So I found a prom date...


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
So I checked a myspace account of mine about a month ago - low and behold theres a friend request by a pretty cute girl from "western new york" (my area). I take a quick look at her profile:

Shes a year younger than me (she is 17)
She is a sophomore at RIT College (shes smart)
Shes articulate and cultured (as far as I could tell)

So I send her an email. Woah, what a response. She wrote me a friggin essay! After two weeks of msging I ask for a screen name, she gladly gives it to me. We IM for an hour that night. I ask her about her first kiss - she tells me it happened last valentines day (3 months ago) with her first boyfriend (virgin). I was in shock... this was one helluva find! She asks about my kiss, I say its too good a story to type. She calls me. We talk on the phone for an hour, laughing and enjoying ourselves tremendously. I say goodnight, go back online and check her pictures again, just to be sure. Shes hot.

I bite the bullet and tell her Ive got to drive to rochester (where she lives, an hour from me) to meet a friend on his way from Cornell and let him follow me to my house ("its confusing"). She says "well, if youre going to be so close... why dont you just ask me?" There was no getting around it, so I asked her out for a cup of coffee.

She is 5'9" 115 lbs. B cup. Beautiful italian girl 9.1/10

We had a great time, lots of verbal flirting, some fleeting moments of kino. After an hour I said I had to get going to catch my friend at the thruway rest stop, and we hugged goodbye. Its been a week since then, we've had about 30 min of online talking... she confessed that her parents are VERY over protective and she rarely parties. In fact, shes been in bed by 1:30 every night of her life.

In a nutshell - we both attend college early. She is farther ahead than me. I take class at a State Uni but I am still enrolled in high school. I am looking for ways to see her again - something with clear opportunity for a kiss close. Once we kiss, if everything is still on track, Id like to take her to prom.

Some (Prom) Questions

-How do I ask a girl in college to prom?
-How do I convince her parents to let her go to a prom in buffalo, stay over night, with a guy from the internet?!
-How much notice do I have to give her? It might be two/three weeks before I can drive down and see her again
-Should I take her alone, or with my friends who are nowhere near as mature as we are?
-How exactly should I rub how amazingly awesome my date is in everyones face =)

Help appreciated!


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
"How do I ask a girl in college to prom"

Are u F'ing serious? Idiot


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2002
Reaction score
Why tell her parents you met her online? Or has she already done that?

Seems like that's a little detail you might want to overlook ;)


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Bud-2005... am I an idiot because I dont know how or because you wouldnt have the balls to do it yourself? Im jut curious.

Jiggalo... Im not a cheek kisser. It just doesnt work for me. The problem was... on our date... she was basically just showing me around campus... we walked around for a solid hour, chatting and brushing arms, ect. As soon as I sit her down I should be able to establish stronger eyecontact, more deliberate kino, and kiss.

1 - I figured Id just bluntly tell her she should come to prom with me, shortly after I kiss her, hows that?

2 - Im def not tellin anyone shes from the internet. I told MY RENTS that I met a girl from RIT at a club... I wonder what lie she'll make up for her rents? Anyways... Id really rather not have to drive her home at 3 in the morning after all the parties die out? Ill be tired as hell, she'll be tired as hell, why not sleep together? Im not souly reffering to sex, either. My rents would be cool with her spending the night as long as they didnt *hear* sex.

3 - Good, prom is mid june so Ive still got some time!

DJ1D... Amen :-D


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
I called you an idiot because I am amazed that a person with 500+ posts would come on here and ask "How do you ask a girl to prom". I could see it coming from somebody with only 5 posts. Some of the people here on this site need to take off the training wheels, coming to this site for every little thing.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Bud, I made more approaches TODAY than you have all year. Chill. Ive never been to a prom before and never asked a girl to a formal dance - I know how Id go about it with a HS girl - but this one is a SOPHOMORE IN COLLEGE, thats an entirely different dynamic because SHE DOESNT NEED/WANT TO GO TO A PROM.

Happy cinco de mayo everyone - I made about 40 approaches in the last 4 hours... only closed once, got the #.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Personally, I couldn't really comment as to most of the questions as I draw mainly from experience, but as for what for her to tell her parents: Have her lie.

Immoral, yes. But have her tell her parents that she knows you from grade school or something and you had to move away. Make up a good story and run with it. I've got very little conscience when it comes to lying versus a girl sleeping over, so...:).

Have her tell her parents she was at your house in grade school or whatever. Have her say that her parents met your parents before, the whole nine yards. It really depends on how sharp her parents are.

As soon as she says she met you from the internet - yikes. That's kissing your sleepover absolutely goodbye.

It's at least worth a shot, I suppose. Right?;)


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
man anthony you say your so smooth yet your so afc on the prom issue. A don juan can master any situation....not turn afc when one situation changes names. Either you bull****ting us about how smooth you are and are really an afc (which is very possible) or i dont know. Its like Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde or maybe Don Juan/Afc and you have split personalities.
And it shows low confidence when your comeback is attack on the other person. I lose a lot of respect for you for doing that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by saminex
man anthony you say your so smooth yet your so afc on the prom issue. A don juan can master any situation....not turn afc when one situation changes names. Either you bull****ting us about how smooth you are and are really an afc (which is very possible) or i dont know. Its like Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde or maybe Don Juan/Afc and you have split personalities.
And it shows low confidence when your comeback is attack on the other person. I lose a lot of respect for you for doing that.
Hey Bud, shut up. Just shut up.

Saminex, asking for advice isn't AFC. Defending yourself when a retard like Bud opens his mouth is not being AFC. You think Tony feels bad that you 'lost a lot of respect' for him? Jeeze dude, I don't think anyone cares about what you respect at all.
"A don juan can master any situation" Guy, when I read that I just felt so bad as to how stupid you were going to come off in the rest of your reply. Lo and behold...

Sorry Tony, no experience in this situation so I'm not going to GIVE WORTHLESS ADVICE.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I wonder when being willing and able to seduce a girl, but wondering about a few specifics became AFC... can anyone fill me in here :-D


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2002
Reaction score
Look I'm not trying to insult anyone. But he is coming off as extremely AFC is he needs to be told how to ask a girl out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Ummmm....heh.:D I'm not even gunna go there.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Not to hijack your thread, Tony....

but wtf is mental kino? Anybody like to explain it, and give examples? Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
By all means... hyjack the **** out of it!

Mental Kino is a new phrase (that Im not too crazy about) that refers to a special feeling you project to a girl. In a nutshell, its that flow between you RIGHT before you kiss. The object, however, is to establish that flow before the kiss, during normal conversation, and keep it steady:

Get close to the girl. Look deep in her eyes. If you have to break contact, look at some part of HER, preferably her face. Speak in at a lower pitch. Slow everything down... relax right there with her lips six inches from you. But keep carrying on youre fun chit-chat.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
oh man i think you have a dilemma here. Her parents are overprotective, which means that you will probably have to gain their trust before you can take her out. she has always been in bed by 1:30, and it takes an hour from your house to her house. I dont think youll have a problem convincing her to go to the prom with you, but the problem stated above seems like a pretty serious one. you have to get creative and find a soulution to this problem man


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Super - I love the sensual eyecontact/slow/soft moments. I just dont like the phrase "mental kino."

DJ Hawtness

Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
There is no such thing as "Mental Kino." You use your eyes (the mirror of your soul), to closely initiate tantric sex.

It's not kino if you're not touching SuperGigalo, so no such thing exists. :/

Some (Prom) Questions

-How do I ask a girl in college to prom?
-How do I convince her parents to let her go to a prom in buffalo, stay over night, with a guy from the internet?!
-How much notice do I have to give her? It might be two/three weeks before I can drive down and see her again
-Should I take her alone, or with my friends who are nowhere near as mature as we are?
-How exactly should I rub how amazingly awesome my date is in everyones face =)

Help appreciated!

1.) Tony, it's just like asking a girl out, you're just asking her to prom.
2.) This is a toughie, but you need to let her know you better. I would suggest just asking someone else to prom, but it seems you are intent in taking her.
3.) Dude, are you an AFC or are you a player? Players are too busy with life to constantly give notice.
4.) If she's alone with you, it will be easier for you to get her in bed.
5.) Don't rub it in anyone's face, she'll be your action alone. Everyone will just look at you as a jerk if you "brag" about her.

People have feelings, bragging about a girl just proves how retarded you are.

Personally, I attract many girls and barely brag at all.

Why? Bragging is unattractive, especially when you use it to hurt others.

I suggest you introduce her, and help her get some friends in prom, that way she can enjoy herself as much as you will.

This girl has a lot of barriers that you need to pass through, you might want to consider a relationship with her if her parents are involved.

Hope I helped,

DJ Hawtness ~