Seriously pissed off. What would you do?


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I've been going steady with this chick for the last 4 months. It's been all great, or so I thought until today.

I'm f*cking boiling inside right now.

First some background, I got this cushy part-time job at a small firm, the people working there are great and I'm on friendly terms with the boss. It's a great job, and they've even told me that they want to hire me after I get my degree.

So, today when I went into work, the boss called me into his office and asked me if I knew Miss K (my gf). He told me that she had been by and asked him to cut down on my hours and, get this, even asked him to ****ing FIRE ME!!

****. I was shocked to say the least.

After work I went to her place and asked her why the **** she went behind me back to my boss(!!) and asked him to fire me. Get this, her response was (verbatim),

"It seems like you don't have any time for me anymore! So I figured if you got fired, you'd spend more time with me."

CAN ANYONE SEE THE ****ING LOGIC IN THIS!!!????????? Gee, let's get him fired from this great job so he can spend more time with me!!!



I swear to God, something snapped in my head. Seriously, I'm not kidding here. I just saw red and it took all the willpower I could muster to not backhand b*tch slap that ****ing b*tch right there and then.

When I came back to my senses I just left without saying a word. This just happened 2 hours ago, and I've just been walking around aimlessly trying to clear my head. She's been calling me non stop, and the one time I picked up, she was crying.

I think I need some time apart from that b*tch. And hell, I don't even ****ing wanna see her anymore.

How would you handle this? Do you think I'm overreacting?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
I've been going steady with this chick for the last 4 months. It's been all great, or so I thought until today.

I'm f*cking boiling inside right now.

First some background, I got this cushy part-time job at a small firm, the people working there are great and I'm on friendly terms with the boss. It's a great job, and they've even told me that they want to hire me after I get my degree.

So, today when I went into work, the boss called me into his office and asked me if I knew Miss K (my gf). He told me that she had been by and asked him to cut down on my hours and, get this, even asked him to ****ing FIRE ME!!

****. I was shocked to say the least.

After work I went to her place and asked her why the **** she went behind me back to my boss(!!) and asked him to fire me. Get this, her response was (verbatim),

"It seems like you don't have any time for me anymore! So I figured if you got fired, you'd spend more time with me."

CAN ANYONE SEE THE ****ING LOGIC IN THIS!!!????????? Gee, let's get him fired from this great job so he can spend more time with me!!!



I swear to God, something snapped in my head. Seriously, I'm not kidding here. I just saw red and it took all the willpower I could muster to not backhand b*tch slap that ****ing b*tch right there and then.

When I came back to my senses I just left without saying a word. This just happened 2 hours ago, and I've just been walking around aimlessly trying to clear head. She's been calling me non stop, and the one time I picked up, she was crying.

I think I need some time apart from that b*tch. And hell, I don't even ****ing wanna see her anymore.

How would you handle this? Do you think I'm overreacting?
Run like hell and don't look back. I can hardly even believe this story. Can a woman be so damn selfish like that?


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
It's all about HER. She's definitely not a keeper, nor would she look out for you..

Is she educated?

anyway, I'd be patiently making plans to bail...


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
"It seems like you don't have any time for me anymore! So I figured if you got fired, you'd spend more time with me."
Ahahahah ! Man you really made my day. I never heard a thing like this about a chick in all the years of my player career! (since 17 to 47!). This chick HAS to be retarded and a wonderful exemplare of chick logic!

Tell her to call your boss and tell him what happened and tell her you will see her every evening after the work if she comes to pick up you with a taxi, a bottle of wine and BJs you on the back sit..:)


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
lmao! Have you ever met someone whom you just completely don't understand? its like their internal logic circuitry is wired backwards, that is, every time they draw a logical conclusion, its the opposite one that everyone else comes to. ie:

the sky is blue
the ocean is the same colour as the sky
an apple is not the same colour as the sky

therefore, an apple is blue.

see? opposite logic. Some people actually can't evaluate logical statements.


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Dude...I'm no DJ. But the answer here is obvious to me. Your supposed GF goes behind your back to get you fired so she can have you to herself?

Say it with me now:

Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.
Dump Her.

Show no remorse. Don't buy the crying, or the apologies. She did something totally absolutely inexcusable. She tried to control a part of your life, and make a major decision FOR you. She's out. The only thing that you can do is feel sorry for the next guy that she goes out with.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Well...this girl is a piece of work. Although you have every right to be angry with her, there is something important to learn in what has happened.

She feels like you never have time for her. She's not satisfied in your relationship. She's way out of line doing what she did, that's clear. At the same time, you should take a minute to think about why she is so dissatisfied with the amount of time you're spending with her that she would resort to something like this. Does she have a point that you don't spend enough time with her or is she just mental?

Just learn whatever you can from this and adjust how you do things accordingly if you aren't investing enough time into your relationships.

I'd dump this girl because this was a HUGE betrayal and violation of trust. There's no gaining that back. In the future, though, maybe you should spend a little more time with your next girlfriend.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
I honestly don't know where she got that from.

I'm a fulltime engineering/commerce student with a part-time job and also play football. So naturally I don't really have that much time on week days, so I just like to chill at home when I have a couple of hours to spare. BUT, however, I'm always with her on weekends and I usually call her a couple of times during the week. I think this is perfect. We always have stuff to talk about and we we never get bored when together. What more can you ask for?

I would assume that this would be more than enough. You know, it's not like we are married or living together.


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I would love to be in your situation. At this point I would start mind *****ng her. Play with her head convince her that your a SPY leave little bits of evidence that clue to this or convince her your an ALIEN. OK I know it sounds stupid but don’t underestimate how gullible humans really are especially females.

If you leave things laying around that hint to something shell put the pieces together and she will actually believe it. This does sound childish but she’s ****ing with your life so you **** with her head. I’ve done this before its so much fun to watch I actually convinced a smart well educated girl I was a trained ninja/assassin without ever saying a word about it.

**** with her head.

Ninja out


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Centaurion
I honestly don't know where she got that from.

I'm a fulltime engineering/commerce student with a part-time job and also play football. So naturally I don't really have that much time on week days, so I just like to chill at home when I have a couple of hours to spare. BUT, however, I'm always with her on weekends and I usually call her a couple of times during the week. I think this is perfect. We always have stuff to talk about and we we never get bored when together. What more can you ask for?

I would assume that this would be more than enough. You know, it's not like we are married or living together.
It's enough for you, but apparently it's not enough for her. No two people have the same needs. Had she tried talking to you about spending more time together before doing this? If she had been trying to tell you she needed more time with you and you didn't listen to her or at least do everything you could to resolve it and find a compromise then there is a big lesson for you in all of this.

I will tell you this much from a woman's standpoint...if I were in a relationship with a man who I only saw on the weekends I most likely would end the relationship or just be friends with them and find someone else to have a romantic relationship with. The reason for that would be that for me, sex is incredibly important in a relationship and I abstain outside of a relationship. Once I am sexually active in a relationship with a man, I am NOT going to go all week without it. If my needs aren't being met in that department then I won't even bother having a romantic relationship with the guy.

My guess would be that this girl genuinely cares about you but is feeling neglected because you aren't making any time for her during the week. Relationships are about compromise, and if you can't meet her half way, then you should end it. She was still VERY wrong for doing what she did. If she has been asking for more time and you've been ignoring those requests, you were wrong as well.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Black_Italian
I would love to be in your situation. At this point I would start mind *****ng her. Play with her head convince her that your a SPY leave little bits of evidence that clue to this or convince her your an ALIEN. OK I know it sounds stupid but don’t underestimate how gullible humans really are especially females.

If you leave things laying around that hint to something shell put the pieces together and she will actually believe it. This does sound childish but she’s ****ing with your life so you **** with her head. I’ve done this before its so much fun to watch I actually convinced a smart well educated girl I was a trained ninja/assassin without ever saying a word about it.

**** with her head.

Ninja out
That would be incredibly lame and immature. It would also make him look like a lunatic.


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wyldfire
That would be incredibly lame and immature. It would also make him look like a lunatic.
How exactly would he look like a lunatic?

Its not lame its a bit of fun his two options are break up with her aOR have fun with her make her think has a ninja/spy. I honestly can’t see anything lame in that, the girl will be running around thinking she’s dating James Bond.

I find it amusing and so does everyone i know maybe you lack a sence of humor.

Ninja out


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2002
Reaction score
A mature woman would have come to you and said that she's just not getting what she needs at the moment and would you consider spending more time with her, or something like that.

To f*ck with a man's earnings is almost as bad as cheating on him.

Just dump her.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Black_Italian
How exactly would he look like a lunatic?

Its not lame its a bit of fun his two options are break up with her aOR have fun with her make her think has a ninja/spy. I honestly can’t see anything lame in that, the girl will be running around thinking she’s dating James Bond.

I find it amusing and so does everyone i know maybe you lack a sence of humor.

Ninja out
Oh no, I have a good sense of humor...I just think it's really lame and juvenile to go through all kinds of trouble to try to look like an "alien" or "spy" when most people would just think you are bug sh*t crazy if you did that. Centurion seems like a pretty together guy and something tells me that he would find that suggestion to be kinda lame too.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Northern VA, US
:crackup: :crackup:

haha...After almost 3 weeks of not visiting the site, opening this first post really made my day. Some ppl are really fcking she usually this dumb? Dump her


Don Juan
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
Run like hell and don't look back. I can hardly even believe this story. Can a woman be so damn selfish like that?
OMG....This is OUTRAGEOUS!! Dump the byatch!!! and R-U-N from her..she def is a MAJOR psycho!!


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by JohnJones
A mature woman would have come to you and said that she's just not getting what she needs at the moment and would you consider spending more time with her, or something like that.

To f*ck with a man's earnings is almost as bad as cheating on him.

Just dump her.
He hasn't said whether or not she came to him to talk about it. That's the first thing I asked him. If she did and he ignored her then that wasn't cool, either. I think you're probably right that the relationship is essentially over now, though. That's a huge betrayal and violation of trust and I think it'd take more of an effort than he'd have the time or willingness to extend to resolve and repair it. I think the best he can do is try to learn what he can from it all.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Thats a full stop dump situation in my eyes. No need to even try to understand it.