So, after multiple dates, she finally drops the bomb...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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Just want to clarify a few things about HSV1 and HSV2 since I see some misinformation here.

Herpes simplex 1 causes cold sores and fever blisters which are basically ulcers on the outside of the lips (it is not the same thing as a canker sore). Because the virus remains dormant in the trigeminal nerve, it can also affect the eyes (cause dendritic ulcers). It CAN be spread to the genitals. Just because the virus is usually localized to the facial region does not mean it cannot spread to the genitals. When a virus "spreads" this is called shedding. Herpes is a constantly shedding virus and the shedding can be asymptomatic. Meaning...someone without a visible sore or symptoms of the sore can spread the virus to someone else. It's affects approximately 50% of the population as being seropositive. (Seropositive means that they test positive for it even if they have never recall having a sore.) Not 80%.

Herpes simplex 2, genital herpes, is much less common, only about 20-40% of population test positive for it. Many people that have it are again, asymptomatic. The first episode, however, generally causes several severe outbreaks at first. It can be spread to the facial region during oral sex. Again, it is a constantly shedding virus.

Can herpes be dangerous? YES. Absolutely. Blindness due to herpes is one of the leading infectious causes of blindness in the US. Women that have it and have an outbreak during pregnancy can pass it to their child. If the infection occurs systemically, it can even be fatal.

Does this mean that it's something that we should all freak out about? Generally, no.
While most HSV is acquired from an infected, asymptomatic people, the chance of contracting the virus when an individual isn't presenting symptoms is actually quite low. So is there a chance you can get it from getting someone? Yeah, but minimal.

HPV: Human Papillomavirus
It causes warts, basically. The non-genital warts are harmless (this is the same virus that causes plantar warts or common warts). The genital versions can cause anal, vaginal, and penile cancer. It is very contagious. Basically, you can get it from sex, from fomites (sharing a towel) or poorly maintained swimming pools. Men can get the Gardasil shot to prevent HPV 16 and 18 (which happen to be the ones that cause penile cancer, which I imagine is the one you men are probably worried about the most).

I'm not going to tell you what to do about this girl, but I figured you should have the real facts about both viruses. This is all updated, recent information as well.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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I've already moved on. She handled it quite well actually. I have to run out but I have more to say about this later...


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
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I'm dating a woman who's tested seropositive for HSV1 and 2. But I've never seen a outbreak yet. Only something really, really small that she said was positive was an outbreak and she showed me. So we didn't have sex for about a week while it cleared up. I never use protection. I'm pretty sure she has HPV too. I've seen the Valtrex in her mirror in her bathroom so she isn't making anything up. At least she was open about it. Haven't caught anything yet but if I do, oh well.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I've said this on here before, my wife of seven years had HSV2, and I never caught it, never used a condom. She didn't know until after we were already living together - she had one outbreak as a teenager, but she was in a small Caribbean country with poor healthcare. The doctor didn't tell her what she had; he just gave her an ointment and told her it would get better.