Smooth Resurrection: Born Again...

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
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You’re surrounded by the products of people who, if successful, will result in your failure. They are utterly indifferent to your plight. You’re surrounded by even more people- people who have succumb to those products. You can see them everywhere. You’re probably one too- for now.

Sipping on their Coca-Cola, because it’s so refreshing. Smoking that cigarette because it helps them concentrate. Smoking that joint because it helps them relax.

The ills of society go far beyond their consumption. Drink a few beers and you’ll get buzzed. Drink a few more and you’re drunk. That is that. There is nothing more to it. So, why then, all the Corona shirts? Why are we having parties dedicated to its consumption? What good is it doing any of us?

Water is more refreshing than any soda you’ll ever find, I assure you. Without all that caffeine, you won’t need the cigarette to help you concentrate. Exercise dammit, exercise. You’ll take endorphins over marijuana or alcohol any day, I promise.

Millions of dollars are spent to tell you otherwise. That great, refreshing taste of Pepsi. Cigarettes and their awesome taste. Oreo cookies sure are delicious, aren’t they?

So now you’re sedentary and you’re unhappy. **** them all. All those people who sold you that bull****, and **** yourself for buying it in the first place. Luckily, though, that’s the past. Right now is the beginning of the rest of your life. Get in shape, by every definition of the phrase.


Let’s dispel half the bull**** you’ll read, right here- right now. The Truth (in no particular order):

1. Muscles can only do one of two things: get bigger or get smaller. This is fundamental. You’re either letting them get smaller, or you’re forcing them to overcompensate and grow. “Toning” and “shaping” your muscles is preposterous.

2. Adipose tissue, or fat, cannot be reduced in any single area. This is called “spot reduction,” and simply has no basis on the way the human body works. People who spit out this bull**** are usually your gym rats who would find it difficult to spell the word “biology.”

3. Supplements are a gimmick that has lasted far too long. Don’t waste your money on protein powder, creatine or any other product that promises faster results. There is no denying that they have their place, but most fail to realize that the place is in the garbage.

4. You are not overtraining. Overtraining is an excuse used by people who are too sore and tired to workout another day. Overtraining does exist, and people who deny it are fools, but you’ll know it if you’re overtraining. You’re going to rest whether you like it or not. If the choice exists: you’re not overtraining.

5. Cardio performed before eating breakfast, or “morning cardio,” is a truly an exercise in futility. If it is in fact true that you are burning a more significant amount of stored fat- it is negligible anyway. If you are, in fact, eating away at muscle mass- you’re still wasting your time. At the end of the day, exercise doesn’t burn fat. A calorie deficit does, and this can be created with cardio at any time of the day, and proper diet.

6. There is absolutely nothing beneficial or healthy about a natural sun-tan. It is true that your body produces Vitamin D, an essential nutrient, in response to sunlight- but this occurs long before your skin produces melanin, the substance that gives your skin that “tanned” look.

7. Running outside is superior to running on a treadmill. There is little to justify the use of a treadmill. Running outside forces you to carry your own weight, and can be done free of charge, essentially year-round in even the most cold climates. Anyone with poor joints, or a high body-fat percentage- should be biking, not running.

8. The abdominal and calf muscles should be treated like any other muscle in the body. Individuals who suggest that because these muscles are used consistently on a daily basis, that they are somehow “different” are wrong- for all intents and purposes.

9. The abdominal muscles, ironically, consist of mostly “fast-twitch muscle fibers”, which means the abdominal muscles respond better to high-weight, low-repetition exercise than bodyweight high-repetition exercise. Therefore, all the kids you see doing 1000 crunches every morning are wasting their time, essentially

10. Having a “six-pack” has little to do with how strong or large your abdominal muscles are. It is directly related to how fat you are. The less, the better, and the more “defined” your abdominal muscles become.

11. As you get older, your metabolism doesn’t just “decrease.” On average, your age-group loses muscle mass- which plays a significant role in your metabolic rate. To a certain extent then, you can maintain your metabolic rate through old-age- through continuous muscle-stimulation.

12. No exercise will make a girl look “bulky.” Gaining muscle mass is inherently more difficult to begin with for women, and the concept of a girl getting “jacked” is unlikely to the point of dismissal. All the women with “big muscles” are on testosterone, a male hormone, and/or steroids. Avoid the two, and you can rest assured that as a woman, you will never look any less womanly.

13. HIIT, or “High-Intensity Interval Training” and LISS Cardio, or “Low Intensity Steady-State Cardio” is purely a matter of preference. Neither one will have a significant impact on your fat loss. Both have benefits, but they are primarily aerobic.

14. Starving yourself will not help you lose fat in any shape, way or form. Nor will throwing your food up. Your body is smarter than you may think. Deny it food, its source of energy, and it will go into what is commonly referred to as “starvation mode.” This is when your body tries to conserve as much energy as possible. You’re telling it that food is scarce. Not wise. Do this and watch the pounds come on.

15. You probably don’t have gynecomastia, or male-breasts. Keep losing fat under the assumption that your body will eventually start consuming the fat stored in your chest. This is a common fear, but fat boys with big-breasts are more common. It is just another copout. “Why bother losing fat, I’ll still have these!” Shut up, no you won’t.

16. Intentional, planned breaks in your diet, or “cheat meals,” are a fantasy. The intent is to raise your metabolism. This can be accomplished by consuming a higher number of healthy calories one day a week. Eating a Snickers bar is not going to help you, sorry.

17. Professional bodybuilders are unhealthy. Incidentally, so are professional endurance runners. Both have weakened immune systems, and have lost or reversed the vast majority of health benefits gained from regular exercise and a healthy diet. This is a broad generalization, but applies quite often.

18. Soy protein should be avoided. Soy protein raises estrogen levels, a hormone directly linked to breast cancer. Furthermore, the general consensus is that soy protein’s benefits are, as far as fitness is concerned, minimal.

19. Everyone claims to bench at least 150 pounds. Don’t be surprised if you go to bench for your first time and you can only put on 95 pounds for a few reps. You are not alone, in fact- a large number of us started that way. It does not sound particularly impressive though, and your friends who can all bench “200 pounds” thought they would never have to prove it to you. When you ask them to be your lifting partner, they will “not have lifted in awhile” and will test your own muscle when they ask you to spot them for the “barbell drop.”

20. As far as fitness, eating before you go to sleep is not going to harm you. It is not recommended for optimal sleep, but it is otherwise not going to harm your progress. This is assuming of course, that the food being consumed stays within the intended meal consumption for the day. Excess food is never good, regardless of your goal.

21. Getting into shape is about a lot of little things, not anything particular. This means that if you breakdown and eat a Hershey bar, it is not all over. In fact, it is moot. You’ll never see or feel the consequences. You only will if you let eating that Hershey bar slide—because if you do, you’ll do it again. And again. And then you’re right back to where you started.

22. Genetics decide everything. The way you look, the way your muscle grows- how fast or slow. There is no changing this. Your role is to adapt to your own genetics, and maximize your own potential. Odds say you aren’t going to look like Arnold, but that really shouldn’t be your intention. Make your intention to be the peak of your capacity, and it is guaranteed that you will be euphoric and satisfied when you finally reach it.

There will three components to either your “cut,” which is a phase of fat loss, or “bulk,” which is a phase of muscle-mass gain. These three components are:

Diet: Most important.
Weight Lifting: Second.
Cardio: Third.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
More Truths…:

1. Diet

The consumption of unhealthy foods is detrimental to your goal, unless your goal is to get fat and die before your time. Fast Food of any kind cannot be included in your plan to get into the shape you want. You need whole, healthy foods.

The extreme high-protein consumption promoted by bodybuilders and their sponsors is excessive and unnecessary. A high protein diet is a good thing, surely, but you do not need to eat two grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. One gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is still too much…

If it works, stick with it- but for all intents and purpose, one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass is enough. This means that if you weigh two-hundred pounds with a thirty-percent body fat, that you should only be eating one-hundred forty grams of protein a day.

The concept of “high-protein food” is sorely misunderstood by the seemingly inept. You are not looking for food with a lot of protein. You are looking for food with a lot of protein per calorie. This is called “protein dense” and it is optimal. Thus, you cannot justify eating at Burger King because their five-hundred calorie burger has forty grams of protein. Sorry.

Protein dense foods include, but are certainly not limited to: chicken breasts, tuna fish, egg whites, turkey and cottage cheese.

A lot of guidelines and rules exist, as far as calorie consumption. Use your brain. At heart, you know how much food you should or shouldn’t be eating. Otherwise, I recommend:

Five meals a day, separated by three hours each.
For a “cut,” or fat-loss phase, ten to twelve times in calories the individual’s bodyweight.

Find what works for you. Nothing works for everyone. Fitness is a science, and one should experiment thoroughly.

2. Weight Lifting

High-repetition, low-weight lifting is mostly frivolous. The people who partake in this type of activity are usually doing so with the intent of “toning” or “shaping” their muscle. “Shaping” and “toning” are fallacies, mostly started by women who didn’t want to “bulk up”- another fallacy I’ve too, already covered. High-repetition weight lifting serves only to increase the endurance of a muscle. This serves a purpose, but not for most people.

Low-repetition, heavy-weight lifting means one to twelve repetitions per set. Three sets of ten are not optimal for most people. Tailor your workout to your own body. Keep a journal and record what gives you the best results.

Rest between sets should range between forty seconds to three minutes. Excessive rest, to a reasonable extent, is not going to hurt your growth, but insufficient rest can help or hurt you. It may help you in that it gives less time for your pulse-rate to decrease, therefore increasing calorie expenditure, or harm you in that the muscle will not perform to its maximum capacity thus, limiting the benefits from the exercise.

Training to failure often is not recommended. It is believed to have a negative effect on an individual’s CNS, or central nervous system. Large muscles are not worth damaging your CNS.

Some lift weights three days a week. Some five. No more than six can be recommended. Decide on your own.

Every workout for every muscle should be intense enough that any less than a week of rest for that muscle would be inadequate.

You lift the same no matter what your goal is. You either lose muscle or gain it. You don’t want to lose it.

Lifts for:

Biceps Barbell Curls, Dumbbell Curls
Triceps Tricep Extensions, “Skull Crushers”
Deltoids Lateral Raises, Forward Raises, Military Press, Clean and Press
Pectorals Dumbbell Bench Press, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Flyes
Quads Barbell Squat, Barbell Deadlift
Hams Dumbbell Lunge, Romanian Barbell Deadlift
Lats Pull-ups, Lat-Pulldown
Traps Dumbbell Shrug, Barbell Shrug
Middle Back Dumbbell Row, Barbell Row
Lower Back Good Morning, Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift

Workouts should never last longer than sixty minutes.

3. Cardio

Good cardio exercises include running up stairs, running outside or biking. Some are fond of elliptical trainers, stair-climbers and the like.

If running outside, avoid concrete entirely. Asphalt is acceptable, dirt is desired. Concrete does not “give” and that opposite force that Newton liked to babble about is going to damage your legs and hips. Not recommended in the least. Proper running shoes are very important for running on any surface.

Distance determines calories, not speed. You can walk or run a mile, and you’ll burn the same number of calories each time (give or take.) The intent of your cardiovascular exercise shouldn’t truly be the energy-consumption of the exercise. Rather, the health-benefits, fitness benefits and raise in metabolism should be- amongst a plethora of unmentioned positive additions. These benefits are much more significant in running, not walking. Additionally, running is much timelier.

Running up and down hills is great too. It can increase speed, strength and endurance. The same is true for biking up hills.

Warm up before aerobic activity. Followed by stretching. Stretching is essential. Do not skip it- you will regret it. An active recovery period following the exercise, or “cool-down,” is also recommended.

Your cardio session should be thirty minutes or longer. Cardio everyday is acceptable, but taking a rest day each week is recommended.



FUKK EVERYONE. Everyone who has ever let you ****ing down, or looked down upon you, talked **** about you behind your back, who thinks you’re fat or too skinny, and ugly. **** them all.

There is no one you can trust, no one who sustains. Trusting people is frivolous, and those who lead us towards hope and faith are blind, and you want eyes to see with. No one will support you in your time of need. No one will love you when you are in your darkest moment.

THE HARDER YOU FIGHT, THE MORE PAIN YOU ENDURE AND THE STRONGER YOU BECOME. It is for this reason that you must beat your ass, kick ass, fight until you pass out. Justifications? Reasons? **** morality, justifications, logic and rational. All that matters is that one simple phrase. The harder we fight, the more pain we endure, and the stronger we become.

YOU ARE ETERNALLY ALONE. You can trust no one else’s judgment; you can trust no one else’s word. You cannot believe anyone who gains by your beliefs.

No one will ever ****ing help you, it’s basic knowledge but you’ve given in to the life of ease.

When you give someone the upper hand, they smash it down upon you. There is no real genuine love or trust in superiority. There is no honor in honesty or dignity.

You must live on superiority, arrogance and pretentiousness.





For we all die, but you shall live.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
#1 tip: Read, learn, accumulate knowledge. Read, read, read, and read everything with a grain of salt.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Who the hell stickied this post?

Most of the stuff Smooth says about working out is true, except that he forgets to go into detail about overtraining (the real problem is UNDERRECOVERY), and except for only one workout a week per muscle (I squat three times a week very intensely, and it works better for me than any one workout a week split ever has), supplements (there ARE ones that we know work, and he can't disprove studies) natural suntans (you won't get sunburned as easily. good enough for me), HIIT vs LISS (fat loss is similar, but HIIT keeps your muscle intact too), soy ( Enough said), cheat meals (the intent is also to help you not go absolutely insane), and genetics (Dorian Yates, as far as I remember, did not have very good genetics).

But all this psuedo-philosopher talk is lame, especially coming from someone with a name like "Smooth as Anything". Hey, goofball, enjoying life is more important than trying to be perfect.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
some good advice here and there, but far too one-sided to be considered any kind of general guide. don't understand why this is a sticky.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Who the hell stickied this post?

Most of the stuff Smooth says about working out is true

I agree :)
, except that he forgets to go into detail about overtraining (the real problem is UNDERRECOVERY)

Mmm... I don't think I need to defend my point on overtraining, but I feel ya.

, and except for only one workout a week per muscle (I squat three times a week very intensely, and it works better for me than any one workout a week split ever has),

If it works for you... great. I make that point a series of times. No one will ever be able to say anything about fitness if they try and make rules that apply to everyone.

supplements (there ARE ones that we know work, and he can't disprove studies)

I knew that when writing it... I stand by my statement, though. I cannot justify their use.

natural suntans (you won't get sunburned as easily. good enough for me)

Huh? I'll assume you meant 'sunless tanning.'

, HIIT vs LISS (fat loss is similar, but HIIT keeps your muscle intact too),

This is arguable, man... I've seen it a thousand times. I made my point. At the end of the week: just do your cardio. All this debate over it is worthless. (to varying degrees)

soy ( Enough said)

Where is his PHD...? Oh... :) I know I don't have one, but I'm ripping off people who do!

, cheat meals (the intent is also to help you not go absolutely insane),

I don't believe in planning to cheat. It'll happen naturally enough on its own, I think :)
and genetics (Dorian Yates, as far as I remember, did not have very good genetics).

Genetics are a limiting factor. To suggest otherwise is to declare that you have a limited understanding of biology.

But all this psuedo-philosopher talk is lame, especially coming from someone with a name like "Smooth as Anything". Hey, goofball, enjoying life is more important than trying to be perfect.

Psuedo-philosopher talk? This was a very straightforward thread... Very motivational, in my opinion :). I can stand by every statement I have made, and in my experience, it is all very accurate and most importantly, real.

I understand your gripes. It is from my perspective. That really shouldn't be a criticism though, should it? What standards are you holding me to, here?

I'm proud of my work here. It will help a lot of people, under the assumption that a lot of people will bother to read it. What more can be expected of me, bro?

I stand by my thread in full.

Take it easy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Are you just trying to be self controdictory here? You say "No one will ever be able to say anything about fitness if they try and make rules that apply to everyone.", yet I see quite a bit of you doing that in there. "Where is his PHD...? Oh... I know I don't have one, but I'm ripping off people who do!" -Who says you need a PHD to be a vegan and be jacked? You're an idiot if you discount what he did because he doesn't have a PHD in BS.

"Genetics are a limiting factor" but they don't decide everything like you said. "Mmm... I don't think I need to defend my point on overtraining, but I feel ya." In other words, you know you're wrong, but you don't feel like correcting yourself. "I knew that when writing it... I stand by my statement, though. I cannot justify their use." Ditto, you know you're wrong, but you can't be bothered to actually be RIGHT.

"Psuedo-philosopher talk?" Uhh yeah, you've been acting like some jackass wannabe Nietzche ever since your thread where you suggested that men should be cold, calculating and emotionless. And at the end of your second post here, you continue suggesting it by posting the most blatant BS in existence. Like "There is no one you can trust, no one who sustains. Trusting people is frivolous, and those who lead us towards hope and faith are blind, and you want eyes to see with. No one will support you in your time of need. No one will love you when you are in your darkest moment."

Nice job, smarty. I also love this one: "YOU ARE ETERNALLY ALONE. You can trust no one else’s judgment; you can trust no one else’s word. You cannot believe anyone who gains by your beliefs."

But this tops them all: "You must live on superiority, arrogance and pretentiousness." Gee, you sound like a real fun person to hang out with. I know you think everyone should try to elevate themselves to godlike status, but doing so is futile, and not very fun, either. I'd rather serve God than be God.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Smooth as Anything
3.Supplements are a gimmick that has lasted far too long. Don’t waste your money on protein powder, creatine or any other product that promises faster results. There is no denying that they have their place, but most fail to realize that the place is in the garbage.

4.You are not overtraining. Overtraining is an excuse used by people who are too sore and tired to workout another day. Overtraining does exist, and people who deny it are fools, but you’ll know it if you’re overtraining. You’re going to rest whether you like it or not. If the choice exists: you’re not overtraining.
after these "truths" i stopped reading. sounded promising :/

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Blah blah yap yap.
Hey man, if you want to rip on me-- do it in my PM box. Judge a book by it's content, not by it's author.

:) Best wishes, friend.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
i smell alot of bull****.


Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Bellingham, WA
3. Supplements are a gimmick that has lasted far too long. Don’t waste your money on protein powder, creatine or any other product that promises faster results. There is no denying that they have their place, but most fail to realize that the place is in the garbage.

I disagree. For most people, supplements provide a quick and easy way to consume nutrients necessary for growth (primarily post exercise). I don't know about you, but after I work out I don't want to have to wait til I get home to cook myself something that would provide me as much protein as supplements provide.

13. HIIT, or “High-Intensity Interval Training” and LISS Cardio, or “Low Intensity Steady-State Cardio” is purely a matter of preference. Neither one will have a significant impact on your fat loss. Both have benefits, but they are primarily aerobic.

Actually, it's pretty much a fact that low/moderate intensity cardio burns fat better than high intensity training of any kind. After about 20min of moderate intensity exercise, Beta Oxidation kicks into gear as the primary source of energy, which comes from adipose tissue. High intensity training increases Epinephrine/Norepinephrine to the point that it inhibits Beta Oxidation and thus reducing mobilization and utilization of adipose tissue.

Most of the other stuff I tend to agree with (with exceptions), but mostly I think you're just trying to come off as some hardcore, bodybuilding badass... and really, no one is impressed.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
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calgary canada
3. Supplements are a gimmick that has lasted far too long. Don’t waste your money on protein powder, creatine or any other product that promises faster results. There is no denying that they have their place, but most fail to realize that the place is in the garbage.

wow this is one of the dumbest points ive heard. btw iso protein has the best biological valued protein compared to any food...

5. Cardio performed before eating breakfast, or “morning cardio,” is a truly an exercise in futility. If it is in fact true that you are burning a more significant amount of stored fat- it is negligible anyway. If you are, in fact, eating away at muscle mass- you’re still wasting your time. At the end of the day, exercise doesn’t burn fat. A calorie deficit does, and this can be created with cardio at any time of the day, and proper diet.

cardio is still very important, you need to be in shape for good sex :p

8. The abdominal and calf muscles should be treated like any other muscle in the body. Individuals who suggest that because these muscles are used consistently on a daily basis, that they are somehow “different” are wrong- for all intents and purposes.

this is true, but you must remember that certain muscles repair at different rates. fastest is calves.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
Lifts for:

Biceps Barbell Curls, Dumbbell Curls
Triceps Tricep Extensions, “Skull Crushers”
Deltoids Lateral Raises, Forward Raises, Military Press, Clean and Press
Pectorals Dumbbell Bench Press, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Flyes
Quads Barbell Squat, Barbell Deadlift
Hams Dumbbell Lunge, Romanian Barbell Deadlift
Lats Pull-ups, Lat-Pulldown
Traps Dumbbell Shrug, Barbell Shrug
Middle Back Dumbbell Row, Barbell Row
Lower Back Good Morning, Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlift

Workouts should never last longer than sixty minutes.

its actually 40-45 min but no one listens to that

3. Cardio

Good cardio exercises include running up stairs, running outside or biking. Some are fond of elliptical trainers, stair-climbers and the like.

since when does it matter what cardio you do, ffs there is no bad cardio

no offense but all this **** about being alone is crap, you can trust people, get some good friends. since we cant trust everyone lets just bust a cap in everyones ass...


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
you got your deadlifts mixed up. normal deadlifts (or barbell deadlifts as you call them) are the lower back exercise, and straight leg deadlifts are the variation of it that works the hams/glutes.

also, no dips for triceps? and you'd put in flyes over an incline bench?


Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
Hey Diesel, how'd you get Smooths SN? :p

Sup man, good advice. Don't let some of these haters tell you otherwise, there just a bunch of trolls. We need more posts like this.



Don Juan
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
Uhh... this is a load of BS, I stopped reading after the 4th tip. Alot of people do this on the board, they say stuff that are not true and goes against research and many sources confirm that it works such as suppliments and overtraining to make themselves look important.

Who are you gonna believe? the 95% of the pros and bodybuilders and the fact its backed by research that suppliment works or some unkown guy on a message board? don't spread BS around man, atleast do it with proof.

Don't get my started with overtraining... am not a pro or anything but it doent take even am amateur to figure this out. However, except advice #3 and #4 everything eles seems good.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
calgary canada
if you want a real list of exercises for each body part, check out a legit site that puts a lot of research into their articles. i duno where this guy got a lot of his information from, some is good, some is off base.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Create Reality
Hey Diesel, how'd you get Smooths SN? :p

Sup man, good advice. Don't let some of these haters tell you otherwise, there just a bunch of trolls. We need more posts like this.

You're a troll. This guy is drowning in Lake Bullsh*t without a life raft in sight. Diesel would rip this guy a new one if he was still there.