should we just conform


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
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Should we just conform to today's society and entitled enabled spoiled brat women? Should we just throw in the towel at the idea that men were made to lead and women were made with their own attributes that made the man woman team a great dynamic . Should we just let it go and submit to the fact that women will not be getting better but only worse? Should we give up and submit so that we can actually have a companion and a family or stay the course and go through life without those things? I am at a point I don't know what to do I've been single since May yet there are no prospects of quality I am near 40 should I stay this course and have a life of loneliness with no family what should I give in and deal with the fact that women are ****y spoiled brats and not take it personally and just blow off all their b******* so that I can have a few of the good things that come with them? This life is very unsettling in this Society is a f****** insult to the creation of life.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2017
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Should we just conform to today's society and entitled enabled spoiled brat women? Should we just throw in the towel at the idea that men were made to lead and women were made with their own attributes that made the man woman team a great dynamic . Should we just let it go and submit to the fact that women will not be getting better but only worse? Should we give up and submit so that we can actually have a companion and a family or stay the course and go through life without those things? I am at a point I don't know what to do I've been single since May yet there are no prospects of quality I am near 40 should I stay this course and have a life of loneliness with no family what should I give in and deal with the fact that women are ****y spoiled brats and not take it personally and just blow off all their b******* so that I can have a few of the good things that come with them? This life is very unsettling in this Society is a f****** insult to the creation of life.
I am in a very similar situation to you (age and opinion on women and society)
I am trying to see things on a case by case basis and not fall in the general theory.

No towel throwing yet, you never know when you meet somebody who is the exception to the rule.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
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I will be turning 40 years old this year and I have days where I start to wander if I will ever meet the "one" and get married and have kids. Do you know what snaps me out of that way of thinking? My three friends who are in their late 30's, all divorced, with kids that only a mother can love. There life is a **** show, man its a good thing I am not in their shoes. This usually stops me from wandering. Keep going bro


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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I will be turning 40 years old this year and I have days where I start to wander if I will ever meet the "one" and get married and have kids. Do you know what snaps me out of that way of thinking? My three friends who are in their late 30's, all divorced, with kids that only a mother can love. There life is a **** show, man its a good thing I am not in their shoes. This usually stops me from wandering. Keep going bro
Keep remembering this my friend. Those guys you mentioned, all hard up in the wallet, the spirit and the boxers. Their former "love of their life" relationship took all of that from them. Throw in the fatherless homes that the kids are growing up in and all they've got is a severe waste of time, effort, emotion and money, not to mention the period of forced abstinence while they were married. Yep, single chicks love divorced dads, half of whose fortune and most of their attention is turned towards their kids, which includes the constant b*tchiness of the former spouse. How many top flight chicks are clamoring for a divorced dad?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
just find something cool to do, and forget about it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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It is utterly impossible for a man of knowledge to conform.

The Red Pill cannot be un-swallowed.

makes me remember one thing I hear, "want to be happy? be a idiot"

but since marriage bring nothing to the table for the men I don't see why anyone would want to marry, unless marrying was the best way for you to save your things, with is not


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
just find something cool to do, and forget about it.
Trying. I am unfullfilled though. Bored really.
Make dinner.
Walk dog.
90 mins lifting at the gym.
2 mile run.
6- 12 rounds boxing bag work.
I do this every day but Sunday and wednesdays as those are my sparring days.
I went from 190lbs to 205 since June.
My kid is off to college, my friends are married. I'm 39 in shape like a machine but don't dig the bars.
I am bored by 9pm every night.
I had a cute 40 year old ask to meet up but I found out she smokes so I cancelled.

I'm seriously bored. Maybe I will get another German Shepherd.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
Trying. I am unfullfilled though. Bored really.
Make dinner.
Walk dog.
90 mins lifting at the gym.
2 mile run.
6- 12 rounds boxing bag work.
I do this every day but Sunday and wednesdays as those are my sparring days.
I went from 190lbs to 205 since June.
My kid is off to college, my friends are married. I'm 39 in shape like a machine but don't dig the bars.
I am bored by 9pm every night.
I had a cute 40 year old ask to meet up but I found out she smokes so I cancelled.

I'm seriously bored. Maybe I will get another German Shepherd.
Try sound design:



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Go big or go home.

There's is no life worth living in settling.

Reach for all desires boldly, unapologetically, and shamelessly. Be willing to upset people on the way. Reject validation.

Just when you're feel like you want to give up, then you keep on going ... marching forward, as a soldier of life. A King forged through the fires of your own volition. This is how you live and how you will die. Within this transcendence of reality is also what separates winners from losers. There is a certain lasting peace which resonates within when you know you are unconquerable, and by being steadfast in allowing no body, no event, and no circumstance to force your surrender to its stronghold.
Last edited:

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I've had to come to grips with reality of the world we live in. The sanctions that used to be in place to keep women in check are no longer present. We live in a time where they are allowed to run free in near chaos and have more options than ever before.

The current environment makes the chances for long term success pretty small not to mention the fact that the current market sucks as Tenacity says.

I'm adjusting my mindset. I will keep my eye open for what I truly want which is something solid long term with a girl that checks all the boxes, but I'll fill in my free time with casual dating and no commitment with lesser girls than I prefer.

Enjoy them for what they are and only commit to one that stands apart from the rest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
I've had to come to grips with reality of the world we live in. The sanctions that used to be in place to keep women in check are no longer present. We live in a time where they are allowed to run free in near chaos and have more options than ever before.

The current environment makes the chances for long term success pretty small not to mention the fact that the current market sucks as Tenacity says.

I'm adjusting my mindset. I will keep my eye open for what I truly want which is something solid long term with a girl that checks all the boxes, but I'll fill in my free time with casual dating and no commitment with lesser girls than I prefer.

Enjoy them for what they are and only commit to one that stands apart from the rest.
You explained that well.
You have a good mindset.
At this point I have no energy for even dating. No mental energy that is


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
you lot want to try living in the Uk where the government is there cash husband to all single moms and they have probs 300 average orbiters

there selfish vile fcks deep down 80% of them


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Get busy pursuing your dreams, Exhausted.

I hear you talk often about your daily physical routine and hangs with the doggo, yet what are your dreams beyond women, dating, family, children, etc.?

Do you want to see the world? Do you want to get your adrenaline and blood pumping to something fun? Find out what that is. Do something risky within reason ofc.

You’re in shape to do adventurous activities, so, bored at 9pm sounds a bit weird... It’s just some brainstorming if what and with you want to do that with. When you get that ball running, I promise you, you won’t be bored.

After getting frustrated with the dating scene this year, I turned my back on it. I raised my standards, got selfish, started learning the guitar 45-90 mins. a day and am having a blast. I go to concerts often, discover new music, and hang out with many diverse social spheres. My calendar is full, I’m finding I have to say “no” to people a lot more than I used to.

I get checked out often in public as a result of the gym improvements, yet haven’t experienced chemistry with anyone, so the flirt/charm game needs to get ramped up a bit. It took me a while, yet I feel like I got to place where I killed that neediness, and constantly needing a woman for reassurance. I don’t think they can give the nurturing feels like they used to, so I stopped expecting them to. I just accept they are in for a fling until they find another branch, so I stopped expecting exclusivity. It feels awkward but it’s beginning to sink in and I’m allowing that to flow.

Anyway, my best advice is to take a break from dating and maybe this forum if all women are trash discussions are getting to you.

I stopped letting that occupy my thoughts while replacing the thoughts with leadership goals, career, education, and hobbies, that I stopped caring that I’ve been in monk mode since April.

I’m having fun and for the first time in a long time I’m happy. I don’t have the depression dips as frequently as often as I used to. Anyway, hope that helped.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Get busy pursuing your dreams, Exhausted.

I hear you talk often about your daily physical routine and hangs with the doggo, yet what are your dreams beyond women, dating, family, children, etc.?

Do you want to see the world? Do you want to get your adrenaline and blood pumping to something fun? Find out what that is. Do something risky within reason ofc.

You’re in shape to do adventurous activities, so, bored at 9pm sounds a bit weird... It’s just some brainstorming if what and with you want to do that with. When you get that ball running, I promise you, you won’t be bored.

After getting frustrated with the dating scene this year, I turned my back on it. I raised my standards, got selfish, started learning the guitar 45-90 mins. a day and am having a blast. I go to concerts often, discover new music, and hang out with many diverse social spheres. My calendar is full, I’m finding I have to say “no” to people a lot more than I used to.

I get checked out often in public as a result of the gym improvements, yet haven’t experienced chemistry with anyone, so the flirt/charm game needs to get ramped up a bit. It took me a while, yet I feel like I got to place where I killed that neediness, and constantly needing a woman for reassurance. I don’t think they can give the nurturing feels like they used to, so I stopped expecting them to. I just accept they are in for a fling until they find another branch, so I stopped expecting exclusivity. It feels awkward but it’s beginning to sink in and I’m allowing that to flow.

Anyway, my best advice is to take a break from dating and maybe this forum if all women are trash discussions are getting to you.

I stopped letting that occupy my thoughts while replacing the thoughts with leadership goals, career, education, and hobbies, that I stopped caring that I’ve been in monk mode since April.

I’m having fun and for the first time in a long time I’m happy. I don’t have the depression dips as frequently as often as I used to. Anyway, hope that helped.
Thanks for the insight and perspective.
Music is a wonderful hobby as you are always mastering it as there is no end.
Sadly, as coordinated and athletic as I am I am not very musically inclined. A bit of drums as a youngster. My dad was a drummer in bands all his life, good bands.
He passed away 4 years ago but maybe that is it, maybe I should get his drum set out and start playing, or learning to play. See if it is in me as i didn't give it much time being busy with sports year round from 4 till 24.
Hell that may be therapeutic as well, he was my best friend.
My dream or goal has been to get a home in the country, but with one income I would be settling on the 30 or more acres I would like to have. So i have been looking for years.
I barely watch tv and keep busy till i have nothing to do which is usually 9ish.
Tonight my son was home, early day due to college exams so we shot pool for a bit and worked on the Audio system in the basement there.
Usually I am on my own every night.
I am sure I am dealing with the loss of my ex gf and her 6 year old who were around for nearly 4 years and consuming beyond belief. Very very consuming. It's been a nice rest but at the same time rough.

I grew up in a big family, 3 sisters so silence and quiet is not the norm. It's very different.

I will look into the drums.

Any advice for a medium to learn?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Keep looking for that dream home in the country with the acreage you want. Drums are a good starting place to resume to. I resumed the guitar after 18 years absence. I tried as a teenager yet had no patience or discipline then.

I agree with LARaiders, you do need to get social though. It’s hard to relate and enjoy other’s company if you’re a homebody beyond your physical training in the gym or boxing. Maybe ask a few of your sparring mates to get a beer or bite to eat to replenish the carbs after a workout.

I can’t help you find your medium or your passion though. That’s really up to you and what you find value in and what you want to invest your time with.

I like to experiment and try various things outside my comfort zone. From there, I find what appeals to me and pursuit that with a determined effort.

You do have to find it within you though to finish getting over the loss of the ex and her kid by letting them go and moving on with your life as they have moved on with theirs. I know you’ve said you’re Christian, so forgiveness for any trespasses is a huge chunk of letting go of that baggage.

That last part is mission critical for freeing yourself of any emotional trauma withheld that frees you to have secure and healthy relationships moving forward.


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2014
Reaction score
Keep looking for that dream home in the country with the acreage you want. Drums are a good starting place to resume to. I resumed the guitar after 18 years absence. I tried as a teenager yet had no patience or discipline then.

I agree with LARaiders, you do need to get social though. It’s hard to relate and enjoy other’s company if you’re a homebody beyond your physical training in the gym or boxing. Maybe ask a few of your sparring mates to get a beer or bite to eat to replenish the carbs after a workout.

I can’t help you find your medium or your passion though. That’s really up to you and what you find value in and what you want to invest your time with.

I like to experiment and try various things outside my comfort zone. From there, I find what appeals to me and pursuit that with a determined effort.

You do have to find it within you though to finish getting over the loss of the ex and her kid by letting them go and moving on with your life as they have moved on with theirs. I know you’ve said you’re Christian, so forgiveness for any trespasses is a huge chunk of letting go of that baggage.

That last part is mission critical for freeing yourself of any emotional trauma withheld that frees you to have secure and healthy relationships moving forward.
I'm not even mad at her.
She is bipolar and has a mood disorder.
There have been many things she could help tho and remained selfish and chitty. But for the most part she is ruined, and I'm disappointed in what life has had to offer to an extent, or should I say society in terms of women, and men are pretty disappointing as well.