

fast forward to the next week of school. this guy (not the original friend whose house we were at) tells me that he is into this girl. i, being the decent guy i thought i was, took the mindset "she's off limits." a bunch of my guy friends were saying stuff like "jj what are you thinking? you have one of the hottest girls in our grade into you. why dont you get with her?"

that talk, coupled with the guy who was into her saying "i'm cool with it, do whatever," eventually led to her being my first high school girlfriend.

everything was cool with that friend for the first couple months. we still hung out as a group, my buddy still got to be around my gf, everything was peachy. when we started to hang out alone, my buddy started not being my buddy anymore. he was a great guy, perfect gentleman, funny as hell, always organizing fun stuff to do. and he and i aren't anything but casual acquaintances today, all because i wanted to date a girl that ended up cheating on me.

moral of my story, i'm not gonna risk that happening again with a good guy friend. maybe you're not that good of friends with this guy, or maybe something like this is something you have to learn on your own, but either way, my advice is to find one of the other billions of chicks in the world to get your d1ck sucked.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I've been feeling really bad the past week, sickness wise, and yesterday we played spin the bottle and truth or dare. The truth of the matter is that things didn't turn out my way, but my friend, who is more attractive, funnier, etc. actually did get to kiss the girl I'm interested in. It sorta felt weird to be honest. Like a mixture of jealousy and the sickness I've been feeling lately.

I hate the way my friends view me. They view me as this non-sexual, innocent, guy. You know, I'm gonna be honest. I usually don't let things get to me, but that **** ate me up inside. I haven't felt that way in a long time. I couldn't even sleep. You know? Why can't people view me in a better way? I'm tired of this, "Well, I could kiss Jokerslsk, but he wouldn't let me." I'm going to hear stuff like this my entire lifetime. Yeah, I am afraid, and I can admit that. I'm afraid of a bunch of things, and I shouldn't be. Even when it's right in front of me. I can't just go out and say, "**** it!" because i care TOO much. I genuinely care about people. I couldn't ever be a player, man *****, etc. But my friends, they view me as the complete opposite as that. They say I'm going to live in a monastery and be the actual 40 year virgin.... All joking of course, but still

I really, really, really, feel like absolute **** right now. I feel betrayed and it's like I've actually been hurt. Wow.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
All this boils down to is you not embracing your sexuality and being honest and open with yourself and with chicks about what YOU want. You are a guy with healthy sexual desires but you are from what i can sense; in denial about your needs and wants and are caught in a struggle with yourself and your morals.

Alot of guys would kill to get the opportunities you are having now but the thing is you are quite young so it is very understandable that you are inexperienced and still feel guilty about doing anything that may be perceived as 'wrong'. Hopefully age and time will correct this.You need to be honest and know what you want and you need to go for it and just take it.

case in point;

Jokerlsk said:
I'll give y'all a run down of what happened yesterday.
She took the laptop from me and started writing crazy facebook statuses on my profile, so I locked arms with her and held her hand. I said, "I'm not letting go until you give me the computer back." and she said, "Nah, i think it's more like you just want to hold my hand." and then I said, "me, want to hold a GIRLS hand? Never!"
You obviously want this girl and should have acted on your manly instincts here and just kinoed her and turned this situation around by telling her that you were going to caress her in a sexual way if she didn't let go and then gone ahead and done that but instead you were slightly in denial. The girl though seems like a bit of a tough cookie cos she could have said ''im not going to let go'' and that would have given you an opportunity to say and do what i suggested but instead she said this;

''Nah i think its more like you want to hold my hand''

which is sort of antiseductive and makes you out to be some hungry guy when she could have easily made herself out to be stubborn and playful instead which in turn would move kino forward. She essentially gave you a test which you didn't fail but didn't pass with flying colours either

Then again her saying what she said i think your response was actually not terrible cos it was sort of ****y funny but in the wrong way as you sounded clueless as opposed to masculine/dominant /making fun of her.You had the right idea with your response but you werent quite there as you should have poked fun at ''her''

Don't be discouraged just learn from this situation for next time.