Spent the whole day with my crush/oneitis....


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
BRIEF BACKGROUND: There is a girl who sort of works with me (im there maybe once a week). Despite me not having any problems with women lately, she is the only one that makes me feel a certain way when she is around. Its totally dumb. Ive slept with a bunch of women since i've met her and it doesnt help. I can hit on the hottest clubgirls, but she makes me feel like an idiotic schoolboy. Obviously i pull myself together as much as i can, but it takes work. We seem to like each other a lot, spend a lot of time talking when we have time together, anyone who sees us talking assumes we are a couple in love. People at work think we are having an affair or something. BUT SHE HAS A LIVE-IN BOYFRIEND AND WE WORK TOGETHER, SO THATS A THING THAT STOPS ME FROM GOING FOR IT. More info here: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93402

So today I was helping her out with some work stuff, and ended up going to a bunch of places with her. I've spent like 9 hours with her. As always, we've talked about everything, from love to our goals to everything together. I'm being my c&f self, and make her qualify to myself all the time. She plays back very well. We drive to like 5 different places in MY car, and have way too much fun. I do stupid little small things like I make her wear my spare pair of sunglasses because she forgot hers, and every time we get back to the car she grabs them and puts them on. She is all smiles around me, like really happy, we just joke and talk and have fun all day. She is super sweet and nice, so its actually hard for me to be an a$$ with her, but i manage somewhat.

We basically changed venues like 6 times, Had a nice relaxing lunch together complete with mojitos, starbucks, etc. Time flew way way way too fast.

Now here are things that I am wondering about.

Her Body Language: She doesn't sit there playing with her hair all day long, but she keeps smiling at me, looks me in the eyes for at least 4-5 seconds when i fixate, she does play with hair sometimes, she leans in really close, stays close to me (elbow to elbow) at times, and she kinoed me at least several times. When our hands touched, she never pulled them away right away, just kind of stayed with it. Keep in mind, she is kinda reserved and a little shy. Well the right word would be appropriate. Very classy and sexy, but the opposite of an AW.

Little Clues: We would talk about workplaces romances and stuff, and i basically said: "My two rules are - never date a girl with a boyfriend or someone at work" and she was basically like "Wow, but how do you know the girl with a boyfriend has a good relationship?" HINT?? Or am i OVERANALYZING? Kinda same thing for work as well. I mean i know its crazy, but unless she was making a hint, i dont know why she'd say that?

I dont know what to make of this chick. I really don't want to be the new branch for this monkey, i made it clear that I would never respect someone who'd cheat on a boyfriend, so that option is off, and so on. Of course, all that creates even more tension between us. I honestly don't know if i can resist her for much longer, and my intuition keeps blaring the alarm that there is definitely something going off. But what? accelerate and go for it, or chill and wait and see what happens?

I am actually thinking of withdrawing for a couple of weeks so i dont see her. You know, she saw all the good and the bad of me, and if she really likes me, its gonna make her want me even more. Or is that wrong?

Kid Quick

Don Juan
Nov 20, 2001
Reaction score
You two numbnuts have one thing in common..............

You both don't belong posting here! Yes, you both can rest in the solace of not belonging here. It's 25 and above....... any others are underage. Get it? Egoist, no one wants to read your 33,000 word manifesto to self. You are underage, get it?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
If you ever have to look for clues if someone likes you, they don't like you.

A woman will make known beyond a resonable doubt that she is interested in you when or if she ever is.

I mean, you are looking at her body language THAT hard for clues?

C&F looses it's effectivness, if it was effective in the first place, after the 1st hour.

I have never in my life came close to being on a date more than 3 hours.. that's a REAL date.. 9 freakin hours? There isn't anything that interesting in the world to talk about for 9 hours.

I guess you just threw the entire challenge theory out of the window, because she knows everything about you know, without having to work for it.

Overanalysing isn't the word for what you are doing.

Let me put it this way.. even horse**** has minerals in it.

What i mean by that is... if you look hard enough at anything, evenutally you will find something, no matter how small out of anything.

Simply put.. if you spent 9 hours with her, with any girl, and the best you can come up with is she was smilling and touched elbows?

Do I really need to answer that?

And no he isn't *****whiped.. to be *****whipped you actually have to have had the *****.. he just has a case of goddess s yndrome... making a woman out to be the best thing on earth, when she is quite normal, he just thinks she is a goodess therefore he walks on eggshells, forgetting what it was he was after in the first place.

I honeslty don't know what to tell you. I can tell you she isn't interested in you in the slightest, and if she was, it is for the wrong reasons.

I would say move on, but you wouldn't, but that is the best advice.. at least for now until you get some more life experiences under your belt.. No woman should have you this... *****fied.

If you withdraw for a couple of weeks, with the intent to provoke some type of emotion out of her, you defeated the purpose of withdrawing. Withdraw because YOU need to, not because you want to raise her interest.. trust me, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than not talking to her for 2 weeks to get her thinking of you in a SEXUAL MANNER.

If the vibe you felt was "so good' why not try to kiss her? What's the harm in trying? She says no?

You need to ask yourself why you are so damn into this chick.

pook said it best... and this is a classic case.. you want her to satisfiy your ego, and because your ego is driving you, you don't want to harm it, so you don't take risks that you would if your ego wasn't in the way, because you don't want to hurt your ego.

we've all, at least I have been there. It wasn't until I dug a little deeper to figure out what was missing inside me that needed to be dealt with that I could litererarly walk up to a girl, any girl, and not give a damn what the outcome of the converstaion was, because my ego wasn't riding on her approval of me.

Kid Quick

Don Juan
Nov 20, 2001
Reaction score
You too, backbreaker...... beat it.

Look at it this way. The more underage kiddies post, the more underage kiddies are drawn in. Those of us over 25 happen to like this board. As long as the kiddies post here, more will think it's fine. Soon enough this once great board will be reduced to a slightly better version of the original board.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Yeah, damn all these underage posters.

Beat it suckers!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Egoist
BRIEF BACKGROUND: There is a girl who sort of works with me (im there maybe once a week). Despite me not having any problems with women lately, she is the only one that makes me feel a certain way when she is around. Its totally dumb. Ive slept with a bunch of women since i've met her and it doesnt help. I can hit on the hottest clubgirls, but she makes me feel like an idiotic schoolboy. Obviously i pull myself together as much as i can, but it takes work. We seem to like each other a lot, spend a lot of time talking when we have time together, anyone who sees us talking assumes we are a couple in love. People at work think we are having an affair or something. BUT SHE HAS A LIVE-IN BOYFRIEND AND WE WORK TOGETHER, SO THATS A THING THAT STOPS ME FROM GOING FOR IT. More info here: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93402

So today I was helping her out with some work stuff, and ended up going to a bunch of places with her. I've spent like 9 hours with her. As always, we've talked about everything, from love to our goals to everything together. I'm being my c&f self, and make her qualify to myself all the time. She plays back very well. We drive to like 5 different places in MY car, and have way too much fun. I do stupid little small things like I make her wear my spare pair of sunglasses because she forgot hers, and every time we get back to the car she grabs them and puts them on. She is all smiles around me, like really happy, we just joke and talk and have fun all day. She is super sweet and nice, so its actually hard for me to be an a$$ with her, but i manage somewhat.

We basically changed venues like 6 times, Had a nice relaxing lunch together complete with mojitos, starbucks, etc. Time flew way way way too fast.

Now here are things that I am wondering about.

Her Body Language: She doesn't sit there playing with her hair all day long, but she keeps smiling at me, looks me in the eyes for at least 4-5 seconds when i fixate, she does play with hair sometimes, she leans in really close, stays close to me (elbow to elbow) at times, and she kinoed me at least several times. When our hands touched, she never pulled them away right away, just kind of stayed with it. Keep in mind, she is kinda reserved and a little shy. Well the right word would be appropriate. Very classy and sexy, but the opposite of an AW.

Little Clues: We would talk about workplaces romances and stuff, and i basically said: "My two rules are - never date a girl with a boyfriend or someone at work" and she was basically like "Wow, but how do you know the girl with a boyfriend has a good relationship?" HINT?? Or am i OVERANALYZING? Kinda same thing for work as well. I mean i know its crazy, but unless she was making a hint, i dont know why she'd say that?

I dont know what to make of this chick. I really don't want to be the new branch for this monkey, i made it clear that I would never respect someone who'd cheat on a boyfriend, so that option is off, and so on. Of course, all that creates even more tension between us. I honestly don't know if i can resist her for much longer, and my intuition keeps blaring the alarm that there is definitely something going off. But what? accelerate and go for it, or chill and wait and see what happens?

I am actually thinking of withdrawing for a couple of weeks so i dont see her. You know, she saw all the good and the bad of me, and if she really likes me, its gonna make her want me even more. Or is that wrong?

All that and know that she goes home and ****s her BF or is too gutless to leave or both.

GET A LIFE! * in a nice way. Not including this woman or any other obsession

* NICE POST Backbreaker despite your age :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
O come on guys, you all are acting like this isn't a normal thing. You guys are trying to get him to deny his emotion for this girl. It is perfectly normal, and being attracted to a girl like this does not necessarily equate to being *****-whipped. Just because we try to be Don Juans does not mean that we are invulnerable to certain women who attract us more than 95% of the rest of the women we "game." No, i dont mean we should act differently around these women, but just because this guy likes this girl, does not mean that he should stop doing so. What do i suggest? well, since you seem pretty loyal and don't like going after girls with bfs, i would not hang out with her out of work for awhile. If she really does have that "bad" relationship with her boyfriend that you might or might not have been overanalyzing, she might break up with him soon. THen, you are more than welcome to go after her. Do not think that you are a ***** and you are weak because you've fallen for some girl. But having said this, since she is unattainable to you right now, don't spend time thinking in inactivity. Instead, live your life and meet new people and new girls. Maybe you will get over her, maybe she will break up and you will get her.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brak86
O come on guys, you all are acting like this isn't a normal thing. You guys are trying to get him to deny his emotion for this girl. It is perfectly normal, and being attracted to a girl like this does not necessarily equate to being *****-whipped. Just because we try to be Don Juans does not mean that we are invulnerable to certain women who attract us more than 95% of the rest of the women we "game." No, i dont mean we should act differently around these women, but just because this guy likes this girl, does not mean that he should stop doing so.
This isn't a normal thing.

You should be in control of your emotions instead of your emotions controlling you.

A man needs to protect his heart until he knows the woman he is with, feels the same.

Spending 9hrs with a chick you have oneitis for while getting nothing in return is a really foolish thing. It will just increase his oneitis while his own value in her eyes diminishes.

Egoist you are being treated as a surrgote boyfriend because you put in all this work and in the end of the day you get nothing. Her real boyfriend puts very little work and gets to penetrate her tight pvssy all night long. Who is in the better position here??!! She is giving you hope and you think the world of her.

What is the Cure?? She is a coworker then treat her as such ( a co worker means that you treat her nice at work and you don't go out with her on a "date as a friend" because we both know its bullsh1t). You want to fvck women?? go follow your mentra and don't date women from work and start dating other women left to right.
