Short, scruffy, skinny, and ugly - no problem....


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
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On Earth
Aaron B said:
because what women say and what they do are the same thing!

you have no idea if he is desired IRL or not - and even if he is, it's STILL anecdotal

if the women had to sleep with him first before they could heap praise on him, i think it might be a different story

gotta read the subtext bro. everyone has an agenda, those women included.

they have no skin in the game. talk is cheap. until they spread their legs for him, it's all for nothing
True. But let's look at it at this perspective.

Would you like to get laid by hb 10 which is praised by dozens of guys. You know, she come's and soon after spreads her legs. You would, I would, most of guys would.

Would a girl like to get laid by a 'hot guy' without being known in public or anyone else. You bet !

This guy is taken by 3 year older girlfriend. The irony of life.

But yes, as I said a lot of media and society has the part of what kind of characteristics an individual likes. If it's "IN" to like a guy who looks like a girl. And the most 'alpha female' in society dseries him, then so will the other followers do the same.

I sometimes ask myself if these girls are all bisexual. Most of girls who I know and like baby faces seem to not have a problem to be with a female gender.

On the other hand yesterday I chatted with one girl who doesn't have a father. She shown me this picture and commented " what the **** is with these girls, he looks like a shemale "

She also admitted she likes " guy without a beard is not a guy, I want a guy to dominate ME ,not me dominate him "

Not to mention she's kind of 'antisocial' towards most people, and out of 'mainstream' of girls.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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wait out said:
However, that's not the environment humans evolved in as it's relatively recent.
I'm a little fuzzy on what point you're trying to make. Is it that women are not attracted to alphas? Or that women are not as attracted to alphas as the community thinks? Or that they are attracted to alphas, but not for evolutionary reasons?

It's hard to think of a time when women were not dependent, at least in part, on men to provide for and/or protect them. Maybe it's just being practical. The more capable/powerful/resourceful/wealthy the male a woman can attract, the more she will benefit.

ScottMustaine said:
This guy is taken by 3 year older girlfriend. The irony of life.
Oh, well there's your answer. It's social proof/preselection. :up:

Seriously, I think it's pretty clear that the formula for what makes a man attractive is a whole lot more complicated than what makes a female attractive. There are all kinds of factors at play, and can sometimes be hard to predict. Supposedly just having different genes can be an attraction factor.

In the original poster's story, those girls probably aren't far past their Justin Beiber phase. Maybe they just thought he looked boyish.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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iqqi said:
Slick, you should've just went all out and took the guys picture.

I would have told you what is up.
I don't know about that Iq, I've seen some of the creeps that you like!

(....just bugging, you know I love ya! ;) )

I am laughing at the image in my head of me pulling out a camera and getting a pic of that guy. "Hey excuse me there ugly rodent guy, you mind if I get a photo of you so I can ask my girlfriends if you are hot or not?"

I did consider talking to the guy and telling him about the two girls. I had a feeling they were heading to this trendy restaurant nearby and sure enough on the way back I saw them again in the window. It would've been funny if I delivered ol' stinky to them. "Here ya go girls! You might have to buy him lunch, but isn't he so HOT?" :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2010
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The Wild Wigga From the West
sicsec said:
I hate to say it miss those days. When I was in my early 20's, no money, clothes, razor, hairbrush, basically looking like **** but my attitude was careless and extroverted and did more damage those days than I do now!!! I would talk to every and any decent looking girl and was surprised by where I got with them. Now its a different game especailly with the young girls. they seem to gravitate to the Nirvana rejects for some reason.
may god have mercy on out souls.

what i have learned from my small existence is: care free guys like that, may get the lays, but he won't keep a girl like that around. I always try and dress well when i am out. even if i do just wear a sonic shirt and jeans.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah it was funny I was at a douchey Jersey Shore party a few weeks ago (I never watch the show), and saw several HOT girls with some really fat guys. I'm talking about HUGE beer guts, and saggy man tits. I also see guys who are super skinny that have pretty decent looking girlfriends. I honestly couldn't give a crap. I'm going to keep shooting for my build similar to Chris Evans in Captain America (after he gets juiced up NOT before lol). I'm not looking to be a 'roid head, just tall lean and muscular. I tend to have those said girls check me out too.... :) Do whatever works for you, but definitely don't feel envious about the scrawny fool.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Looks are not everything. I don't think it's PC to say, since there are obviously many factors in dating. Less good-looking guys simply need to develop confidence and game.

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
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Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t
Slickster said:
Hey guys,

Just thought I would share a story from today that should give some of you a little confidence boost.

I'm walking down the street heading to a bookstore and trying to make it there before it closes. It's just around the next corner and as I approach I see two very hot young girls totally checking out a young guy who has just walked past them. I'm approaching these girls without them seeing me yet. They have literally stopped in their tracks and turned to watch this guy go by. The fact that they are looking so intensely makes me check the guy out as well. One says, "Oh my god!". The other says, "That guy is SO hot!"

Just after they say this they are startled to see me right there. They both double take and smile when they see me. Right away, I laugh and say "You guys are totally busted!" They both laugh and seem a little embarrassed.

The three of us stand there watching this guy walk away for a second and based on what I see I have to ask, "So you girls really like the dirty vagabond look huh?" Their response was, "Whatever he was super hot!" I ask again, "Really???" They say an emphatic "YES!!" and keep on walking.

I was like "Okaaaay....?"

So anyway I check out the two girls a little more as they walk away and I enter the bookstore. They are REALLY hot. Very well dressed and probably 22-25 years old.

So I buy my book and walk out. Now this may sound weird but I'm really curious to get a better look at this guy and see what the deal is here. I would normally never do this (or even care), but from what I saw of this guy I HAD to take another look.

So I think about what stores are down the street in the direction he was headed and I decide that I have a pretty good idea where he might stop. I head that way and sure enough he's exactly where I thought he'd be - the Thrift Store buying second hand clothes!

I go in and upon closer inspection here is what I see.....

He was probably early 20's, 5' 6" maybe 5'7". Skinny as fawk. (Definitely shorter and skinnier than both those girls.) One of those guys whose a$$cheeks don't even fill his jeans and it just looks like an empty sack back there. He was wearing dirty, gray, ripped jeans and the butt had so much dirt there it looked like he literally sh!t his pants. His checkered gray flannel shirt had stains all down the front and he was wearing a filthy faded, ripped up hobo-style backpack. His light brown hair was shaggy, unwashed, and oily. Some scruffy and very patchy facial hair covered a pitiful weak jawline. His face looked gaunt, pale, bony, emaciated and oily. The only thing I think he had going for him were his eyes. The greenish color seemed to contrast the gray look of everything else. I actually thought the guy looked like a little hobbit. A bum version of Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings.

So I left sort of shaking my head and laughing at myself for stalking this creepy little dude. As I said earlier this isn't something I would normally concern myself with. I don't take young girl's opinions too seriously. However I was quite surprised to see a such big a reaction from REALLY attractive girls over a guy who REALLY looked like sh!t.

Anyhow I thought I would share this story for any of you guys who don't consider yourselves attractive enough to get women. Always walk around with an air of confidence. You never know who is checking you out and liking what they see.
Take it from a guy who gets comments on my eyes everyday.....they're lethal brother..


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Interesting story, but words mean nothing.

If you'd posted a link to a youtube vid of these girls double teaming this skinny, dirty dude, then I would agree that they were attracted to him.

But as it is, just because they were saying about how hot he was, really means nothing. Actions are all that matter.

I wasn't there so can't judge the context, but I think it was also possible that they were being sarcastic about him being hot because he was so ugly, and then when you asked them about it, they kept along with the charade just to mess with your head.