So, today I think I burned two bridges. Fuuuuu. I liked em both too.


Don Juan
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
Girl I've been dating for a couple of months, we have a great time, but she's playing push-pull hardcore....we have an awesome time on a date, she goes home, and has regrets that we're moving too fast...but she has been initiating half the time....sends me a message on facebook about starting over as friends and re-developing our relationship so we don't move too fast, so I basically told her I'm not dealing with this bs.

Then b) a girl I've dated a few times starts talking to me, asking advice about her ex, who has been showing interest her in her again.

I tried to talk her out of it, then realized it wasn't going anywhere, and she kept texting me. She asked if she was keeping me awake, and I told her.

"You're not, but I'm starting to feel like I know exactly where this conversation is going if I let it continue. No matter what I tell you, you're going to run back to your ex. You'll give it a go and in three months, the same things that caused it to end in the first place will resurface, I'll be nothing more than a distant thought in the back of your head, but you'll try to get in touch with me again, and I will have long since moved on."

Back to square one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Ha, yes, girls are f*cked up. Nothing new under the sun. lol.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
haha..gotta tell you though it sometimes feels good after burning bridges. i recently did tht to this one girl who was showing interest and all but had a very rude way of talking. if i'm not free then she'll lecture me on how i can take care of other things the next day and this and that. fact is i wasn't even attracted.
so we were making plans for movie we initially decided to go for an afternoon show. and then she called me up early in the morning trying to reschedule for evening. i told her can't make it. so she went on with her lecture. after which i told her im gonna have to rush after the movie. she responds by saying that if you're just gonna rush off then better don't come. i stayed silent for 5 seconds..and told her "ok" and disconnected. she texted me once and called me back.i just ignored her and went back to sleep.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
It's fun overcoming girl's shiit test.
I enjoy their reaction to you not giving a damn much more than dealing with their crap.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
i give you props for not playing all these little mind games that chicks like to play. you def passed both of those s.hit tests. but here's a little slice of reality for you. if those bridges are truly burned, they werent really s.hit tests at all. you need to work on building and maintaining attraction. girls normally only s.hit test when they are somewhat attracted, they test you to make sure that your not just putting up a front. when you pass, they normally dont run away, they want you to pass. my guess is they'll both come back.