Self-improvement (was "open letter to you")


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Take a minute, and take a personal inventory. It should be split into 4 sections, each one of them important. Figure out where you are, and where you want to be. And then post it right here, right in this post. They don't have to answer these exact questions, since these are just meant to get you looking in the right direction.

Section 1: Inner game now
What sort of person are you?
What beliefs and attitudes do you have?

Section 2: Outer game now
What sort of behaviors do you display?
How do you interact with others?
How much time do you actually spend interacting with others?

Section 3: Inner game goal
What sort of person do you want to be?
What beliefs and attitudes do you want to have?

Section 4: Outer game goal:
What sort of behaviors do you want to display?
How do you want to interact with others?
How much time do want to spend interacting with others?

Don't say something like "just be alpha". If you must, instead write down exactly what "alpha" looks like in your mind. Be as detailed as possible. This part with the 4 sections is important, because you're creating a blueprint for your own success.

Self-improvement is a 3-step process. You figure out what you want, figure out how you're going to get there, and then go out and do it. Right now let's just focus on the first step before working on the other two.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds cool, I'll give it a shot.

Section 1: Inner game now
What sort of person are you? I’m introverted, I do a lot of thinking, and I’m very meticulous. I’m somewhat ADD, I get distracted easily if I’m doing something I don’t care about, yet on the same token, if I get really engaged in something, it’s hard to pull me off of it.
What beliefs and attitudes do you have? I believe that the journey of life is all about perception. Two people living in the same environment can have two completely different outlooks on life. I choose to have a positive, optimistic outlook; there are no mistakes, only experiences to learn from. I have a positive attitude and I smile and laugh a lot.

Section 2: Outer game now
What sort of behaviors do you display? I like to make people laugh, so I tend to joke a lot. I’m not a class clown or anything, though. I give good eye contact, and I try to relax myself and slow down my movements because sometimes I can get fidgety.
How do you interact with others? I get to know them as a person. Everyone is different and they all have their interesting quirks. I ask them daring questions and questions about themselves. People feel that I am very trustworthy.
How much time do you actually spend interacting with others? The time at school, time after school we go eat and chill at each other’s houses, during the weekends we sometimes get together.

Section 3: Inner game goal
What sort of person do you want to be? I use to have low self esteem. I have improved a lot since then, but there is always room for improvement. I want to be fearless. I aspire to be the true Don Juan that Pook describes – the one with a passion and drive, and who does not need women in their lives; instead, women flock to him.
What beliefs and attitudes do you want to have? I am content with the beliefs and attitudes I have right now. My thinking has changed greatly the past few years, and there is possibility it could change more. However, currently I am happy.

Section 4: Outer game goal:
What sort of behaviors do you want to display? I want to be seen as confident and suave. I want people to know me as witty, carefree, fun-loving, and laid-back. However, I also want them to know me for my determination and work ethic.
How do you want to interact with others? I want to have great relationships with people that are based on mutual trust. We can talk to each other about everything. I want to be great with women, obviously, which is why I am on this board in the first place. I don’t want women to view me as a hopeless romantic with them; rather, a cool guy to have fun with and get to know better, and eventually get into his pants ;)
How much time do want to spend interacting with others? I want to spend a lot of my time interacting with others, but I still want some solitude so I can reflect on things. I like to think. Thinking makes me a better person with better values.