Shaving Legs

Master Homer

Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Originally posted by Shiftkey
Girls can still smell the difference. With deodorant and untrimmed pits you smell ok, but with deoderant and trimmed pits you smell even better.
no. they. can't.

I'm personally sick of people thinking girls are supernatural or something.

Shaving your legs will make you look creepy and gay will actually repel girls. Especially if your hair color is black or brown. This is not a matter of hygiene. It's a matter of gender role. Body hair IS a masculine necessity. Men are men, not women.

Triangle Choke

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Master Homer
no. they. can't.

I'm personally sick of people thinking girls are supernatural or something.

Shaving your legs will make you look creepy and gay will actually repel girls. Especially if your hair color is black or brown. This is not a matter of hygiene. It's a matter of gender role. Body hair IS a masculine necessity. Men are men, not women.
It's definitely different if you're an athlete. In my teenage years I was a fanatical road cyclist but I'm a little too big now to be competitive. I fight MMA now, I have two professional fights under my belt. I shave my legs for a fight and expect the other dude to do the same.

Imagine being kicked in the face and catching a mouthful of hair! Ew. :( :p


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
the girls i asked think if a guy shaves his legs he's gay. i'd advise against it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Okay! Here's a girl's opinion!

Personally, I like a guy with hairy legs and a hairy chest. Don't shave unless you're a model or in some sport that requires it.

(Hair on the back or your butt is gross:( ...and trim the pubes!)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by Evil-Rom
To the guys who say "don't shave maaaaaan thats sooo gay."

Do you expect your girlfriend (if any) to shave? Why? Because it's the "girly" thing to do? Because society made it that way?

I'm just curious. :)
Men are men, and women are women. Women are not men and men are not women. Therefore, women will do things differently than men do, and men will do things differently than women.

Oh, and unshaven legs on a chick look and feel nasty, which is why she should shave them, same deal as with guys and their faces to an extent. The only chicks who would pull that equality "you should shave yours cuz I shave mine" crap are feminazis and other various forms of psychos. My chick shaves it all, but loves that I don't shave anything below my neck.

Originally posted by Slashco
So let's see... 'having a pair' means not doing something you want to, just because of what other men might think? Good thinking there, ReD MaFiA (love the mixed caps btw - u r teH l33t d00d!! :) . Unlike you, I'm secure enough in my masculinity to try new things like this once in a while. But who am I talking to - you're probably one of those guys who uses 'gay' as an insult, wears a backwards baseball cap, and finds burping the alphabet to be the height of hilarity...
Who keeps letting the ultraliberals in here? Slash, just because you do feminine things doesnt make you more of a man than guys who are more "macho" by nature. Quit being condescending, it's soooo 15 minutes ago.