setting myself up for defeat?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
It seems like in the past, I have liked girls that are "above my level" or so it seems to me. I have liked the popular girls in my H.S. like most of the guys, but at the same time there have been a lot of girls that like me.

The problem with that is these girls that like me are girls that I have absoloutley no intrest in.

The other problem is that I DO NOT TALK ENOUGH to really get noticed. I can talk to my friends and be funny around them, but then when its game time and I have to talk to a hot girl, I lock up and I'm incapable of putting 3 sensible words together.

Thats where my question comes in: Am I good looking enough for these "popular" girls to like me and the only problem is my quiet personallity or is it that I'm not good looking enough and these other girls like me?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Top right corner, DJ bible. Read it. Especially "Be a Man" by Pook.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
You do not have TO BE NOTICED, you have to go and say things/ do things to these hot girls, that will get you noticed. By getting noticed, i assume from what you said, you want these girls to come over and hit on you/flirt with you, like they do to the real popular guys. Well, first you need to occasionally speak with them and there is no way that you can do that unless YOU get the guts to go and speak to them.

Can i tell you a story, tough i am going to anyway; my little brother is spending hours of his life worrying and getting upset (we tease him about his gf) over a girl who he does not like. His mates think that she is the prettiest girl in the year and as such he is going out with her. Be aware that you do not confuse what your m8s think with what you want.

There are no girls above your level, this is a misconception, there are girls who would not date you because of certain flaws, but there are no levels. As Descartes said "I think therefore I am", if you have the confidence, belief and motivation you can do anything.

I was always ok looking, never hideously ugly, or unfit or anything. I was just so average and in some areas below average. Guess how comes I now have some hot girls (not all, but some) pouring over me, because as well as being more confident, more demanding of them and more of a challenge, i am in demand.

Its screwing me up, not knowing which girl to choose, its like an avalanche, it starts slowly and builds up faster and faster, in terms of numbers liking me. If girls like you, date one of them, get the experiance, practicing kissing and taking care of yourself. If you are smooth and charming, other girls will take note and be jealous (the green eyed monster - Shakespeare). However, if you dont like her that much, dont get suckered into a long term relationship.

I ditched my first real girlfriend, once i had my confidence, i was soon going to have lost my virginity to her, but i did not want to. I still have not lost it, but in hindsight it was the right choice as i was not that deepy enraptured within her. It was my choice, so what that most of my female friends are sexually active, i can deal with it, i had the choice.

Your question is the wrong question, "Am I good looking enough for these "popular" girls to like me and the only problem is my quiet personallity or is it that I'm not good looking enough and these other girls like me?". How do i know if you are good looking, so what if some FUGLYs like you, they are not the girls that you want.

A quiet personality could be A problem, but one of the biggest players, a friend i have utmost respect for, is one of the quietest boys i know. He just has passions and people respect him for being honest, open and not rude.


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
No, you aren't ready yet for the simple fact that you have to ask whether or not you are. Get some more experience under your belt. Get familiar with the DJ Bible. You'll know when you're ready to talk to the other girls. When you are ready you'll understand that girls are just girls and you shouldn't let any of them intimidate you.