So i figured my life needs to change - My Journal


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
I stumbled upon this site way back, and figured i didn't need this, that this wasn't for me, but i realized today that its definately for me.


I'm starting my second year in College\University (we Norwegian have a tad different school system) and i realized my life needs to change. Or, rather that my life has gone downhill lately.

Back in highschool, things worked where working out fine for me, i was not by any means a Don Juan, but i got rather nice looking girls (got approached rather than me approaching them). I guess im rather shy and not very confident by nature, but things still worked out back then, with me not using any energy at getting girls and still got them.

I was blessed with being one of the rich spoiled brats and being in the popular group, i was also a more fit than i am now.ll this meant that girls found me attractive, both in the social and physical aspect, i didn't pick up girls, they picked up me. I kinda figured that this would continue in college aswell, but to my horror it did not.

I still know all the "cool" guys at college but seing how there is so many people here, there are dozen and dozen of kids that have the same social status that i have. Im no longer "unique", girls don't approach me anymore. Instead of a couple spoiled brats, there is a hundred of us, and many of them has regularly been working out and have rather impressive physices compared to mine (im just tall and thin), they also approach girls alot more than i do and they have become so experienced at it, that i have no chance.

I recently realized something for myself, I am a very unsocial creature (or maybe its more of a case of being shy and not very 'approachable'). At parties where i know everybody\most people, i talk to everybody and i have a blast, but at parties where i do not know many people except for the few i came with i end up only sitting with the few i came with and not having a lot of fun.

I've had a cold streak since god knows when, and nothing suggest on the horizon suggest that this will change anytime soon.

So today i decided this is going to change.

I figured the following things needs to change for me to start getting more action.

- Build up my confidence
- Learn to approach and befriend people in general (not to become best friends, but for the party thing mentioned above)
- Work on my pickup game
- Get a more impressive body (to help my pickup game and build confidence)

First steps

- Went out and bought workout equipment
- Signed up with a couple friends for "Get to know eachother programme at the university (Basically, groups of friends from 2nd year gets a group of freshmans that you show around and take to parties for the first two weeks of school)
- Started reading pickup guides here.

Will update this once a week or so.

Any advice and comments are appriciated


New Member
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Dude i can see the torture!

I was in your situation a while ago but am totally a different person currently....having multiple dates sometyms....ha ha Thanks to
I can advice you to start with read the Dj Bible its a MUST...i repeat a MUST. Its long though but u should fella!
Then keep posting your success in here by daily basis....i mean anything you read and try it...update us on the outcome whether positive or negative and always u will have help in here.
Welcome to tha Game dude!

Luckylivs>>>>>>>Jerk Doctor


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
I just wanted to congratulate you at getting started in actually doing things. Starting is half the battle and it's a big jump beyond reading. So congratulate yourself and get excited for the journey. You're already better than yesterday, how fvcking good does that feel?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2007
Reaction score
First night out after i realized i have to change

So went out first time after i realized i have to change some things, it was a kick off party for the "get to know eachother programme" at the uni, for the second year students.

At first i did the same thing i allways do, keep to the people i know, but then something hit me and i decided some of us should go to another university's party (a party for a similar programme, but for their school), i remembered reading about peakcocking (we got these fugly looking bright yellow and orange T-shirts to use so us experienced students that are supposed to "mentor"(mentor meaing getting them drunk) the younger can notice us, but this would work at other places aswell).

So we went to two parties for other universities (btw there is intence rivalry in between the two schools, one being the private rich kid school, and the other being the "we want to save everybody on earth" public school). People gave us a lot of wierd looks (as we where clearly in the wrong place, we even played our stereotypes over the top, ordering champagne and complaining loudly about the service level of the bars, just for the hell of it).. and suprisingly it worked.

Girls approached us from left and right, wondering why we where wearing fugly t-shirts, then (when answered) what the hell we where doing here. We where the center of attention, didn't get any numbers nor action, (but didn't really try), but hey i talked to like 10 different girls today that i didn't know before the night, so thats a start right?

Only problem with today was that the girls approached me and not the other way around, i would kinda like to practice on that more.

Edit: cant wait for tomorrow, the first year students begin, and my friends and i will be in charge of getting 20something students to get drunk before all the events for the next 2 weeks, lots of time to practice approaches and get to know new people