Should I still bother approaching this girl?


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I'm going to try and make this short, basically theres this girl thats been showing me strong eye contact on a couple occasions. On one occasion I wasn't even in front of her and she turned her head to where I was and maintained the EC as she left school.

I've had several occasions to talk to her as she was sitting studying, but didn't. Now she doesn't really make eye contact with me anymore.

Should I just forget it now or should I still attempt? What goes through a girls head when something like this happens?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Approach her to address your fear of approaching. Who cares if you get anywhere with her or she's lost interest already. Just getting the experience of walking up, talking and getting a number or getting rejected, is far worth not doing anything at all.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Bussey gives good advice. Hence the reason she doesn't give you EC anymore is because she feels that she's done her job to initiate. It is your job as a man, to begin the approach.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Bussey said:
Approach her to address your fear of approaching. Who cares if you get anywhere with her or she's lost interest already. Just getting the experience of walking up, talking and getting a number or getting rejected, is far worth not doing anything at all.
I live on residence and I think she might as well, I also see her studying in school alot, so should I bother trying to get a number like in a regular pickup or should I just try to befriend her (not as a friend, but in general).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Honestly Blah, you need to figure that out from the approach. I don't think you should consider friend/****/whatever... the issue here is that you were given an opportunity, you blew it and now you need to deal with the issue. Fear of Approaching.

By asking how you should frame the relationship of a girl you haven't even talked to yet, tells me that you are looking for reasons NOT to approach her. I understand how that is man. Approaching a cute girl is difficult, when I first started doing this stuff it took a while to get the hang of it. I still have issues with it, I always get a horrible feeling in my stomach the second before I approach her.

Just do it. Who cares what you say. Who cares what she says. Who cares what happens. You could go up and say 'You look like a *****.', granted it wont get you laid, but the goal here is to approach!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Ok I finally approached her, although I feel kinda wierd about the approach.
Basically I saw her studying again in the school late at night in the cafeteria area basically isolated except there were two guys standing a bit away looking in her direction... not really sure wtf they were doing, but I was like whatever fvck them I'm still going to approach.

The approach actually wasn't that bad I got some positive body language from her, the only thing I'm beating myself up on is that ejected too soon, and I'm not sure why.

It went down like this

I walked up to her, but she was sitting down reading, so her head was down

Me:Hey whats up are you studying cell bio
Her: *Looks up with a pleasant look on her face, takes a scrunchy or whatever out of her hair* and says while showing me the cover "no its psych"
Me: Oh I thought it was cell bio i need notes
Her: is that a 1st yr course
Me: no its a 2nd year, so what are you 1st year?
Her: No I'm 3rd
Me: Ohh ok 3rd (kinda like in interesting didnt know voice, not sure why it came out like that tho), so whats your major?
Her: Psychology and Sociology
Me: Oh ok I thought you were in bio
Her: Yea I'm in pysch/soc thats why I don't know anybody in that class (or something along those lines)
Her: Sorry I couldn't help you (as I walk away)

I really don't know why I just left right after like that, I felt that I probably could have continued the conversation, she wasn't showing any negative signs or anything, but I was standing and she was sitting and there was a little fence or whatever between us so I couldn't just sit down next to her.

I'm not even really sure why I'm posting this, but I feel like an idiot right now for not continuing and then leaving so abrubtly, fvck........

I really don't know why I didn't build some more rapport and then say something like "ok nice talking to you, I'll see you around" (since I see her studying in school alot), what must be going through her head right now?

edit: on a side note something that somewhat suprised me was how well she responded to my initial question about what she was studying. it was almost like I already knew her and was just asking a routine question. there wasn;t any wierd body language or mannerisms suggesting why do u care?" so I guess thats one positive out of this :/


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Who cares man. Lol, you did the approach. Congrats that's a major step in learning.

Now don't approach her again, let her sit beside you next time in class and let her initate the convo... chances are she will in that you are now the only one she knows in the class.

Again congrats man! You should be proud of yourself, nothing to be down about at all!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
Bussey said:
Who cares man. Lol, you did the approach. Congrats that's a major step in learning.

Now don't approach her again, let her sit beside you next time in class and let her initate the convo... chances are she will in that you are now the only one she knows in the class.

Again congrats man! You should be proud of yourself, nothing to be down about at all!
Thanks man, but I don't have any class with her she's 3rd year and I'm 2nd and although we have one major in common, we're not taking any classes together, so I'll probably still have to approach again.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Ah, well maybe not. Who cares either way you took a big step. Give it time before you reapproach her, and next time dont talk about school. And PLANT. its something I love doing on campus... you see a cute girl... walk up and say your opener and immediately sit down at the table/couch she's at. It shows a lot of confidence to do that. Never had any bad experiences with it either.