She ended things with me.... and lied about why


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I'm a senior in highschool, and I was "talking" to a sophomore girl. Things were going great for a month and a half. She texted me all the time, we talked on the phone, I walked her to class..... the only problem is that we never went on dates. Every time I'd try, she'd be like, "Let me ask my parents...." and then they'd always say no. They let me take her out one time, and that was only because it was in a group, so obviously nothing happened that night. One day she texted me randomly ending things. Saying her parents don't like the age difference. Like a normal person, i was mad. I didn't do anything wrong. her parents met me once. They have no indication of the kind of person i am. They never gave me a chance, i never got a chance. For some bizarre reason, out of all the girls i know, i really liked her. I still do even now, and things ended a month ago. I told her we could still be friends, and she told me that she thinks that in time we'll be together. That's what she told me so that's what i believed. Then a week later everything she told me ended up being a lie. She told a girl I work with that she used the parent thing as an excuse, and she told one of my best friends (that's a girl) that I was too goofy and awkward for her. I'm not going to lie... I am goofy. In a good way, and it's not all the time. I'm comfortable being myself. I just don't know why she lied. I decided i just wasn't going to talk to her anymore and ignore her. I didn't talk to her for a week and then i get a text saying, "Who's this?" and it was from her and it started a fight. I asked her why she lied and she refutes it completely. But multiple people have told me.... And i just don't believe her.. We got in a fight and i don't even know what happened. She called me, and we spoke on the phone and i gave her a chance to tell me the truth and come clean and she wouldn't. So i told her to stay out of my life because i don't want her in it. I told her that she can't just have me to make her feel better about herself. Honestly, this girl is beautiful, and all the **** she did has definitely hurt me, because i didn't do anything wrong. We don't speak anymore. I deleted her number, from facebook, everything. I just can't have her in my life, but all the while she's going on some formspring thing and badmouthing me when people ask her why she would drop a guy like me. She's going off telling people i'm not the guy I advertise myself to be. Honestly, this sucks, and I'd love to know what the best thing to do is. Idk if i should talk to her or if i should never speak her name again. I just don't know. She's the first girl I opened up to and the first one to screw me over. As much as I wish i were over her, i'm not, and this all really does suck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
She didnt want to tell you the truth. It sucks, but it sounds like her intentions weren't that bad. If you dated a girl, and decided she was too fat, you'd probably make up some other excuse as well, rather that hurt her feelings/make yourself look like an ass. It sucks, but thats a part of life that we all have to deal with. Most people dont give an honest answer to why they are ending things. There is no good answer here. You cant really blame her, cuz most people do the same thing, and you would too. It hurts, I know, and it sucks that you have been lied to, but you just cant expect anyone to be honest about stuff like that, its reality. Thge good news is, is can work on that part of yourself/find a girl who can accept you for you. Whatever you do, dont think every other chick will ditch you for the same reasons. Some girls willl find it attractive. My ex was a model, and she was attracted to my beergut and receding hairline. Truth! Move on, and try not to let her get you down. You'll be fine.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Jokerlsk said:
I'm a senior in highschool, and I was "talking" to a sophomore girl.

I hope this means flirting and kino!

Things were going great for a month and a half. She texted me all the time, we talked on the phone, I walked her to class..... the only problem is that we never went on dates.

Damn. Must not have been that into you. If she was, she would've given you a yes more often...

Every time I'd try, she'd be like, "Let me ask my parents...." and then they'd always say no.

...Instead of this First Degree Bull$hit.

They let me take her out one time, and that was only because it was in a group, so obviously nothing happened that night.

Damn, was she running a background check on you? I know you're not a wanted felon. Anyway, you should have made her more comfy with you and she might have made out, even if her friends were there. When they were all gone, you might have gotten some sex!

One day she texted me randomly ending things. Saying her parents don't like the age difference.

WTF? Oh, yeah, right. She's just not that into you.

Like a normal person, i was mad.

God damn. I hope you didn't blow up on her.

I didn't do anything wrong.

You probably didn't do anything RIGHT. You probably didn't do anything!

her parents met me once. They have no indication of the kind of person i am. They never gave me a chance, i never got a chance. For some bizarre reason, out of all the girls i know, i really liked her.

Why did you like her? Regardless, she didn't like you back.

I still do even now, and things ended a month ago.

She canceled your show? Cut her ass loose.

I told her we could still be friends, and she told me that she thinks that in time we'll be together.

That's bullsh*t. Oh hell no! I wouldn't have offered a consolation prize. You're reeking of desperation from Athens to Valdosta to Dalton. I hope you realize she got you on a treadmill. You'll be running, but getting nowhere. False hope, in other words.

That's what she told me so that's what i believed.

You believed Bullsh*t!!!

Then a week later everything she told me ended up being a lie.

You should've known this.

She told a girl I work with that she used the parent thing as an excuse, and she told one of my best friends (that's a girl) that I was too goofy and awkward for her.

She just wasn't that into you.

I'm not going to lie... I am goofy. In a good way, and it's not all the time. I'm comfortable being myself.

You need an upgrade on your game. Seriously. I really want to know how you talked to this girl and what you did (Kino, kissing, flirting, etc.)

I just don't know why she lied.

I do. She wanted to lead you on and she did that quite well. And she didn't want to hurt your feelings right out. Basically, you were dragging out a rejection.

I decided i just wasn't going to talk to her anymore and ignore her.

Good job.

I didn't talk to her for a week and then i get a text saying, "Who's this?" and it was from her and it started a fight.

God dammit.

I asked her why she lied and she refutes it completely.

Of course she is! All you're doing is pouring gasoline on a grease fire.

But multiple people have told me.... And i just don't believe her..

Get it through your thick skull and move the hell on.

We got in a fight and i don't even know what happened.

Unnecessary sh*t. You could have avoided it. All you had to do was take the text with a grain of salt and just bang another chick or spin more plates because this plate has crashed.

She called me, and we spoke on the phone and i gave her a chance to tell me the truth and come clean and she wouldn't. So i told her to stay out of my life because i don't want her in it.

You should've just ignored her and she might have been begging to get with you.

I told her that she can't just have me to make her feel better about herself. Honestly, this girl is beautiful, and all the **** she did has definitely hurt me, because i didn't do anything wrong.

You got this girl on a pedestal, and she bashed you with it.

We don't speak anymore. I deleted her number, from facebook, everything.

Congratulations, you did something right!

I just can't have her in my life, but all the while she's going on some formspring thing and badmouthing me when people ask her why she would drop a guy like me. She's going off telling people i'm not the guy I advertise myself to be.

Aw, get off your ass and spin more plates! Up your game! Up your status! Become a better man! Move the f**k on and get this girl out your god damn mind! So what? She didn't want you. Boo hoo. Pick your ass up and try again! The quicker you do that, you quicker you'll be over this girl. She's not interested. Period.

Honestly, this sucks, and I'd love to know what the best thing to do is.

Read that big-ass red paragraph above

Idk if i should talk to her or if i should never speak her name again.

You answered this question earlier. You deleted her #, her facebook, etc. She's not worth the effort.

I just don't know. She's the first girl I opened up to and the first one to screw me over.

Never give a woman your heart like that. Don't catch feelings for a girl. Ever.

As much as I wish i were over her, i'm not, and this all really does suck.

Solution, talk to more girls and get one! She's not thinking about you, she's sucking on some Down South Penis! So go get some Down South Lovin' elsewhere instead of beating yourself up about this girl!
Read betw- Thank you Jokerlsk, but your princess is in another castle!

Case closed.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Dude, "goofy" is NEVER good. Aspire to slowly eliminate the goofy part of your personality and cultivate being smooth and controlled. You can still have a sense of humor, but "goofy", class-clown stuff gives immediate satisfaction but long-term it erodes others' respect for you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Honestly, I'm not trying to brag but i have a lot of social proof. I'm friends with basically everyone in the school. Everyone knows my name, and I'm a really nice guy. I have some bull**** electives that i have with freshman and sophomores, and I let those guys hang out with me. I don't drink or party. I don't pick on the younger kids. They've actually told me that they look up to me, and it makes me feel good. I like being liked. yeah, i am goofy, but in a good way. I'm not over the top. It's part of my personality. I'm a space cadet, I lose myself in thought and trip over myself, but i'm very confident in this. Because after my years in highschool, I learned how to laugh at myself. People respect me. I honestly believe that I'm finally becoming the person I was always capable of being. If this girl couldn't see the great person I am, it's her loss. That's what I think.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Jokerlsk said:
Honestly, I'm not trying to brag but i have a lot of social proof. I'm friends with basically everyone in the school. Everyone knows my name, and I'm a really nice guy. I have some bull**** electives that i have with freshman and sophomores, and I let those guys hang out with me. I don't drink or party. I don't pick on the younger kids. They've actually told me that they look up to me, and it makes me feel good. I like being liked. yeah, i am goofy, but in a good way. I'm not over the top. It's part of my personality. I'm a space cadet, I lose myself in thought and trip over myself, but i'm very confident in this. Because after my years in highschool, I learned how to laugh at myself. People respect me. I honestly believe that I'm finally becoming the person I was always capable of being. If this girl couldn't see the great person I am, it's her loss. That's what I think.

I'd just say be your best YOU with confidence. Too much of this B.S. phony act "Alpha" crap on here. After ahwile trying too hard to be "kewl" and Mr. DJ Alpha dog by formula isn't fooling anyone. Just be your best self with confidence. Unless you find some glaring flaws to work on. PUA stuff is lame, and works on dumb, money hungry, or girls who have their own issues.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hate to break it to you, but most relationships end with lying about the "why".

Very rare to see a relationship end on an honest note, there's always things like this:

"It's not you, it's me."
"I think we need a break."
"We need some space."
"I don't think we're ready to take the next step."
"I'm not emotionally available."

So on and so forth... it happens, more often than you think.
What's important is that you cope with the fact that it did happen, learn from the overall experience and move on. Every failed relationship is another new opportunity to learn from the things we've done wrong.

You're young, WAY too young to be worrying about a long-term relationship. Remember that, because every minute you spend trying to get into an LTR is time wasted for you before the age of 25.

The best thing to do is ... live well... WITHOUT HER.

You're a senior... in highschool... in about 2 years, this will all be a distant and laughable memory. Guaranteed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
But how can you learn from what you did wrong when no one will give you truth so that you can learn from it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
ask US -just dont expect kid gloves or mommies tender words of wisdom,ask your dad IF he has his act together, or ask some of your friends who are brutally honest. NEVER ask a woman-they don't know the reasons for half the sh1t they do.