Should I call, or just forget about her?


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys! Here's the situation:

Went out with some buddies to a college bar to hang out and just have fun. We were shooting pool and I saw this girl who I thought was pretty good looking. She comes up to us and starts talking, wanting the next game of pool. We talk a bit, find out she's with a friend for his birthday party, and she's never been to this bar before.

I tell her about the piano guy who is playing, so I take her by the hand we run downstairs to see him, running around like little kids. Anyway, she buys me a beer downstairs and we just dance the entire time, felt like we were getting along very well. Her friend's call her and she has to go, so I get her number, and she says she would love to hang out with me sometime, yadda yadda.

Now this is where I believe I f***cked up. I text her the next day (possible mess up, should have waited longer/called). I'm not asking her anything, just throwing some jokes around and having fun. Anyway, I sent her this one text (nothing weird, again didn't even need to elicit a response for it), and she never replied.

Now, for whatever reason I really hit it off with this girl right away, she was fun and I'd really like to see if she's worth hanging around with more. This last text was 2 days ago, no reply. I was wondering if I should even bother calling, or just take it that she's just not interested and move on.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

At the very least, I learned 1 important lesson: Ask if she's single or not right away, so I don't waste time. I don't know this information now, so it may just be that. Who knows, it's my fault for not asking though.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Orrrrrrrrrrr.........instead of doing all that and getting paralysis by analysis, you could call her up right now and ask her out and find out for sure where things stand.

Problem solved.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
If a girl is interested then she is interested. Your not totally making a mistake by texting her the next day, especially if you think you had a connection. You shouldn't ask her if she has a boyfriend or not either. You should always assume that the girl is single and interested until she proves you otherwise. What you need to do is let her get her weekend attention wh0re high down. (When guys that got her number on the weekend hit her up. Usually Saturday-Monday [Especially Monday]). Call her or text her on Tuesday and ask how her week is doing then ask her on a date. No idle chatter. Get the point across that you will be saving her time on a certain day.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
PrettyBoyAJ said:
If a girl is interested then she is interested. Your not totally making a mistake by texting her the next day, especially if you think you had a connection. You shouldn't ask her if she has a boyfriend or not either. You should always assume that the girl is single and interested until she proves you otherwise. What you need to do is let her get her weekend attention wh0re high down. (When guys that got her number on the weekend hit her up. Usually Saturday-Monday [Especially Monday]). Call her or text her on Tuesday and ask how her week is doing then ask her on a date. No idle chatter. Get the point across that you will be saving her time on a certain day.
Thanks! That sounds like good advice. I'll give her a call on Tuesday and just set up a date.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
PrettyBoyAJ pretty much said what needed to be said. But I'll chime in too...

Audiophile said:
Now this is where I believe I f***cked up. I text her the next day (possible mess up, should have waited longer/called).
That really doesn't matter as much as you think it does. It's not so much about not contact the next day. It's about not contacting her EVERY day, like a high school kid in love.

I'm not asking her anything, just throwing some jokes around and having fun. Anyway, I sent her this one text (nothing weird, again didn't even need to elicit a response for it), and she never replied.
So you sent her a text that didn't call for a response. So why are you nervous about her not responding. I know a lot of kids are into texting each other 24 hours a day, for no reason. But not everybody is into that. Especially considering that you two just met. I mean, even if she likes you, she doesn't have to like you enough to respond to every text all day.

I was wondering if I should even bother calling, or just take it that she's just not interested and move on.
Stop texting girls with no purpose. If you're contacting her, contact her to ask her out. Then you'll have your answer.

At the very least, I learned 1 important lesson: Ask if she's single or not right away, so I don't waste time..
Don't do that. That's corny. You'll find out her relationship status when you try to set up a date. If she says yes, then she's unattached or with a lame boyfriend. If she says no, then she has a bf, or she's not interested in you.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Thanks for the advice guys. Called today and set up a date on Saturday night, it's St.Patrick's day, so we're just gonna grab some drinks and hit the streets.