Speed Dating


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
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Anyone tried this before? There are a lot of guys in my job field but very few women. I don't get many opportunities to meet other girls. I'm kind of tired of POFSluts and the occasional party through friends. I'm 25 which is probably younger than the typical speed dater.

I guess my main concern is that the girls that would be there are the ones that don't get hit on in everyday situations. However, I've heard people say that about online as well and I've seen a number of attractive girls off internet dating too.

Don Alfredo

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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As a guy of similar age, I hear you. I've always been tempted to go along and see for myself. So I did. I'm not good looking, but I do dress well and can talk for England. I have a semi-interesting job and sing in my free time, yada yada, so I have good basework. Anyway, myself and 3 mates went to a night here in our home town. I expected lots of 30 somethings. I was totally wrong really - there were a few 30 somethings, but there were loads of 20s chicks there wanting to meet a more professional guy. So go for it. The BEST way of doing this is to go with a few buddies and just play a game with them. It's hard to describe, but treat it as a giant "in-joke" where it's fun to see who gets numbers. The best rejections are great too. Who can receive the best put down. Get girls to tell you worst dating stories - laughs, stories and way better than I am ... and this is what I do... Point this out to a few girls there. Manly competition is always exciting. A glint in your eye and treat it like it doesn't matter and one giant laugh with a few good mates. The rewards are surprisingly good ;) But pick a good night at a good venue ;)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
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Yea there are lots of options where I'm from. Speed dating from 25-35, 20-28 so a wide variety for sure. How did you find the girls in terms of looks? I mean I know I'm not gonna date a pornstar looking chick or something...but would be nice if they're at least attractive.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
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I tried it a couple of times and loved it. Last one early summer I met 12 women, 6 were datable and every yes I ticked I got an email address. They gave me VIP status and have even invited me back for free the day before when there were guy slots open LOL. I'll have to go back when I have less plates to spin.

Out of those 6 emails, the usual thing ensued - a couple flaked out, one changed her mind, but I did go on a few dates and F-closed on a couple, both very attractive women 30 and under. (remember I'm almost 40)

One of the flakers even wrote me back months later but I was busy with other plates. She decided to pursue a relationship that didn't work out.

My strategy was to be different. To stand out. I dressed to kill with a very bold shiny blue shirt that matches my blue eyes. I asked the kind of questions they wouldn't be hearing from any other guys that night.

Avoid the usual questions like "what do you do", "have you done this before" etc. You need to stand out. I had 8 minutes per woman. I tried to arrange my start with a couple uglies at first. Treated them like queens, gauged the reaction to my material. Turns out one was friends with one I dated. If you're a jerk the women will notice! Be nice to everyone :)


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
Espi said:
I've tried and liked it.

I think the key to a successful speeddate occurs during the minutes BEFORE the event.
Good point. I made good contact with what turned out to be a young 30's teacher and fitness competitor. Smokin' hot girl.

Opened the door for her walking in, made some small talk before the event and she remembered it all when I called her up a week later.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
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Cool I'll prolly give it a shot next month then. I guess my number one concern is meeting girls that will think I am not old enough for them, given that I am a young looking 25 year old. But what the hell, I think it'll be fun and at the very least I'll get some more social/dating experience and meet some new people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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blueeyedgent said:
If you're a jerk the women will notice! Be nice to everyone :)
So you're saying a jerk ISN'T the ultimate attraction to women.
Huh, who knew?