Sh1t Test, and how I responded (a good example)


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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umm what was the joke ?

I wanna know how she disrespected you , cuz many times men beleive that theyr unfairly disrespected , when in fact it was they who were acting like dumbasses and the girl called it like she saw it....

but anyways , yeah (if she disrespected you) then you did the right thing...

and people keep the fake bull**** "then shed doen that then shed do that bla blah blah ", humans are random you cant predict ther action based on that youve seen a couple too many romantic movies and think you know everything....

lol yeah shezz i agree , ex`ses can be bad things ....


Jan 14, 2006
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Morphiex said:
umm what was the joke ?

I wanna know how she disrespected you , cuz many times men beleive that theyr unfairly disrespected , when in fact it was they who were acting like dumbasses and the girl called it like she saw it....

but anyways , yeah (if she disrespected you) then you did the right thing...

and people keep the fake bull**** "then shed doen that then shed do that bla blah blah ", humans are random you cant predict ther action based on that youve seen a couple too many romantic movies and think you know everything....

lol yeah shezz i agree , ex`ses can be bad things ....

she called me a dumbazz, i told her "listen baby IM the man here and ur not gonna talk to me like that, u got it???" (and i said that in a very joking way, i got all up in her face kind of like i was fake pissed off), and she said "oh if thats how it is, then im going home"

so basically, because, whether joke or serious, i reminded her that IM da man and wont put up with being called a dumbazz (and she didnt call me a dumbass jokingly either), she basically said she wont put up with me being a man! LOL



Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Qmanchoo said:
If a woman pulls away, 90% of the time the right reaction is to pull away further.

No that is incorrect, especially if they pull away as a result of MISINTERPRETING your behavior as something negative or unattractive when YOU MEAN otherwise. Which is why getting it on the table and discussing it is much more effective than walking away. If you pull away, they pull away... and then you never see them again you'll know why. You ****ed up.

Anyone of any quality wont stick around if you walk away.

I'll also add that I'm a LTR guy not a ONS guy. And I'm currently involved in a very loving and lasting relationship with a girl who wants to mary me. So, that's my persepctive and experience.
I thought Skip said shetexted him three times the next day? Can't find that post now, did I dream it?

90% is roughly right - the other 10% is where you might be at fault and need to apologize/sort it out, etc.

The majority, especially at the earliest stages of a relationship, are likely to be shyt-tests to see if you will take disprespect. Reverse the sexes and see if it isn't so. Men, who do not shyt-test, are unlikely to criticise a woman's behaviour on a date, or start a fake argument to see how the woman reacts. Women do this stuff, and I understand that they need to screen potential relationships - men should be more as discerning, but our primary test is looks and we can work that one out straight-away.

Sure, Skip (who I increasingly respect because he is clearly out there in the field unlike some of our members) could have maybe saved the situation with some sweet-talking and get some sex. But the lasting impression he gave was that he will not accept disrespect (though 'dumbazz' is hardly offensive) and doesn't need sex enough to suck it up and persist.

She probably only wanted to get some blue-ball revenge on him anyway. I trust that she was being a b*tch - again, Skip has shown that he can differentiate - so she shouldn't be rewarded with c*ck. In the long term, or a day later if my memory serves, she'd realised this and was begging for another chance.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2006
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skip2mylou781 said:
she called me a dumbazz, i told her "listen baby IM the man here and ur not gonna talk to me like that, u got it???" (and i said that in a very joking way, i got all up in her face kind of like i was fake pissed off), and she said "oh if thats how it is, then im going home"

so basically, because, whether joke or serious, i reminded her that IM da man and wont put up with being called a dumbazz (and she didnt call me a dumbass jokingly either), she basically said she wont put up with me being a man! LOL

I believe he wanted to know what joke you made to get her to call you a dumbass. dumbass. jk, but you ****ed this one up, because by now letting her leave the movies even if shes begging for you now as soon as you let her back in your basically telling her that shes been forgiven for treating you like ****...and she'll do it again in the future. It's a lose-lose situation. You should of found another way to tell her that your the man now and kept her at the movies with you.

But then again, you said she was boring and snobby the whole date...just next the *****.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
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wow this forum has really changed...kinda good to be back

Qmanchoo said:
The situation itself had nothing to do with being needy or supplicating. You're too wrapped up in this DJ nonsense to see the forest through the trees.

There is how reality and people work... and then there is this DJ world with its terms and codes that fvck peoples interactions with women up... just like this one.
i agree with you hombre.

don't be too wrapped up with the DJ rules guys, these are merely guidelines.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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I think you did the right thing bro.

I would only add, you should have laid down the reasoning to her, so she has your balls to chew on, while your both walking away. Leave the taste of your respect/value in her mouth... so she knows where you stand.

But absolutely, no need to take sh!t... especially from some cold x, that your giving positive friendly vibes to.

The fact that she hit you up 3x the next day, alone says that you did the right thing. B!tches just need words sometimes, to actually understand your actions. And to tell her whats up... is also another level of balls, which the sh!t tests are formulated to measure.

Not saying to be mean about sh!t (cause thats sort of b!tch in itself). But to be a suave man of self-respect, value and power... a commanding check, denoting your boundaries of interaction, is fair enough).


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
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South Carolina, USA
eminence said:
I believe he wanted to know what joke you made to get her to call you a dumbass. dumbass. jk, but you ****ed this one up, because by now letting her leave the movies even if shes begging for you now as soon as you let her back in your basically telling her that shes been forgiven for treating you like ****...and she'll do it again in the future. It's a lose-lose situation. You should of found another way to tell her that your the man now and kept her at the movies with you.

But then again, you said she was boring and snobby the whole date...just next the *****.
I'd tell her she can have one more chance to be a good girl and if she's bad she gets a spanking and then do it.:trouble:


Jan 14, 2006
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its very hard to even care about this one, on a scale of 1-10, our date for that 1 hour i was with her was a 2 in my books BEFORE she ever gave me a shyt test anyway........she was an AFC - boring, frustrated, and average

possibly she wasnt even giving me a shyt test and instead she seriously just wanted to be a b1tch,........u can never tell, and the best thing is to have many options, because even tho im posting about her here, i care 0% about her and the situation.......i simply just wanted to share this example with you guys


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Bullsh1t. Why are you going out with a girl that you used to go out with that you think is boring? And if you have so many girls to fvck why do you care about this one so much that you'll date her even though she never put out and she's boring?

You responded like an ass. You should have just kept walking and been like "haha no you're not :)" She'd have kept following you.

There was absolutely no point to your childish little stand off.


Jan 14, 2006
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ruckus, ill answer what u just addressed:

she woulda put out when we were dating, but we never had the isolation, and i know shes down to ****

second of all, she was never boring in the past, she was only boring a few nights ago

third off, my standoff wasnt childish.....when she said shes leaving, i said ok, and that was it

and i want to fill u in on something my AFC friend:

PVSSY IS CONTAGIOUS!!!! aka because i get it, and i have it, i only want MORE and MORE - thats why i tried gettin with her again

very simple


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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skip2mylou781 said:
PVSSY IS CONTAGIOUS!!!! ... i only want MORE and MORE - thats why i tried gettin with her again

very simple
But you didn't get laid here.

That is why I said you failed the sh1t-test. This girl was primed and ready to go, you just needed to "handle" her right.

Like all chicks, she just needed proof that you are the kind of guy that is worthy of her pvssy. That is what all sh1t-tests are about. The girl is just giving you an opportunity to prove it. We should never get upset about being thrown a sh1t-test. They are, in fact, an OPPORTUNITY. That is the way to look at them.

And they want you to pass the test. They are not just being a b1tch for the sake of it. Sh1t-tests come from deep in their psyche, it is almost a primitive reaction, they are just compelled to carry them out. Since the sh1t-test is totally universal and so predictable with all women, it must be an instinctual kind of thing rather than a learned or emotional response. They are hard-wired to carry them out.

And they are thrilled when you pass. They have proof that they are with a worthy male.

Your goal is to get laid. Her goal is to find out who you REALLY are and get laid if you are worthy.

Walking away did not get either of you to their goal.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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JustDoItAlways said:
But you didn't get laid here.

That is why I said you failed the sh1t-test. This girl was primed and ready to go, you just needed to "handle" her right.

Like all chicks, she just needed proof that you are the kind of guy that is worthy of her pvssy. That is what all sh1t-tests are about. The girl is just giving you an opportunity to prove it. We should never get upset about being thrown a sh1t-test. They are, in fact, an OPPORTUNITY. That is the way to look at them.

And they want you to pass the test. They are not just being a b1tch for the sake of it. Sh1t-tests come from deep in their psyche, it is almost a primitive reaction, they are just compelled to carry them out. Since the sh1t-test is totally universal and so predictable with all women, it must be an instinctual kind of thing rather than a learned or emotional response. They are hard-wired to carry them out.

And they are thrilled when you pass. They have proof that they are with a worthy male.

Your goal is to get laid. Her goal is to find out who you REALLY are and get laid if you are worthy.

Walking away did not get either of you to their goal.

How would he be a worthy male by letting her INSULT him to his face and then taking it?

Why would you PVSSIES take this from ANY female? Why would you try to calm the b!tch down by "using tactics" or any of that bullsh!t? THERE IS NO NEGOTIATING. When someone insults you, you just leave. This kind of behaviour is not to be tolerated in any circumstances.

Tell me... if one of your friends calle you a "c0ck sucking faggot loser" to your face... in a SERIOUS WAY... what would you do?

What do you do if he thinks that and he means it as he says it to your face?

Its the same crap with the chick. Its just the watered down version aka "********".




Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
If you were looking to get laid, you failed. You could have used some supplicative PUA techniques to turn around the situation and get laid.

If you were looking to be a DJ/man, you did the right thing - not tolerating disrespect until she proves through her actions that she is willing to respect you again.


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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blueguy brings up a good point.

Bullheaded-ness keeps your manhood in check, and shows you are not someone who takes crap from anyone, least of all a disrespectful hoe.

But in retrospect, it also kills off any chance of using skills and techniques to turn the situation around. It's one thing to throw away a situation, it's another to take control and make something of it.

It all comes down to your intentions though. As a man, you handled it well. Unfortunately, that offsets other things. For every action there is a reaction unfortunately.

Good stuff anyway.


Jan 14, 2006
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update: (and i think this is funny)

shes texted me again saying shes sorry for what she did, but she didnt like me saying im the man (in a way saying shes supposed to have power over me?) LOL

she also sent me a myspace message saying "could u please reply to my texts or something...."

I dunno, this just entertains me


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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Newmarket, Ontario
I think u handled the **** test very well

she tried to play the "well I'm leaving if you dont bend your rules for me" card, you called her on it, she didnt want to look like she was bluffing, and so she went home.

***** is not always the end goal. Self-respect, and demonstrating that you dont take **** from people IS the end goal. Eventually the distance will make her uncomfy, and she'll come crawling back

Case in point:
skip2mylou781 said:
shes texted me again saying shes sorry for what she did, but she didnt like me saying im the man (in a way saying shes supposed to have power over me?) LOL

she also sent me a myspace message saying "could u please reply to my texts or something...."
Game, set and match ;)


Jan 14, 2006
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the thing kinda not interested in pursuing her pvssy anymore knowing she wants me to not act like a man

keep in mind everyone, that i also have a "gf" and im seeing this hb9.5 that i might feel oneitis for, which makes THIS b1tches pvssy seem even less significant....