"Shes not ready yet"


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Hey been awhile since I've been on the site anyway

So this girl I've been seeing for awhile now (weve been friends for along time) said that she liked me and she felt like she could be her self around me. She's been in a few bad relationships but she genuinely likes me.

Finally met her on the subway and we talked before my stop, stopped being a ***** ran back into the subway and asked her out. She said yes and we kissed and all. As you may know I was pretty much the happiest guy through my classes (I go to college and so does she) the thing is she calls me later and sais that she doesn't know if shes ready for a relationship. She said that she obviously wants to date me but it's not the right time now since she constantly works and of course has school and that she may not see me as much. Now the question is should I wait it out? Should I just be more open with my relationships and date other girls or should I hang out with her anyway and wait for a later time to date her. FYI I really do like her.

Thanks in advance :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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So, she has time to hang out with you, but not date you? I'm not quite sure I understand.

Well, I take that back. I don't understand it the way you described it. Sounds like just an excuse to not date you. Sorry to say it.

What is dating really aside from "hanging out"? It's her excuse to be friends with you, and not having anything sexual.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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What is dating really aside from "hanging out"? It's her excuse to be friends with you, and not having anything sexual.
Could be that she just wants him as her ego fix, to pay for dinner at dates, buy her coffee, talk to her on the phone, listen to her problems and give her the attention fix that she craves, but if she wants to bang someone she will find herself a jerk.

that's always the feeling I get when a woman says she doesn't want to date you or get serious or whatever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
DRamiz said:
Hey been awhile since I've been on the site anyway

So this girl I've been seeing for awhile now (weve been friends for along time)

Turning a long time friend into a lover is a tough one to do.

said that she liked me and she felt like she could be her self around me.

Not a bad thing, but sounds "friend-like."

She's been in a few bad relationships but she genuinely likes me.

A few bad relationships = I like to date bad boys. The relationships s*ck, but the s*x is hot.

Finally met her on the subway and we talked before my stop, stopped being a ***** ran back into the subway and asked her out.

Good for you man.

She said yes and we kissed and all. As you may know I was pretty much the happiest guy through my classes (I go to college and so does she)

As much as it's oneitis, I can't blame for you for being excited. We've all been there.

the thing is she calls me later and sais that she doesn't know if shes ready for a relationship.

Houston we have a problem. She likes you as a person, but doesn't want to close off her other sexual options.

She said that she obviously wants to date me but it's not the right time now since she constantly works and of course has school and that she may not see me as much.

School "dating" takes minimal time. This is an excuse.

Now the question is should I wait it out? Should I just be more open with my relationships and date other girls or should I hang out with her anyway and wait for a later time to date her. FYI I really do like her.

Thanks in advance :)
Don't expect anything from her. She's torn between two things:

1. She does feel comfortable around you and probably enjoys your company.

2. But she still lusts for the "bad relationship" / "bad boy" thing.

In the end, with most young women, when they are torn between what their heart wants and what their vag wants, the vag wins 98% of the time.

So, go after other girls and back off on this one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
6/5 that there is someone else in the picture

we make this harder than it has to be. when you really like someone you date them. it's not the right time because she still has feelings/taking it in the bum from someone else

the correct ansewr is to simply date other chicks and tell her that you don't wait around for anyone.And odn't say that just to get her to make her do something, mean it. date other women, move on, she's a stroke job.


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
6/6 she banging 6 other guys and you don't come interesting to her in that sence. But you make an excellent tampon. Welcome to the castle of friendship young fellow, once friend forever friend.


New Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Well guys thanks for the honest answers, the harsh truth unfortunately... And yeah my options are open and I'm just going to move on and forget about her already starting to ignore her more after that event...

Guess it's true what they say. **** *****es, get money.


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
outskirts of myville
You just misunderstood her for you have no clue about women. You desperate for vagina and woman's attention, no girl will ever devote you her full attention. You spend all your time with her, talking, and fall in love with her because its your nature. She thought of you as her girlfriend because women talk to each other. You judged her interest level in you by her words not her actions.

Fvck money it's dirty.

Remain friends with her, tell her you sorry for being lonely and desperate, you like want to remain friends with her.