Simple explanation of why i get hot chicks


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Do you think her mind though that she thinks 'This guy is great' if you busting her ovaries?

To alot of girls that's just fun flirting to them. If there is no natural attraction in any way shape or form, then being c&f isn't going to make her attracted to you any more than coming across charming and fun etc.

Why is it platonic friends between the sexes that are always doing the c&f stuff never end up having sex? Being c&f is trademark behavior between people in platonic relationships.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Well hardass it's a forum and the whole idea is to share thoughts and opinions.

Originally posted by Hardass
3. I want to stress the un-importance of her first impression. Just be yourself and don't do anything too uncool. Get in, get #, get out.
In the first 5 minutes of the meet up a woman desides if you are mating material or not, I'd say it's crucial. That's why chumps get blown off, even when they have the smoothest line out there, they just don't got the innergame and BL down. I would go for get in, get rapport, isolate, close I wouldn't get out untill she says NO. But he as said before to each his own.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
I believe that at some level the girl has to be physically attracted to you. I just do not buy the notion that challenge alone and playing games, i, e C+F, etc. will get you the girl. Conversely, I know if an ugly or fat chick walked up to me at a bar or party, there is no amount of game she can pull that would make me want to be with her except maybe if I was seriously inebriated.

Therefore you say that you get hot women. Guess what, even though you are skinny and have acne, these chicks find you attractive and when you first met them all you needed to do is not fyck up and you still would have gotten a number/fyck close.
All the challenge, ignoring, C+F really had nothing to do with it.

The best formula to get women is:

1. Look the best you can - start lifting weights + cardio+ proper nutrition to get lean hard muscle. Also start and maintain a good hygiene regimen (clean teeth, well groomed hair, etc.). Always try to smell good.

2. Get a good wardrobe-Get nice cloths that fit your style and definitely get nice shoes. Women really notice your shoes.

3. Approach - You see a nice looking girl and notice that she is giving you signals. By all means approach and keep it simple like "Hi, I could not help but notice you, you look really nice". If she smiles or blushes you are definitely in and just followup the conversation to establish rapport and don't overstay your welcome. After 10-15 minutes, get her number and leave. If your are into the GW method try to isolate her if you are getting good vibes and take it from there. You also need to be aware of your surroundings and develop a good sense of when a women is giving out IOI. There is an excellent thread by Player Supreme on the subject relating to observation skills.

4. Be your self - Do not try to be someone your are not. If you are naturally quiet and reserved do not all of a sudden try to be the life of the party. You will look fake and chicks can sense when you are not real. Try to playoff your shyness/reserveness in a positive way. For instance you can be the strong silent/mysterious type that many women like. Just do not be so shy or reserved that you look like a social outcast. Conversely if your are naturally loud and outgoing, try not to be rude or act stupid. You will only attract equally obnoxious girls. Granted, there are women, mostly skanky sluts, who go for these types, but I am assuming that you are looking for a high quality, classy girl.

5. Be the good guy - finally after you get the girl the best way to keep her is to neither supplicate to her but also not act like a complete jerk. The latter will only get you emotionally damaged women. You can strike the balance of being a nice guy and a jerk by being somewhere in the middle.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Let zolo tell you the way it is.

****y funny, ignoring, being the bad boy will get you chicks.

It will get you emotionally damaged chicks with all kinds of luggage, who are insecure and jump into bed with any azzhole that beats, abuses, or plays games with them.

It will get you the type of girl who wants a challenge, and then once she has you, will move on to the next "challenge"

It on occassion will also get you a "nice normal" girl who is in a relationship with a "AFC", but is looking to spice up her life.

SO in order to get a good, nice girl who is a quality woman. not an insecure girl the best advice I can give you is:


you are naturally confident confident by doing what you do and being who you are. there is no such thing as false confidence, people see right trugh that ****.

If you are a nice guy, be a nice guy, but don't be a doormat.

If you are naturally C&F be that, but give her a little of your nice side too.

If you are a Sk8ter be a skater

If you are a biker be a biker.

and if you are a dork be a dork

The trick is to be proud of what you are. and that will show confidence.

Geeks are embarassed of being geeks. That embarasment leads to insecurity which women can smell.

I know many geeks who are proud geeks that get the girls.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
Norway, Rogaland
so now youre saying BE A GEEK? i thought this was about being a dj an alpha male a pick up artist! i thought the meaning of this was to improve yourself to get rid of your geeky jackassness once and for all and to change into something better. whats all the stuff about learning inner game if you come here and say that u should embrase your inner jackass. to me its CONTRADICTIVE!


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
All the DJ's on here, the real DJ's the ones who actually get dates will tell you this:

As you say, it is about improving your inner game. Look at that closely, YOUR INNER GAME.

Let's break it down:


This game is yours, not someone elses. There is no recipe, there is no written script. Every girl is unique, as is every guy. You cant go around quoting some lines you found here or copying the actions of others expecting to score. It is not you, it is someone else. Be differant, be unique, and be you. Confidence, real confidence is being secure in who YOU are and confident in what YOU are. When you come off as something other than yourself you come off as insecure, and girls will smell that a mile away.

It's like a method actor, as good as a drama actor Robert Denerio is, he sucks at comedy, it looks forced and unatural, he is not that belivable. That is how a Geek comes off when he is trying to be ****y. Once in a lifetime you get an actor like Tom Hanks who can play any role, and be belivable at it, but guys like this are very rare.


You cant change what is inherintly inside you, you can only improve it. Guys, become proud of you and you will do better, I promise you that.


That is it, it is a game, much like footbal. It requires quick thinking, differant tactics, and the ability to CHANGE AND ADAPT. Every girl is differant. Every girl calls for a differant tactic, and even the same girl calls for differant tactics in differant situations. There is a time and place for everything. Many guys here are under the false dellussion that if I say this and use this line and dont call her for 3 days, she will melt in my hand. That is just plain wrong. If that were the case every guy in the world would be a DJ.

When you want to be a DJ there is times when you become soft, you let your AFC out, there are times when your are hard and callous. It is a game, and in order to be a good player, you have to be multi talented, you have to be able to run, you have to be able to pass, and you have to be able to catch. It is Ironman football, you need to be able to play offense and defense. And just like in foot ball, you need more than on play in your book. There is no one play that will beat every team, every time, just like tere is no one "method" that will get every girl every time.

Once you guys learn this you will be much further than the others out there.

Look at it this way

Hot girls date Musicians
Hot girls date fat guys
Hot girls date Bikers
Hot girls date skinny guys
Hot girls date athelets
Hot girls date Bankers
Hot girls date construction Workers
Hot girls date jocks
Hot girls date geeks.
Hot girls date nice guys and hot girls date *******s.

Hot girls date a variety of guys, they tend to date the best in each category. So the trick is to find out which category you fit in, and become the best in that group.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by zolo

SO in order to get a good, nice girl who is a quality woman. not an insecure girl the best advice I can give you is:


If you are a Sk8ter be a skater

If you are a biker be a biker.

and if you are a dork be a dork

The trick is to be proud of what you are. and that will show confidence.

Being proud of being a dork... :rolleyes:
Be yourself... :rolleyes:

If being yourself hasn´t been helping you, why keep being yourself and failing instead of changing for something better?


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Because most people are insecure about what they are and who they are and it shows.

Most people take no pride in what they do.

That is why guys lie and say they have better jobs than they do, make more maoney than they real do. They are ashamed of themseves and it shows to women.

That is why guys are afraid of being rejected when approching women. Do you think that fear is going to go away by pretending to be someone your not? No, it will only enhance it, because now are you not only afraid of her, you are pretending to be something your not. That is why so many guys fall back into their AFC ways, they become comfortable with that

My message is simple.

Become confident in who yopu are. Yes, if you are a geek, become a confident geek, dont cower in front of Jocks or women, just be proud of what youare.

If you guys cant understand that their is no helping you.,

I know guys that don't have two nickles to rub together that do good with chicks, and I know good looking guys with money who do terrible.

Listen what you guys are proposing to do here is become prototypes of the school of C&F. That is fine if yoyu think that is the goal, but where is the individuality when every guy in the bar is pulling the same routine

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by h a r d a s s
I am 5’10- 5’11. I weigh 140 lbs. and that’s being generous. I have glasses, acne, the works. Yet every girl I want, ends up falling in love with me, and I’m talking about 9’s on up to my current girlfriend who is a genuine 10. WHY? I dunno, but here’s what I do.

Get her attention and don’t fukk it up too bad in the beginning. I’ve said many stupid things and had a many awkward moments with strangers, but really and truly, it never mattered. I’ve talked about wrestling, working out, shopping, everything. Don’t worry about what you say just be sure to

Ignore her. You can be charming, weird, or even dull, but when you let her know that she doesn’t have your full attention, it becomes her sole mission to get your full attention and make sure you are just another pathetic *****-chaser, when you keep on blowing her off, her head will spin, and finally when she has your attention you seal the deal and

Make fun of her. Let their be no confusion, you are not “teasing” her, that’s for chicks to do and they are usually turned off by happy-go-lucky trying to be sexy “teasing.” Make fun of the *****, no matter how hot she thinks she is. You learn to balance how much of this you can get away with without her resenting you. When I am not exactly sure I make sure I’m on the side of making fun of her too much, rather than too little. You make fun of her too much and break her down, you can be the one to pick her up. If you don’t make fun of her enough she’ll find some1 else too. I think this works because girls are a lot more self-conscious and when you make fun of them they want you to forgive them for what they’re lacking or overlook it, and so their focus is making themselves look better for you, rather than looking for faults in you.
This is very good advice, and alot of girls will respond to this these days, but not all.

I'm quite the opposite of you in looks - 6' 2", 190 pounds, athletic, chiselled features and if I'm not careful this will backfire on me because it has been known to make the girl start to resent me, at least in my experience.


Jun 16, 2000
Reaction score
Toms River,NJ United States
Originally posted by Tazman
You know, this is interesting. I think this would actually work...........when I think back to all the girls who wanted attention and didn't get it, they became even more determined to find a way to get it. Once they satisfied they're hunger they moved on. I guess what your saying is to keep the tension high by not giving them what they want and they'll pursue you more?

Basically do what most other guys in her presence don't do.....not kiss her ass and bust on her to show her you aren't phazed by her. Something like that?

I do not truly believe in this...when I try this is backfires. What I mean is by me ignoring does not make her chase makes her think I am disinterested. This is all horse****.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Wow... some good information in this topic. A lot of it is poorly explained though, unfortunatly. Esspecially the initial post - there are much more than one ways that you can use that post in real life, of which most ways are going to give bad results.

Zolo, I absolutely agree with you. Let me give you the ultimate example: a friend of mine who is a geek. He is what you would call a 0 in the looks department. He has feminine facial features, he washes once a week, he has acne all over, he's 6'5" and weighs 120lbs, he never wears anything other than black. He makes it his life motto to shock people with horrific images (go@tse for example). This guy, has had more woman than I have.
For one simple reason. He is proud of what he is. He is what he is, and drives himself to be the biggest geek he can possibly be. He's comfortable being himself, and women recognize that through everything. I've had girls coming into our geeky group in the past, that started talking to me. I'd usually just ignore them because I was too drunk (I don't sit in that group unless I'm too drunk to have any "normal" conversation), and after about 30 seconds he'd be talking to them. They'd be like "That guy is weird" ... but in the end they'd say goodbye to him and not me, and on several occasions he has gotten numbers, MSN addresses and stuff like that from women without even having to do anything for it.

Okay, Sheepster, you da man... You've got some good stuff down in that post. I'd say to anybody who reads the first post of this thread - read that post, it's much better.

I'm getting back into the game sometime soon... let's see how well I am going to do this run :cool:


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I've had situations when being too ****y blew it for me and being complimentry worked. But yeah, if you feel someone isn't interested in you completely, than actind disinterested is like being sucked in by a vacuum. Thundercat calls it a Freeze Out, and I'm sure mystery does too.