smooth vs aggressive


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Based on you guys experiences which natural or even un-natural style of mackin would work best. I know it depends on the girl but in general. The smooth charming technique or the aggressive technique. Give examples if you can. Myself I believe in charm because I consider myself charming and I just feel that you can get more ass like that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I believe bulking up gets most girls. More interest from the better looking, they accept more AFC stuff before they reject.

Charm IMO is worthless for landing girls but good if you want to make friends or get a partner. Natural dominance and maleness is the thing to go with for sex. Being charmy doesn't make the girl want to **** you, being C&F doesn't make the girl want to **** you. But being male and have an aura she can surrender to does make her want to **** you. You can add charm on top of this but you must have the maleness and dominance about you.


New Member
Aug 27, 2004
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Can you be a strong male and still charming?

I'm not sure maybe someone can enlighten us. I think so. I know when I'm out with friends having a great time smiling and laughing, and have my chest out (alfa male), I can charm the pants off the women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
This post is quite old, but its important:

I dont believe that being a big bulking macho guy is very important for being a DJ....sure, some hot girls like that...some dont. I am in good shape but in no way some big musclehead...even if I wanted to be, I couldnt due to my incredibly busy schedule. However, I have totally seduced girls who are always seen with oxish guys. A few of them have become regular **** buddies. And my current girlfriend got a 9.7 on hotornot....although any moron could tell you how hot she is.
What made them attracted to me?

Intelligence and charm

Sure, being a hulk can get you a girls attention......see, the thing about going to the gym and getting huge is that it takes a lot of time; more time than having a professional career will allow. Additionally, going out into the field without looking like a wrestler makes you hone your skills so much faster, since you cant just depend on being huge.

But yes, if you are charming and intelligent, you can break any barrier with any girl....My standards are high, and are always met: girls that look like movie stars and supermodels. So, before you decide to devote hours of your valuable time to lifting heavy things, think about going to law school or something....its better in the long run.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Luveno
This post is quite old, but its important:

I dont believe that being a big bulking macho guy is very important for being a DJ....sure, some hot girls like that...some dont. I am in good shape but in no way some big musclehead...even if I wanted to be, I couldnt due to my incredibly busy schedule. However, I have totally seduced girls who are always seen with oxish guys. A few of them have become regular **** buddies. And my current girlfriend got a 9.7 on hotornot....although any moron could tell you how hot she is.
What made them attracted to me?

Intelligence and charm

Sure, being a hulk can get you a girls attention......see, the thing about going to the gym and getting huge is that it takes a lot of time; more time than having a professional career will allow. Additionally, going out into the field without looking like a wrestler makes you hone your skills so much faster, since you cant just depend on being huge.

But yes, if you are charming and intelligent, you can break any barrier with any girl....My standards are high, and are always met: girls that look like movie stars and supermodels. So, before you decide to devote hours of your valuable time to lifting heavy things, think about going to law school or something....its better in the long run.
I don't plan on having everyone after me. But I do want to be huge, like 190 lbs at 5´8". Weight training is not just for girls, it's for competing against yourself, there is not better feeling in the world than beating your own personal bests and having a superb workout. A superb workout is better than an orgasm!

What's wrong with being huge? It attracts girls easier so you don't have to develop the same game, like charm and stuff trying to get the girl to like you. It gives you more respect, you get more energy, feel better about yourself, you improve in other areas of your life. Basically you don't have to worry. I like it :cool: and it is enough with 4 hours a week at the gym.

I already own a company and I will never ever work under someone. Perhaps you'd like to post some of those girls you talk about, what's your GF address on Hotornot?



Don Juan
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
I feel what you guys are saying but what I ment was personality wise. Cause when I think of the gym I think of personal improvement for yourself and health. Now to clear up the air so everyone can understand the question at hand I ment do you think that a charming personality works better than an aggressive personality in terms of talking to girls. Like anotherwords charming the girl or the more aggressive my way or the highway attitude.