SHould I come back n continue gaming this girl??


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
There is one girl that I was gaming for several months. After a period of her ignoring me, I got tired of sent her a text saying that im tired of her bull n i wont ever bother her anymore. I haven't talked to her for three weeks since and I could see that she wants me now. It's just that she's too shy to chase after me. Do u guys think I should give it another shot? Or should I wait longer? There's only one month left till the end of school year n I wont be able to see her for 3 months. SHould I wait after summer to game this girl again?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
I would get it while it is hot. If you're getting true signs of interest than go for it. It just comes down to if you want to deal with her bull or not.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
It would have been best to have taken her out earlier, not after two months.

Go for it. Either she doesn't like you, and you can try again next year, or she doesn, adn you'll get to date and screw her over summer.

If she doesn't respond favourably, try again next year. School girls often forget over the summer holidays many of the (smaller) stupid things you've done.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Well now I'm not sure if it's true signs or not but she does the following:
- Try to raise her voice to get me to notice her whenever I'm around
- When seeing me talking with other females, she try to be in the proximity around me. Yesterday in the library she even changed to a new table where there isn't any1 sitting there from another one full of her friends (She can look at me from the new table better)
- Give me eye contacts more often, though when I saw them I just turned away like I'm not interested anymore.
- She seems sad recently, doesn't laugh that much around her friends anymore.

The reason I'm hesitating is because this is the second time I'm going for her during this school. The last time it kinda happen like this also. Though after I ignored her she did not give me as many IOIs. Also I have already told her in the text I would never bother her anymore, now if I go back, it would be going against my words n she would probably disrespect me for that.

I really want to next this girl but my college has a very small number of girls so supply doesnt meet demand n since a lot of them know about me going for this girl already. It would probably hurt my chances of going for other girls.

Anyway, I think I should ask her female friends before going back.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
lol or just hook up with her. any relationship build-up is hopeless at this point, whether or not she has some interest. Though, of course, there are those that believe in the 'the hard-to-get-ones are the best, and you gotta be persistent'.. school of thought - i havent experienced that yet. someone who has should speak up


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
Okay lemme give u guys more info:
-Last semester, gamed her 4 about a month, when I told her I'm interested in her (yes I know, very AFC) she said: Oh, I saw this, no coment. Apparently another guy was also chasing her AFCishly at the time.
- This semester, ignored her at the beginning for 2 weeks n then she gave me IOIs, though not as much as this time. So I continued gaming her. She didnt respond first but after sometimes she started opening up again. But I got too interested and she ignored me again.
- Finally after several weeks of her ignoring me, I was fed up, ignored her back 4 a week. Then she practically ran after me, ignoring all her friends calling her on the way, one day in order to have a brief conversation abt the class we have together. I thought maybe her interest is up again so I sent her a txt msg teasing her n asking her wat she was doing. No reply. It is then I got really fed up n sent her the msg saying I wont bother her anymore.

I know this is very very AFC but I really dont know how to overcome it at the moment n the girl supply here in my college is very limited.

Also, I heard from her friends that she has a crush on some guy from her swimming team, however it seems that this guy is only interested in being friends w/ her since he's got a girlfriend n there r many other better girls interested in him (lol I sound so pathetic now hah )


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
she likes the attention and wants to be buds. thats it. she will flirt if it is harmless. guys do it to to girls they aren't that interested in. Such is life.

Of course, someone with the "persistence pays off" and "girls change their minds sometimes" opinion, they should chime in.