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Someone explain to me just what the FVCK this is...


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Alright DJs, here's the dealio

I'm at college right now and things are dandy. But whenever my buddies and I get together to play any game or sport or videogames or anything competitive, they all gang up on me. I'm not SUPER good at any of these things that we do, but they just gang up on me purposefully.

Then I am usually forced to try really hard and kick some ass in whatever we are doing.

Also, whenever girls play with us, they seem to want to team up against me as well. Eventually the hang out session turns into everyone VS me.

Sometimes I come out on top still, and other times I don't, but I just don't get this whacked up behavior. I've been observing for 2 weeks and this pattern has repeated itself time and time again.

Specifically there are 2 guys I KNOW kinda dislike me or are jealous of me because I usually live life on my own and actually have accomplishments to show for my time spent being alive. So I know they are pretty antagonistic towards me. However, this doesn't explain everyone else or the girls. Maybe I'm being too ****y?

What the hell is this? What can I do? Should I just ignore them and keep beating ass at everything I do?

In the end, I will probably say **** what everyone else thinks and do my thing or find new people to hang out with.

i'd like to hear your opinion on this Djs. thanks


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
Couple of things could be going on here....without more info its hard to say exactly what.

The explanation you seem to have hit on (and if it's your gut instinct, you should probably trust it) is that these guys are threatened by your success and are subtly trying to knock you down a few notches.

Now, in male social groups there is NOTHING wrong with a little friendly antagonism. and obviously a social hierarchy has to be established. But if these are constant challenges I would get away from it.

Maybe it's time to expand your social circle? Get some other guy friends who aren't as threatened by your success.

I can tell you that rolling with quality guys is a 100% improvement to the DJ lifestyle or your game, however you want to say it.

When I was younger I met guys I could not roll with, due to my skill level not being up to their par...I learned from them while I had the chance.

There are also guys that could not roll with me, due to persistent bad behaviors and negative thoughts, etc etc, and while you might try to bring those people up, there is only so much you can do.

Ultimately you can't change anyone else, so why not true to spend your time with people who are already better matches for you?

Good luck.

Sir Drinksalot

Don Juan
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
For the love of God... if you're in COLLEGE, you need to be in a FRATERNITY.

Don't be a pigheaded ass about this like I was at your age. "Wah, frat boys are d!ckheads," "Wah, I shouldn't have to pay for my friends." Do not even bother responding with that kind of answer, 'cause I don't wanna hear it.

A fraternity offers a man in your position two vitally important things he can get by no other activity:

1) automatic exposure to and credibility with slutty sorority chicks who only sleep with guys in the "right" fraternitites. And no, being desired by these women will not make your stock price fall with the brooding poetry types, dorm skanks, or book nerds that you may pretend to be into.

2) A new group of friends, many of whom do better with women than you do, and have no reason to be jealous of you. This semester you'll have no time for the retards you go to the cafeteria with now, and by next semester they'll be practically blowing you to get into exclusive sorority mixers.

Grab your sack and get a bid, I bet the pledge openings will be gone soon.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
yeah the whole frat thing ended.

sir drinkalot: That's not my concern. I never intended to join a frat for pvssy...I used to have problems getting laid, but not anymore after working out and becoming more outgoing. I understand joining a frat may make it easier, and I know where you're coming from, but it's not the thing for me due to other reasons, not stereotypes I don't believe in. thanks for your help

thirtyplus: thanks mate. that sounds like what I have to do.

I believe they are truly jealous of me and are trying to bring me down. They cannot surpass me in life accomplishments, which take a long time to complete. therefore, they are trying to chip away at my exterior by winning at puny games where they actually have a chance. Yeah, I see it now. Although this sounds arrogant, it's the truth and I guess I will have to find a better crowd to hang with.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
thirtyplus said:
obviously a social hierarchy has to be established
You are at the bottom of the social hierachy among this group and you are getting kicked as a result. I suggest to stop hanging around people who don't respect you and expend your social network to people who do.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Potbelly - first a question. Are these guys close friends of yours or are they just acquaintances? If they are close friends - then it's just some healthy rivalry. You are obviously the alpha of the bunch and the betas are always trying to dethrone the alpha due to his successes.

I went through the exact same thing in college. My roommates always teamed up against me in whatever. In a sense it was ostracization. I was making a lot of money, am better looking than they were, got the attention, had good grades although never studied, etc.

This just subconsciously made them team up against me because I wasn't good at sports and the like. So this was their chance to be alphas for a day. Take it as a compliment.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2006
Reaction score
1) Practice whatever you guys play outside of the social group

2) Find something you're good at and challenge them to it, if they dont, you start razing them

3) when they start laughing and pointing at you, just laugh and call them ass bags or something I dont know, you be creative, dont let them know it gets to you, its like blood in a water, the sharks smell it and go after it, play it off like it doesnt phase you, they'll get bored with the no reaction thing

4) Play pranks on them, cups full of water on the floor of their room, peanut butter under the door handle, put a gay picture on the background of their computer, put "I LOVE BIG **** IN MY MOUTH" as their screen saver and save witha password, when they get out of the shower throw baby powder or ice tea mix on them, turn the heat all the way up in their room and shut the door, put soap in their mouthwash, seran warp their car, lock them in their room useing a rope tied to the door knob then tied to another stationary item, ect ect


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
hmm interesting.

These guys are not super close friends, but basically some of the first people I've met at college who are my dorm neighbors. I will take it as a compliment, laugh it off, and keep on owning them


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Sirdrinksalot hit the nail on the head.

I'm a frat boy. I pledged 3 years ago for beer and women. However, that's not really at all what it's about.

Since the semester I got inducted, I never returned to school. I plan to next semester. However, I can go to campus and hang out and party whenever I want and I'm more than welcome to do so. Because pledging brings you closer to your pledge brothers for those couple months than you could ever imagine. And I can't speak for all frats, but my fraternity, Acacia, Millersville PA chapter, we get involved too. Do blood drives, help build houses for the homeless, volunteer at the Lancaster rescue mission, stuff like that. Of course when the sun goes down it's all about the p*ssy and kegs again.

You think if you join the baseball team, play a year, then leave, you could come back to visit and the current baseball team will care about who you are? F*ckin a right they won't. At least my frat, it's truly a brotherhood.

The money the actives pay each semester...a fraternity is a business. Businesses take money to run. And it's not usually that much. I think I paid 200 dollars a semester when I was active. But that covers four months of gettin mad f*cked up and gettin girls. Not a bad deal all around.

You should definitely rush at your college next semester. Find the frat that all the sororities love and get cool with everybody, and don't look back. Besides you'll learn a lot about yourself during pledging. Happy hell week to ya if you decide to get a bid.