Should i call it quits gaming these 2


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Wondering if I should call it a day with these two

Girl A: Gym girl whom I've spoken about on here. Things have been pretty friendly/casual with us. The other day, I worked up the guts and went over to her desk and started a convo with her. I was confident + friendly. I asked her what she did for lunch and she said she usually stayed at her desk. I mentioned that she should come out with me sometime and get something good. She got kind of figitdy and said that her boss probably wouldn't let her. I joked to tell her boss that I said it was ok (I have no idea who her boss is) and just confidently walked away and told her to have a good one.

Girl B: Spent Sun with her at her place for a very casual party. She is cute. The type of girl that usually goes for me. She paid more attention to me than any other of the single guys there. Even though there were other guys there, she kept asking me questions about what I did, what my last name was so she could find me on facebook (where she jokingly said that she would now be my facebook stalker) and sent me numerous other signals. Since then, I've been speaking with her via email where she has brought up that we should do this/that together and that we should talk about this/that together. Said how it seemed that we had tons in common and that we were two very cool people.

In the last note, she mentioned that she worked part time while going to grad school and mentioned that she worked with kids. I responded back how I loved kids, and that if I ever won the lottery I'd love to open up a daycare so I could spend time with kids all day (all true).

She responded back with "So you gamble?" and why I would ever want to spend my day with a bunch of kids whos parents neglected them so they could make more money that they didn't need. She then went on to talk about her day in a few sentences and then closed with how she was too tired to tell me about what exactly she did since she had to get up early, and how it was her last day there. She said she'd make me wonder.

She seemed rather grumpy in her last message, she is usually a very chipper, friendly, cool girl.

I'm debating how/if I should respond. We had plans to hang out this Saturday and cook (which we both love to do), but I am not so sure I want to invest any more time in this now.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2008
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For Girl B, I don't think a single awkward e-mail can nullify all the IOI's that she's been giving you. If you still want her and she doesn't cancel the date on Saturday, go for it, disregard the e-mail, she might have really just been sleepy at the time. If she backs out on the cooking thing and doesn't reschedule for anything, you might have done something wrong...

true romance

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
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I think you should keep going as planned on Sat (cooking dinner).

Don't let her mood affect you. Unless she is really sick and have other issues just don't bend your mood for her. Just plan and bring the best of you. fun, relax, have a good time.

Maybe she just had a bad day so she is grumpy..You are a DJ so always flirting. have fun..she will associate fun when she see you.

My experience sometime chicks just say they are down, moody, grumpy...etc..sometime they test you, see how strong you are and they want a little attention.

If you still attractt to her then keep going if not do it for practice :)
win win..she will have fun and you might have some actions

wine and tequila..wear down the defense

Have fun a goodluck.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
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I will elaborate some more on my situation with her. She is more of the “sweet religious girl” type. Doesn’t drink, smoke etc… She is very positive and upbeat. Which I actually like for a change. I’ve bumped into her a few times, but never got the chance to ask her for her # etc….

She invited a bunch of us over to our place Sunday.

- She seemed to pay more attention to me than anyone (Could have just been being nice?).
- She offered to give me an individual tour of the house (which she didn’t offer to anyone else) always seemed to be in fairly close proximity to me.
- Had contact info for a few other people there, but kept asking me questions like if I was on facebook. What was my last name so she could find me on it. What I did for work/school etc… Things she didn’t really ask others. Said she was going to become my facebook stalker (joking way)
- Had a pair of old keys hanging by her door. When my cousin (who is engaged) asked me what they were for, she responded with “For my heart” and seemed to give me “Is he paying attention” glances. (She seemed to be half joking with that response btw)

That night she sent me a friend request, and I sent her a message stating that she needed to give me a reason to be my friend because I already had enough stalkers on facebook. I made her answer a few questions, one of which was if she cooked.

She responded back with that she does, and how she knows how I am good cook and how much that impressed her. She brought up how she’d love for me to teach her to cook this/that, mentioned how it was cool that we had so much in common and how we were two cool, similar people. (I played it flirty at times saying things like “I know I am cool, the jury is still out on you though”) We exchanged about a dozen messages over the last 2 days with just getting to know you notes. Some a few paragraphs, some which were pretty lengthy.

To be fair about this weekend, she did say she would like to, but I know she did have previous family plans for that morning. She said she’d love to depending on when she gets back from her family function (that day is the only day we really have free for a while). The only real mistake I made was that I sent her a message the other night saying I’d be studying late so my phone number is xxx-xxxx if you feel like calling me and giving me a reprieve (we work in different cities during the week). She never called, but I figured I’d test her to see if she wanted my number.

As to this last thing she sent me, I figured I’d respond with something like “Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to tell me where you work. I know it is just a cover because super heroes like you don’t like to reveal your secret identities (she always jokes how she has super powers) and then just make more small talk.

Thoughts? And thanks bros


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
dude how can you not see that it's on a platter for you to kill it right now. jeez man quit over analyzing it and just do it. have fun and quit thinking.

true romance

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
-She is interested.
-Slow down on the email, both already got to know each other already. Time to get on the phone. You should ask for her number already. Our job is to take initiative. She already gave you enough hints. Have a small break are busy with stuff to see if she contact you. If you exchange too much information via email or facebook you will lose some of the mystery, tension...

-Just send her a small note or an ecard invite with some funny lesson is still on for Sat? Chef Brian..etc

-Note even she does not drink.pour her a glass of wine or some juice with vodka (not too much vodka)..leave it there.

Play it cool, you are doing good.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Good advice from you both. At the earliest, I am going to respond back to her tomorrow. I will keep it light and simple. As to our get together Saturday, how should I handle that. The last time we spoke about it, we kind of talked about it over email and she said yes, but it depends on when she gets back into town. I don't even have her phone # yet


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
So basically I decided that I was doing a bit more chasing then I should, so I pulled back. I'd let her contact me. She ended up calling me last night, I at first playfully pretended I didn't remember who she was. We spoke for a while, and then she asked if we were still on for Saturday, and that she wanted to see her college play a soccer game Saturday night and asked if I'd like to come. (I know Sat night dates are not usually good, but I have season tickets to the local NFL team, and don't want to be out late Saturday night anyways b/c I have to be up early Sunday for the game)

Looking good