Setting up competition


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2016
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So I cold approach two women. One very attractive, the other just so-so. I break the ice, have some conversation. They are college students at ODU nearby, in their senior year. School is starting for them soon. So my main focus at first was the very attractive one, she had a very good body and a kind of strawberry blonde hair. However, she did not seem not entirely responsive, I could tell by her closed body language and she seemed uninterested. Her friend however, seemed a bit more friendly. I already wrote off the attractive one as a loss, it was obvious. I did not directly focus my fliting on either one of them till that point. So I then focus on the so-so girl. Cute, a bit chubby but a pretty face and dresses nice. Turn to her facing her directly, direct eye contact, and put all my attention on her. So I get to flirting, she flirts back a bit (she also blushes and laughs a lot). Then, to my surprise the very attractive girl she was with begins to but in. Like she is trying to steal her friends thunder. It was obvious that I was flirting with her friend. The strawberry blonde becomes far more flirtatious and open with me, and she does some physical contact. I did not get it, because just a few minutes ago she was very distant and seemed completely uninterested. It was only when I focused my attention on her friend that she changed. The strawberry blonde even at one point moves in to hug me, and I did not even initiate it, she moved in for it... At that point I was impressed because rarely is it that girls initiate the kino. I was trying to figure it all out...

Then it clicked...
It was competition... The very attractive girl is typically the one who gets all the attention, her friend gets less attention. The attractive girl expects the attention, she likely knows she is more beautiful than her friend and no doubt her friend knows the same. A man giving her NO attention, and instead focusing completely on her friend had to be a bit of a ego blow. At which point, it set up a competition between the two of them. Of course, at this point I was less interested in the strawberry blonde and more interested in playing out this psychological dynamic... Even more, when the strawberry blonde started openly flirting with me the brunette became MORE responsive to me as if her interest in me increased. This was a fascinating dynamic.

So I continue focusing on the slightly chubby, but cute, brunette. Her hot friend starts looking a bit miffed, like she could not believe what was happening. I could have likely flirted with the strawberry blonde and got her number (she was being very direct and flirtatious with me). But I kind of felt slighted at the strawberry blonde for her coldness earlier, and the brunette seemed very sweet. I end up getting the number of the brunette, and a little kiss on the cheek (got in a bit of kino there), and she agreed to meet me this Saturday at Doumar's for some ice cream and I figure I can close the deal after that.

So... I consider something. We typically target the hottest girl of a bunch, this is innate because we seek the best. But I think it may possibly be a good strategy to target and hit on one of the less pretty girls in a group. This will set up a competition like what happened, and may actually possibly increase our chances with the hottest one. Also, setting up this kind of competition causes the women to actually compete for YOUR affections. It made it such that I needed to apply almost no effort, and it was actually quite fun. I am going to test this out further and approach groups of women and intentionally hit on the second or third most attractive one and see if this rule continues to apply.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
So I cold approach two women. One very attractive, the other just so-so. I break the ice, have some conversation. They are college students at ODU nearby, in their senior year. School is starting for them soon. So my main focus at first was the very attractive one, she had a very good body and a kind of strawberry blonde hair. However, she did not seem not entirely responsive, I could tell by her closed body language and she seemed uninterested. Her friend however, seemed a bit more friendly. I already wrote off the attractive one as a loss, it was obvious. I did not directly focus my fliting on either one of them till that point. So I then focus on the so-so girl. Cute, a bit chubby but a pretty face and dresses nice. Turn to her facing her directly, direct eye contact, and put all my attention on her. So I get to flirting, she flirts back a bit (she also blushes and laughs a lot). Then, to my surprise the very attractive girl she was with begins to but in. Like she is trying to steal her friends thunder. It was obvious that I was flirting with her friend. The strawberry blonde becomes far more flirtatious and open with me, and she does some physical contact. I did not get it, because just a few minutes ago she was very distant and seemed completely uninterested. It was only when I focused my attention on her friend that she changed. The strawberry blonde even at one point moves in to hug me, and I did not even initiate it, she moved in for it... At that point I was impressed because rarely is it that girls initiate the kino. I was trying to figure it all out...

Then it clicked...
It was competition... The very attractive girl is typically the one who gets all the attention, her friend gets less attention. The attractive girl expects the attention, she likely knows she is more beautiful than her friend and no doubt her friend knows the same. A man giving her NO attention, and instead focusing completely on her friend had to be a bit of a ego blow. At which point, it set up a competition between the two of them. Of course, at this point I was less interested in the strawberry blonde and more interested in playing out this psychological dynamic... Even more, when the strawberry blonde started openly flirting with me the brunette became MORE responsive to me as if her interest in me increased. This was a fascinating dynamic.

So I continue focusing on the slightly chubby, but cute, brunette. Her hot friend starts looking a bit miffed, like she could not believe what was happening. I could have likely flirted with the strawberry blonde and got her number (she was being very direct and flirtatious with me). But I kind of felt slighted at the strawberry blonde for her coldness earlier, and the brunette seemed very sweet. I end up getting the number of the brunette, and a little kiss on the cheek (got in a bit of kino there), and she agreed to meet me this Saturday at Doumar's for some ice cream and I figure I can close the deal after that.

So... I consider something. We typically target the hottest girl of a bunch, this is innate because we seek the best. But I think it may possibly be a good strategy to target and hit on one of the less pretty girls in a group. This will set up a competition like what happened, and may actually possibly increase our chances with the hottest one. Also, setting up this kind of competition causes the women to actually compete for YOUR affections. It made it such that I needed to apply almost no effort, and it was actually quite fun. I am going to test this out further and approach groups of women and intentionally hit on the second or third most attractive one and see if this rule continues to apply.
Yes, yes, yes! Well done sir. Sometimes psychological curiosity kills the cat. Beautiful females can not stand to be ignored. WHY?

Well because it's such a rare occurrence, it's like something in nature had failed them. Still worse its like a hunger that is completely foreign to them this need is insatiable, they have to have it. And the need is so great that when it doesn't happen they go batshiit crazy! Another reason why beautiful women usually make crappy mates. It's worse than a hunger, like a crack addict forgoes food, water and shelter to pursue crack, a pretty woman will obsess over the man that ignores her.

It's another arsenal in your belt, so utilise it well, but don't let up till you fuuck, cuz once thier on to you its game over.

Also expect the pretty one to cocck block at some point. I've actually experienced this to the point where the uglier one of the bunch lets the pretty one talk her out of giving up the asss.

So be careful hopefully she(blondie) won't show up on your date. I remember years ago, I did something similiar and when I got there, the pretty one I had ignored was sitting right in my dates living room. I knew right then that I wasn't getting no puussy either. And yes the beautiful one cocck blocked the hell out of me. :(
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
When she realized you're a jerk with little to offer you'll be left high and dry.

C-Fagg when the mods realize you're a troll you'll get banned then you go hightail it back to being a frisco dyke!



Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
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Not so post communist state in Europe
Very well played Asmodeus. I would probably do the same in your place, just to **** with the blonde.
Any kind of Womens' competition for your attention is the best thing that can happen. Flipping the script like that is extremely powerful and like you presented, hilarious to watch.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
This typically happens in large groups of females (5+).

When I was dating the Swedish actress, she was living with 4 others, with a variety more wandering in and out of the house. This girl was probably third hottest physically, though still a good 8/10 (they were all Swedish); she had by far the most well-rounded personality, which made her the hottest in her own right.

Still, all the others would flirt with me. I was among the highest value men in the group (along with maybe 2 or three others, who I actually got along fine with). I even danced with and kissed the Apex female one New Year's Eve.

Once you've infiltrated a group and established yourself, it's pretty easy to move around, in any social context really.

DISCLAIMER: You must aim for the middle value or above in a group of women. Infiltrating too low reduces your perceived value in the eyes of the rest or the harem and leaves too much work to escalate.

All this being said, I'll normally aim straight for the Apex female anyway. I'm not one for time wasting.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Here's how I do it in situations like this......I play them both right down the middle.....

One night I was at a luxury bar standing in a crowded line waiting to order my drink. I had spotted two blondes in sechsy white dresses out of the corner of my eye but was focused on getting a drink more than sizing these girls up. While in line, some rich dude with a big ego cut in front of me and a bunch of others. I called him out on it and a confrontation started. He got irate, wanted to fight, and I just played it cool. Finally he pulls out a $100 bill and sticks it in my face. I tell him I don't want his money. Him and his college daughter walk off. Daughter comes back and tells me her dad is sorry and hands me the $100 bill so I take it.

The entire time, these 2 girls that I saw earlier were watching this go down and were now standing behind me. I turned around and said "well ladies, I guess drinks are on the douche bag, what would you like?" This is the only time in my life I ever bought drinks for some silly girl.

I go to sit down with these girls and one was slightly more attractive than the other. They were both 7's. So I decided to just sit right there between them and let them battle it out over me and thats exactly what they did. They were trying hard to impress me. It was like I was on a date with 2 girls. I gave no hints as to which one I liked better. I flirted with both equally. Finally after 1.5hrs, the younger one turned to me and says......ok, you are killing me, are you into me or my sister? I laughed at her and kept at it. 30 minutes later the younger one was taking me home.

I doubt I ever have a night like that again.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
what it says more about the hotter girl who suddenly started becoming interested in you again is that she's too used to getting her way for damn near everything when it comes to guys. If she weren't she'd sit back and let the two of you go at it, but she's insecure and doesn't know how to handle that sort of stuff. You already dodged a bullet.