So can someone please explain to me how girls falls so deep for *******s?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
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I still dont understand it. How is it that some guys can hit, ignore, cheat, insult threaten, humiliate a girl and the girl ABSOLUTLEY loves him? They make up excuses for the guy and even build him up to be someone he isnt? what is it about these *******s that women just love? How is it theyll put up with anything
that the guy does and want to be with hi even more? I mean I understand the whole hes a challenge and girls love that but to put up with being slapped around and other things? I mean I understand the concept and the secret of the jerk but not fully. cause when a guy comes along and treats the girl good shell go back to the ******* cause of lingering feelings. I dont understand how they generate that much attraction in a female is it because of the whole why is he doing this to me??? that intrigues women until they finally change the guy. i mean the guy doesnt do anything a dj does but yet has as many *****es as he could want. can someone please help me cause i feel that turning into an ******* is much more rewarding.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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UMMMM connecting with people is a skill, some people have developed this and others have not. Being good at connection building makes it easier to be an ******* I think because it gives one the confidence of knowing other options always exist. Someone skilled at connecting with others is never alone, he can walk into a nightclub in the mid of night and walk out with new friends and (often) a lover(s), he can jump online and find lover(s), friends, etc. Actually to fvck women oen doesn't even need to be good at making friends, one simply needs to be able to connect with whoeever her is. Because of this people can sometimes seem less important than to someone who sees himself as being "lucky" to get with a girl. However I don't think being an ass is something to aspire to but rather a trap to avoid. There's way more pride to be had in being a classy, stand-up guy.


Don Juan
Dec 22, 2008
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Girls spend a good deal of their life seeking adventure, rebellion, danger, etc. If they find it in a man, they've basically hit the jack pot. Of course, they could also be attention *****s or both.

But if you know how to play it, you'll never have to be a real jerk to be a bad boy, and you'll never have to be an a** hole to get the girl.

Make her feel safe
Take risks (ie makin the move)
Stand your ground
Take no sh*t from anyone
Be a leader
Be a good guy
Be a fun guy (like, FUN, remember fun?)
Know where you're going
Be open to new things

And many more...

Really, girls aren't looking for any one type of guy. But most of the above qualities can only heighten your chances, and you'll never need to be a jerk or worse yet totally demasculate yourself and succumb to hitting a woman.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
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"It is because she knows she is not loved by him. Her feminine powers are not ensnaring him. It is a feminine failure."

There it is the secret of the jerk. that is why girls put up with the abuse. through personal experience i know this to be true. i was with a girl i didnt really have strong feelings for hell we barley talked and all we did was make out. yet even after people told her to break up with me she wouldnt and eventually it was me who broke up with her. But I couldve done as I pleased and yet she wouldnt have left me and see her self as failing to get me.

yet with the last girl i dated, i treated her the best I could and tok her to the poconos on christmas. yet at the end she goes back to her ex boyfriend. and the day after i ended her and me she calls me and says her ex left her in the cold and insults her.she knows that he doesnt love her.

and it makes me wonder, I know WHY girls fall for the jerk. but how can i use this to benefit me? am i to become one as well in order to create such strong feelings inside a girl. The way to go is the dj way but can a DJ elicit such strong feelings in a girl as the jerk can? i mean the jerk doesnt do anything and yet gets *****. idk kontrollerx or igetit! can any of you shine some light on this.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
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reading pook's "secret of the jerk". makes so much sense now.

A third way? And what is it?

"The third way is to find a man with variable testosterone levels, who can be both stable and nurturing when you want him to be and yet become a muscle-bound, bristly gladiator when the need arises. This is sadly more easily said than done."

there it is guys the secret, best of both worlds.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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You don't have to be a "jerk". You just have to be a man. Remember girls don't want a ***** because they already have one.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2008
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United States
nah man not all girls like *******s. Sure some do but I know quite a few who broke up with their BFs because the guy was mean to her or something. Just depends on the girl I guess.

also I think you need to get over whatever girl you care so much about (the one with the ahole). she's obviously a little weird if she likes that kind of stuff. Just go for another one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
From the article:
In another bank robbery involving hostages, after terrorizing patrons and employees for many hours, a police sharpshooter shot and wounded the terrorizing bank robber. After he hit the floor, two women picked him up and physically held him up to the window for another shot.

Don't piss off the bank tellers!


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Girls like KINGS. Thats why they like *******s.

KING = Power, Respect, Not Needy and people look up to him (wants to be like him) and asks him for advice.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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Mystery's theory is that we still have in us habits that have been embedded in our programming for tens of thousands of years when our ancestors were roaming the world in tribes. Attraction directly correlated with the ability to survive so usually the hunter seen as the leader or the strongest, the one with the most power, is the most attractive. He separated attraction into two categories, survival and looks. Although they are made up numbers, he said men's attraction for women is based on 80% looks and 20% survival ability, while for women it's 80% survival ability and 20% looks. You can't really come up with an exact percentage because everyone has their preferences but from my experience that is about right.

*******s are one of the sub genres from the original hunter. Society has rapidly evolved but I think in essence this theory still applies for us. We don't really have to fight for food anymore but we're still fighting for survival. Well I don't know much about anthropology so I don't know what grounds I'm stepping on but I think this theory is legit.


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Female reporting in here, I have posted a few times on here and wanted to chime in on this topic.

I am one of the rare ones who comes from a past of severe abuse and torture when i was a young lady. wont go into details but it was bad.

20 yrs later at the age of 39 i still have an issues with guys who are nice to me. It makes me cringe. lol

To make matters worse i have spent a few years striving to please one particular man only to be thrown to the dogs time and time again. Yet i continued to go back. Pleading acting like a fool. I get men way better looking more money better job come on to me. Yet this guy has ruled my every thought.

yes i am the extreme case but its not a fun life. It is the stockholm syndrome
to a point and its very frustrating...

Because the moment this guy would act like he cared i get bored. As brief as it was he knew what he was doing then blow me off tell me to leave him alone.

Thus starts this cycle all over again with him.

I know women who are normal and love flowers and nice guys. I look with admiration wishing my mind worked like that but it just doesnt. I cant be happy with anything . :(


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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remotecontrol said:
Thats funny...but have you ever hear of stockholm syndrome???
look it up
Yeah. It takes much longer to develop than a few hours.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Paintballguy said:
You don't have to be a "jerk". You just have to be a man. Remember girls don't want a ***** because they already have one.
This is what I believe too. I don't think even 10% women want "jerks". I'm a nice guy and I have 2 women right now who want to leave jerks for me. However I am also aware of something called social penetration theory or the onion theory combined with the norm of reciprocity. If I say something about the relationship, like I love you, the other person feels a certain stress to say something similar. If a guy keeps pushing deeper into the onion than the woman wants to go, or vice versa, you could see a real issue even in a healthy relationship. However, that has nothing to do with being a jerk or a nice guy, you could be either and commit this error. Being assertive is also important and being able to go after what you want, however, you can do this without becoming a jerk too. Finally, there are some people who do to life circumstance really are not capable of relating to healthy persons. To be a "jerk" to try reaching those people is like a woman walking around talking to herself to try connecting with delusional men, it just doesn't make any sense to bring that kind of crap into your life.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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I think it's definitely not about being jerk. I think it's ones level of assertiveness. I mean, I'm pretty sure we all have an idea if som

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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Cuz they are being manly and more importantly putting them in the female/subjected position...


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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Lots of those women have daddy issues or come from submissive cultures. I personally don't want to date women that kind of baggage. It only spells trouble for me.