So now she wants to be nice...?

Mr. Goods

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
During the winter/spring, I began working at a new company and met a HB9 who was nice and cool. While we got along well and there were some IOI signs, we could never meet up (complications in our schedule the main culprit). She was a temp at the company and her time at the company ended soon after we first met (figure a few weeks). While she seemed interested at times, there were also times where she seemed "not interested." Due to easy-to-see pressure from her girl friends, she sometimes tried playing hard-to-get, which didn't work.

It's been 2 months since she's left. There is a chance she gets re-hired, but it's not so likely. Though we got along very well and she kept mentioning how "she'd be back"...hasn't happened. In fact, I have not heard much from her at all.

So, I said f*** it and pretty much stopped even trying to communicate with her. This week, I added a new pic to my Facebook page where I'm looking sharp. Out of nowhere, HB9 - who I've barely heard from in 2 months - comments on how " look good!"

I'm not asking if there's some hidden interest's a stupid question and the answer is probably no. My question...what is the point of her doing this? Is there something she is trying to do? Yes, she could just be nice, but it's not as if we talk so often.

Here's another example regarding another girl, though this girl disrespected me and I keep any conversation minimal. I had met her a couple of years ago at an internship. She seemed great at first, but then disrespected me big-time and from that moment on I cut contact. Now, she keeps asking me for "help" regarding her job search and I barely acknowledge the question. She called me yesterday, and my voice message conversed with her. :crackup:

These two cases might be different and possibly have different answers, but to me, it seems girls think I still "like" them after not even establishing contact in months or years. Crazy.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Mr. Goods said:
During the winter/spring, I began working at a new company and met a HB9 who was nice and cool. While we got along well and there were some IOI signs, we could never meet up (complications in our schedule the main culprit). She was a temp at the company and her time at the company ended soon after we first met (figure a few weeks). While she seemed interested at times, there were also times where she seemed "not interested." Due to easy-to-see pressure from her girl friends, she sometimes tried playing hard-to-get, which didn't work.

It's been 2 months since she's left. There is a chance she gets re-hired, but it's not so likely. Though we got along very well and she kept mentioning how "she'd be back"...hasn't happened. In fact, I have not heard much from her at all.

So, I said f*** it and pretty much stopped even trying to communicate with her. This week, I added a new pic to my Facebook page where I'm looking sharp. Out of nowhere, HB9 - who I've barely heard from in 2 months - comments on how " look good!"

I'm not asking if there's some hidden interest's a stupid question and the answer is probably no. My question...what is the point of her doing this? Is there something she is trying to do? Yes, she could just be nice, but it's not as if we talk so often.

Here's another example regarding another girl, though this girl disrespected me and I keep any conversation minimal. I had met her a couple of years ago at an internship. She seemed great at first, but then disrespected me big-time and from that moment on I cut contact. Now, she keeps asking me for "help" regarding her job search and I barely acknowledge the question. She called me yesterday, and my voice message conversed with her. :crackup:

These two cases might be different and possibly have different answers, but to me, it seems girls think I still "like" them after not even establishing contact in months or years. Crazy.

I think she thought you looked good in the pic.

I swear sometimes on this site people take everything a girl says and try to twist it into some sneaky, shady, evil motive.

Pretty soon people will be getting head while making threads on this forum, "She's going down on me, does this mean she's into me?"

Mr. Goods

Don Juan
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
RockaRolla25 said:
I think she thought you looked good in the pic.

I swear sometimes on this site people take everything a girl says and try to twist it into some sneaky, shady, evil motive.

Pretty soon people will be getting head while making threads on this forum, "She's going down on me, does this mean she's into me?"
Funny. But consider this: I don't go commenting on FB to girls who I think look good in their pics if I don't really talk to them. It'd be strange. I've also had the case - such as the story in the italics - where a girl will blow sunshine up my butt...had to get that cliche in there...but hidden in the note is something she thinks I will do for her - like get her a job with a company I worked with a year ago, or create a website for her. That one makes no sense.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
Mr. Goods said:
Funny. But consider this: I don't go commenting on FB to girls who I think look good in their pics if I don't really talk to them. It'd be strange. I've also had the case - such as the story in the italics - where a girl will blow sunshine up my butt...had to get that cliche in there...but hidden in the note is something she thinks I will do for her - like get her a job with a company I worked with a year ago, or create a website for her. That one makes no sense.
Men usually don't go around commenting on pictures. That's a woman thing. So, to her it's harmless.

Besides, even if she is looking for attention, you'll know if you don't start talking to her on facebook. Don't even bother saying anything to her on facebook. If she contacts you, then perhaps you can take the bait and reel in the fish.

I just think a lot of people try to make a whole lot of something out of a whole lot of nothing and that is where drama comes from.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Mr. Goods said:
Funny. But consider this: I don't go commenting on FB to girls who I think look good in their pics if I don't really talk to them. It'd be strange. I've also had the case - such as the story in the italics - where a girl will blow sunshine up my butt...had to get that cliche in there...but hidden in the note is something she thinks I will do for her - like get her a job with a company I worked with a year ago, or create a website for her. That one makes no sense.
Brother just stop!

You need to stop over-analyzing every little thing a woman does or say. There's no use in doing this unless you want to get stress/worries and gray hairs!

You almost wrote an essay about she saying "you look good." Just think about that for a moment! You almost wrote an essay on a comment by her of just a few words!

You don't judge a woman by her words you judge her by her actions. Stop analyzing what they say and instead judge their actions.

If you are interested in this girl then ask her out. That will put you in a situation to judge her actions. Right now all you're doing is turning a few words of her into an engineering problem!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
Reaction score
f283000 said:
Brother just stop!

You need to stop over-analyzing every little thing a woman does or say. There's no use in doing this unless you want to get stress/worries and gray hairs!

You almost wrote an essay about she saying "you look good." Just think about that for a moment! You almost wrote an essay on a comment by her of just a few words!

You don't judge a woman by her words you judge her by her actions. Stop analyzing what they say and instead judge their actions.

If you are interested in this girl then ask her out. That will put you in a situation to judge her actions. Right now all you're doing is turning a few words of her into an engineering problem!
Dave Chappelle in Half-Baked:

"I couldn't stop thinking about Mary Jane and how much I liked her. I missed her. But then I started thinking about how she was the only girl I slept with in 5 years."