Some of you need to re-think your priorities...


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
After reading the recent "What is a DJ?" post, I noticed that some of you have the right frame of mind. Although, nearly all you you guys are the "older" class (i.e. been here a while.) With that said, I want you all in High School to put the following in the order of most importance to you: school work, family, girls, hobbies, friends.

If you put girls within the top three, re-think that. Girls should not be the reason you wake up everyday. Heres my order of importance to me: family, school work, friends, hobbies, girls. Not everyone will have the same order I have. That's fine, everyone is different, but you shouldn't have girls in the top three. Here's my reasoning for it...

Family: Maybe it's the Itailian in me, or maybe it's because my dad is so great (oh yeah, my mom's ok too), but family is important to me. If anyone is messing with a family member, everyone else is there for that member. Recently, a guy at my cousin's school was pulling all sorts of crap on her. He was a real @sshole. Needless to say, during one of my stays at my relatives house, the guy tried pulling something on her after one of her soccer games. He didn't count on me and her two older brothers being there. When he realized we were there, he tried going after us. It turned into a handicap match. In other words, he attacked us, we fought him, and he was handicapped after the match.

School Work: I'm not trying to repeat a grade in High School. Plus, I just got accepted to a quaint little college in West Alabama that's VERY cheap. I don't want to blow that. Too many of my friends are close to not graduating right now, because they are in danger of failing a class. If the work is hard, ask the teacher questions. Go to class everyday. Pay attention. Hell, set a reward for yourself if you accomplish something. Suppose your not real good at math, but like a Playstation game. Your reward could be: get a ___% on the next test and you can get the game. That's how I passed Spanish :D.

Friends: True, friends come and go, but if you find a great group of friends like I have now, you'll have a blast in school. Everything seems to be a lot better when your friends are around. Plus, the days you hang out with can become a lifetime of memories.

Hobbies: I didn't put hobbies high on my list because I felt that they aren't as important as school, family, and friends to me. I still do my hobbies, but not as much as I used to. Maybe during free time in college.

Girls: Ah yes, girls. There is a saying: there are plenty of fish in the sea. Same is true about girls in life. How many times will you be in High School? Hopefully once for the full four years. How long will you have family? As long as you live. How many TRUE friends will you have in your lifetime? Hopefully a pretty good amount. What about hobbies? They change over the course of your life, right? But, how many girls will you see in your life? Don't even bother trying to count. How many potential relationships is that? Slightly less then the number of females you see. What am I getting at? Girls will always be around. So will family, but it won't be the same people your whole life. Same with friends. Hobbies will change and you only get to pass High School once. But you can have countless relationships in your life.

To sum it all up for you people that didn't feel like reading anything before this...girls shouldn't be the only reason you wake up every morning. They will be everywhere. Once you get things in your life straightened, you will notice that you can get girls easier, because you have less things to worry about. So enjoy life and the girls will come. Then you will too :D.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
Crazykid, Its one thing to judge, but do you really believe what your writing or is it just a confidence trip..... I dont want an answer I'm just throwing it out there.

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
I hope he does, cuz he's right. Good post crazykid. And for me since I am Christian I have "God" up there too, so girls fall to 6th place.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
who put friends last, wtf is wrong with you. and also school work more important than family??

Maybe if your family are really horrible and don't love you


Senior Don Juan
Mar 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Mabye u misread dude, here is what he asked u to do:
to put the following in the order of most importance to you: school work, family, girls, hobbies, friends.
And here is his ordering:
Heres my order of importance to me: family, school work, friends, hobbies, girls.
I assume u looked at the 1st one which is in no order and thought that was his order :)

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Hey I affected someone here! Awesome.