Sex - when to mention that you have a condom?


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
So I go out with this girl that I met on Saturday night, and all goes well, we hit a pub then go on to a bar...end up back at her place making out on her bed. She then turns to me and says 'i gotta let you know that sex is off tonight' I asked her why and she said it was her time of the month. She said she thought it was going to be tomorrow but it came early. So I mean, wtf? can a period come along that quick?? so when i made my excuses and said goodnight for the evening it dawned on me that this may be horse shiit and she might have ducked out of the deal because she thought i didnt have a condom! So my second question is, when is it appropriate to whipp out the johnny? or at least mention that you have one? ................I think sex is still on anyway because she said that she 'would make it up to me':) Anyones views on this would be most appreciated.



Oct 25, 2001
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Since she already knew she had her period then it started before she went out. And you don't announce "I have a condom!"...that would ruin the mood and sound cheesy. Just have one and if she doesn't have any she will ask if you have one.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
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so why would she invite me back if she knew she had her period? this happened to me before, exact same thing...girls will bring a guy to their room to make out and not have sex?? this seems ridiculous to me. Anyway, i'll see her in a few days when shes good to go:D


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Easy one this. She brought you back to hers because she likes you, duh.

Is she lying about her period, nah not if she asked you back ( and assuming she isnt a nervous virgin, using it as an excuse because she isnt ready for sex )

Thumbs up here bud. keep doing what your doing, and you'l get that ride yet.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
A few things:

1) A girl most likely wouldn't lie about her period because she thinks you don't have a condom. Generally they won't lie about their periods period. If she doesn't want you to hit it, she'll make up some other excuse that you can't call BS on. A way to find out if she's really telling the truth is when you're making out, kino her body with your hands (I hope you're doing this anyway). I'm not gonna give you a lesson on how to get your hands down her pants, but when you do eventually if she mentions her period she's probably not lying. Or if she's comfortable with you kissing her body, you can move down to her stomach and a bit lower and have a smell. Women on their periods usually have a stronger pvssy scent (for lack of a better term).

2) Don't ever mention a condom out loud. First, decide if you're gonna hit it with or without one. If without, just go for it and if she stops and asks you about a condom, THEN you can pull one out. Otherwise you can get to the point right before penetration and tell her to hold on a second, get it, put it on, and put it in. Make sure you have one HANDY so you don't come off clumsy. She'll wait and it won't be a big deal.

3) Different girls act differently about their periods. Some are actually a LOT hornier when they're raggin and have much more intense orgasms. Some just feel completely gross and turned off by the idea of sex during this time. Some of it has to do with their self image and how comfortable they are with their bodies/sexuality and how comfortable they are with you. The first time I had sex with one of my ex-LTRs she was on her period, but I don't think she knew. We found out in the morning when we looked at the sheets (thank God it was in a hotel, but poor cleaning lady), but I made a joke about it and all was well.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Your over thinking this man, You should feel lucky you didn't find out about it till it was to late ha would a been a bloody mess


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Hey bro, not all girls are comfortable banging a dude while they're on the rag. Also, she could have just said it to get out of banging you. I don't know your history with her, so I'm not sure.

As for condoms...yea...most of the times a girl has brought it up is when I'm about to put it in. Some won't care if you hit it without one, some will bring it up while you're rounding 3rd base, and some will ask up front while you're both getting undressed, sh!t, some girls pack their own! Dude...I've had a girl get up, get dressed, drive to a fcuking circle k and buy some, then come back and bang me. I've done the same btw...

I think that you've overthought this. You need not mention that you have protection, until either she asks or you're about to put it in and want to be safe.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, she said she would make it up to you. As long as you don't f.uck up between now and then, she's gonna make it up to you.

And yes, she invited you back to her room to make out. Girls are weird like that bro, they can be perfectly happy just making out and cuddling, where guys have to squirt before they're satisfied. lol! Honestly though, I wouldn't have sex with a girl who was on her period, condom or no condom. Thats just dirty. You could've asked for a ******* or something.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Mr.Fantastic said:
Anyones views on this would be most appreciated.
Firstly I want to correct a few guys here; it can happen that way. Sometimes when they know it's gonna be close to "that time" things bust loose a little early and that's just how it goes.

The rest of the comments here are spot on, so to speak.