Should I be direct?


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
I met a chick on classes last week, today I ran into her and jumped saying 'how are you 'name'' and we chatted about some random college stuff. Anyway it's obvious she's receptive and likes my company, so I guess it's time to strike before I mess up by I usually do.

I'm wondering should I be direct with my intentions straight away which is only logical thing to do, but even tho I make the conversations very comfortable and enjoyable she still seems shy and a bit reserved maybe, or she's just nervous. She's not that hot mby 7 and I'm fully aware that I can do much more, but it would be good boost for my confidence which has btw reached it's peak these few days - I've never been more confident in my life (all thanks to SS obviously!).

So summary is > should I be direct or go for a more relaxed variant like 'We should go grab a cup of hot chocolate, instead of sitting here in pale university chambers, complaining to eachother how hard it is to be a good student?:) '
If it happens she rufuse which I think she won't (nor do I care so much) I'd ask 'You don't like hot chocolate?! Cause you can't be possibly disliking my company!:) '

I guess gave myself an answer now, didn't I? Well this was a productive post.

What's your opinion, should a guy 'make' low self-esteem girls more comfortable around him or should no girl be special in the way you treat them (until you get to know them).

Thanks, you rock.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
First, don't base your confidence on girls' acceptance of you.

Second, being direct is better, but you should really know what that is. It is not talking about sex and telling her you want her. Not at this stage of the game.

Third, I don't know how strong your talking game is, but I certainly wouldn't sit and talk for long over a cup of hot chocolate. Because no matter how strong your talking game is, you will just be another guy who sits and 'TALKS' to her. No, take her dancing, take her roller blading, ANYTHING physical will do. Hold her hand when u r roller blading. Spin her when u two are dancing.

THAT is being direct. You are with her, you are doing physical things with her. Sense the the sexual energy around you two. Tune all your senses in. After that, isolate from the public, and close.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Asking a girl out for a cup of coffee is not being direct. But either way, girls expect you, as a man, to ask them out. So you as a man must do your job and ask her out if you like her. Don't make a big deal about it if she says no. DONT DLV YOURSELF by asking her "why", not even in a playful way, it will lower your value immediatly and you'll be done. Just say "oh ok no problem" and change the subject. If she does decline then you have to build more comfort then try again a after a few days.


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
I understand. Well said. Gonna take a shoot soon enough.

Anyway it's cool that the things you both said ARE the way I would do things naturaly now, proving how much I advanced from that shmuck I was few months ago. I'm amazed.